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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. A feast. From where I'm sitting, I can smell corn and tomato soup, mashed potatoes, and pot roast. I bought some beers the other day, they're sitting next to the juices and sodas in my third refrigerator.

    Wait, are Muslims allowed to drink beer? Or is that an individual choice?

  2. I smell a Raticate.


    The aware among us have gathered that the mafia are Steel type (they were Bug in the second game). Forretress is Steel/Bug (and its no going to be bug again).


    Why should we believe he's Regigigas? When it's just as easily believable that he's Registeel.


    I think Dannyboy is a mafia member. Possibly the don, possibly not.



    Remember the time he conveniently "forgot" to send in his night action? Why would a town member say that? It only highlights to the mafia that they have a night power.



    BUT, I believe in a fair game. Dannyboy is posting. I'd prefer to chase up people who haven't added anything, who could potentially be mafia members too.


    I hate killing people who are playing. I'd prefer to lynch SPAMBOT, not_so_tiny and Eddage first, in the same way I'd prefer the mafia killed those who aren't playing first (obviously it's kinda wishful thinking though - since that's them effectively shooting themselves in the foot).

    I told everything I had because I was under heavy suspicion fire. In case anyone had info that corresponded with mine, they could vouch for me. Since not mentioning what I did a certain night would most likely arouse the suspicion of some, I decided to go all in. Besides, the argument about showing the mafia I have a nightpower holds no water whatsoever. Everyone has a nightpower in these games, and I even revealed my nightpowers.


    To be honest, though, I didn't actually forget it, I simply didn't make it in time. At that point I still thought I had to activate one of my powers in each day phase, and suddenly people had voted and the day was over.


    I echo Nintendohnut's sentiment: The last few games I have been good, but people have always found me suspicious because I apparently don't play the game like it should be played. Yet the one time I was evil, I had everyone completely fooled, and they trusted me blindly.


    As for who to go for, I'm not entirely sure. Unless I really up myself, I seem to get lost pretty easily in these games. But I do trust chairdriver's reasoning, so I reckon it's pretty safe to go with him.


    Vote: Nintendohnut

  3. I think I've mentioned this once before, but never take me as a definitive source of information for all things related to my religion. I haven't been enlightened on all its aspects, I just know what I consider is enough for me to live my life by. That said, I was unaware of the fact that we had those of laws because I have never seen them put into effect anywhere. It doesn't affect my faith, though. If the God I worship thinks that someone turning from Islam needs to be executed, then its His divine will. I am mortal, and I will never be able to understand the will of my creator.Try to put yourself in this sort of situation: You send down three separate divine scriptures, with the last being the "final" one, with specific instructions damning those who turn away from it. How would you react if something you specifically ordered was disobeyed? I think the answer to that question would differ from person to person because people's reactions vary, so I'd just leave it to God.




    That's what they already do in Saudi.




    That's not true, especially in the countries I've been to.

    But shouldn't people be allowed to choose whatever religion or lack thereof they want to follow?

  4. Relevent events seem to be bunched. Mine and Raining's gulps don't roleblock and the only two people mentioned along the last gulp are the victim and the killer.


    Therefore, it's safe to assume that me or Raining targeted the killer or Eevil. As Raining didn't target Eevil then it means that either Elm or Paj is the killer.

    Ah, yes, now I see your point. It sounds fairly solid, but I would like to hear what Ell and Paj has to say about it.

  5. Right...if Elm isn't evil, and Zell (who apparrenty roleblocks, and probably didn't target the killer or Eevil) then the last "gulp"er is me.


    Which mean that Paj (who I targeted) may be the killer.


    Vote: Paj Meen Ah.

    How do you figure that the killer was gulped? Haven't people who've been gulped in the past been roleblocked?

  6. If I were god I would make the skittles advert come true, so that skittles really do fall from the rainbow, although from such a height that might be fairly dangerous.


    And Pokemon would be real, just roaming in forests like fox's and badgers do.

    Only the good pokemon mind, nothing like that blue pine cone.


    And if I was god I would just mess things up a bit every now and then, like slow down time and make the sky change colours, I would allow people to fly after the age of 17, not only would everyone have wonderful wings but it would stop all those emissions from cars and it would be pretty good for you too.


    Places would have music. I've always thought that would be epic, you know in videogames where every area has background music, well I would make that reality. All to the Mario Galaxy sound track, because that's just beautiful.

    I love your ideas! :D Consider me converted. :p

  7. Loving all the entries! I'll determine the winner later today. :)


    All right, I declare this one the winner because it incorporates the most references: :D

    Gary Neville signs for Hogwarts FC, but seems confused by their pre-match tactics, let alone the rustic training grounds!


    Though special mentions to this:

    'Danny muses over the transcripts from the last Live Mafia game... "where did it all go wrong?" he lamented to himself.'


    And this:

    Although us muggles can only see some ruins, Harry Potter studies for his NEWTs outside the Hogwarts main doors,


    Though I must say I don't quite get this one: :heh:

    Daniel Radcliffe and Chris Moyles' emo duet was halted at the photoshoot stage after analysts realised it would be shit.


    You're up next, Retro. :)

  8. I'd probably have to destroy wasps. If there's some major butterfly effect that emerges as a result of this, I can always use my divine powers to replace them with something better.

    Hell, you're God. You can make wasps exist and not exist at the same time.

  9. Not that I agree with Dannyboy, but 22 years is a long time. You guys have life time sentence and it should be enough.




    It's not revenge, the justice system has to be strong for it to exist, if it makes exceptions it's no justice at all.

    But killing as a punishment for killing just doesn't seem right in my head. Like I said, I'm an idealist and a pacifist - I just don't believe in making people suffer.


    To be honest, though, I really don't want to get into a debate about it, because I know my opinion doesn't hold much against cold, calculating logic. Which I admit is necessary to make the world work. But that doesn't stop me disagreeing with it. I'm just sad it's necessary.

  10. You were ok with voting off Jonnas, but all it took was the "possibility" of Chair being redirected to remove your vote from Molly? I strongly suspect that the only reason you are voting again is due to the strength of Chairs arguement - you saw a potential way out, but it's gone, so you're forced to place a vote for another mafioso. If Molly is innocent, I'll believe you are too; if she isn't, I'll actually be close to placing a vote for you yourself.

    Sigh ... And once again you manage to reassure me in my opinion that lynches based on voting patterns suck. I don't even remember exactly what the deal with Jonnas was, but there were very likely holes in my reasoning there, just as there was a hole in my reasoning here. This hole was brought to my attention, and thus I changed my vote.


    There. A much more reasonable and logical conclusion than that paranoid one of yours.


    The truth is, with my playing style, you'll always find me suspicious, and thus I'm in danger of being lynched in every game. :heh:

  11. lol, you need to live in a country that is full of chavs.


    e.g. Sean Mercer - a chav who shot and killed an 11 year old boy called Rhys Jones during a gang fight. He was 18 and was given 22 years. Now if he served all of that he'd be 40 when he's out...and free to live the rest of his life.


    Which is why I pretty much agree with the death sentence.

    I completely understand your hate, and my feelings would probably be the same as yours, but my morals tell me that revenge like that isn't the way to go. "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind," as they say.


    I wouldn't say I'm as much a "softie" (though I probably also am :heh:) as I am an idealist.

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