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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. this is why rushing to a lynch without at least giving said party to defend themselves is such a bad idea...



    Aye, I don't like these fast, unfounded lynches, either. But apparently reluctance to vote means you're mafia in some people's eyes ... ¬_¬

  2. Well the .9 recurring one I kinda explained underneath it. It's taking advantage of the endlessness of infinite. Usually, when you multiply by 10, you move the decimal place up one: so 1.234 becomes 12.34. When you do that to reucrring number, a digit moves in front of the decimal point, but there are still going to be "infinite" numbers trailing back. So essentially, I've brought an extra digit into existance.


    See it here: 9.990 - 0.999 is 8.991. If we make both of those recurring, it becomes 9. That zero moving from the front to the back is what doesn't happen with infinite, it just changes one 0 to a 9, so you've made that 9 appear from nowhere, causing the paradox.

    Ah, I think I understand now.

  3. This thread makes me hungry with all your talk about breakfast and croissants and toasts and stuff ...


    Anyway, I don't fancy tea very much, and I haven't yet learned to drink coffee. The taste is terrible. :heh: I do love hot cocoa with whipped cream (the only place in which whipped cream doesn't make me puke) ... except white chocolate cocoa, which I tried today. That's just sickening.


    And Paj, I thinhk you have some issues. :heh:

  4. Reminds me of an old 0.999...= 1 proof.




    Basically abusing infinite, by multiplying by ten and moving a zero across the decimal point, without removing a zero from the other side.


    Edit: While I'm on it, I've got a couple other mathematical "paradoxes". Cookie to the first one to explain them.

    I can't figure out what's wrong with the 99.99... one, and it's bugging me. Would you mind explaining it for a slower mind? :heh:


    About the first "proof", using zero is not allowed, is it? I can't explain why, really, but it obviously gives wrong results.

  5. I crack my neck, too. My idol is Agent Smith from The Matrix. But what I love most is cracking my back, especially when I wake up in the morning. From lying on my back, I sit up, reach over with my left hand, press it against my right leg, and at the same time I twist my back as far as I can clockwise. Repeat on the other side. On a good day I can get about 5 to 10 cracks on each side! :D

  6. I guess we're going to do this. At least you've managed to convince me a bit more about the theory. I'm still not an avid fan of it, but since it's apparently "against the spirit of the game" to vote no lynch, I guess I might as well go with it if it can keep you suspicious paranoids out of my hair. :heh:


    Vote: Jonnas

  7. There are two different types of infinite, uncountably and countably; but odd natural numbers, even natural numbers and natural numbers are all countable. There is mapping from every natural number to a unique odd natural number.













    That made next to no sense to me what so ever, :heh: however I do think I can imagine the idea of countable and uncountable infinites. Still, this leaves some explaining for my physics teacher to do ... ¬_¬

  8. Phew, had a long day today. Met my new English and Danish teachers. Finished school at 2:10 PM, waited till 3 for my two friends to finish (I didn't mind, I finished the first book of the Aenid of which I have to make a short presentation on Friday), then the two of us helped the third carry a desk up to her apartment. Then we chilled for a bit, only to realise perhaps a bit too late that we probably should get going home, as we all had some homework to do till tomorrow. Upon returning home at about 6 o'clock, I relaxed a bit before doing Greek while my parents had friends over for card night. Then I took a break at 9 to watch Mythbusters and resumed my homework at 10. My assignment in English was to write approximately a page about my relationship with English and my expectations for the future in that department. Like it's almost customary for me, I ended up turning a relatively simple assignment into a semi-philosophical musing over why I love English and classical philology. Oh well, I was happy with the result. :)


    Now that I'm done for tomorrow, I plan on relaxing a bit before probably falling asleep in front of the TV watching Discovery Channel like I always do. I just can't sleep if the TV isn't running.

  9. There is no ammount of infinite. There's only one infinite and the term infinite itself doesn't fit in anyone's mind. But that theory makes some sense. Well, it's just a theory.

    Infinite can be big or large according to my physics teacher. Imagine all even numbers above 0. There are an infinite number of them. Then imagine both all equal and unequal numbers above 0. There are still an infinite amount, but it's a bigger infinite number than the other.

  10. Nobody killed? Can we assume from that that somebody roleblocked the killer?

    Or maybe the target was roleblocked? However, it may also be that the mafia simply forgot to send in a target. At a glance, the write-up doesn't seem to contain any attacks or preventions thereof. But then again, I have a hard time figuring out anything at all from this write-up. :-/

  11. I love flying, I really do.


    The best flight in recent memory was to Vegas. Direct Virgin flight and I bagged the window seat. From cutting across the top of Canada to Cruising over the mountainous Arizona next to the colorado river, seeing the hoover dam then flying into what looked like some crazy toy town (vegas). Some truely breathtaking views were seen throughout the journey (apart from the Atlantic bit). :)


    On a flight to Ibiza once (in my younger years) we flew into a thunderstorm and landed in it, not what you expect when going to Ibiza. But man I loved it. Felt completely safe. Seeing fork lightning stretch across the sky, the plane jumping. I was truely amazed, but looking around a lot of people were truely shitting it including my mate.


    One of the best things about flying is the taking off and landing. Love the thrill of it and the anticipation.

    I'd probably both be scared and fascinated at the same time in that scenario. :heh: And I agree, take-off and landing are the best parts because of those reasons! :D

  12. I think the problem is that the cat in the picture is particularly cute. I just felt like Ell's comment went rather nicely as a caption.

    Nah, don't worry about it. It's just me being over-sensitive. It happens from time to time. :heh:

  13. Not that much different from the other crude humour that is bounced around these walls. Its not like for even a second Ell was serious.

    Dude, I know. Like I said, I have an especially weak spot for cats. I'm just saying, anyway, don't worry about it. :heh:

  14. Ok...positive because 'How was your day?' is a question you supposadely can't answer negatively on this forum!


    WE'VE EXCHANGED CONTRACTS! WOOOP! Hopefully we'll be moving September 1st, i'm so excited and scared..and like i said..after 7 months of going through it all i'm drained...but today has been brilliant! :):yay::heart:

    If you're referring to my comment, of course you can. I'm not trying to belittle people's unhappyness or problems, but I just want people to post some positive things more often. :)


    sorry im a forum noob so forgive me!

    Don't worry, your post was great. You have great storytelling skills! :D


    /me is a fully licensed driver


    Woot. Passed the driving test this morning, first time. 8 minors, which was more than I was really thinking I would get, but who cares :p Spent literally the entire day driving, from 8.30am until about 6.30pm. Knackered! Toured the family first, then got a couple of mates and drove nowhere in particular. Ended up crossing the Forth Road Bridge just for the hell of it, which is about 40mins away from where I live :p Ended up on the motorway completely by accident, took the wrong turn off a roundabout. Choosing routes at random is dangerous!


    Much banter was had, went through the McDonalds drive through twice, went through the car wash, drove in circles in a car park, broke the speed limit alot :D Good day!

    'Grats, Giz. :yay:

  15. Just don't have sex, problem solved!



    Dude, I got a free fucking monitor. How happy d'ya need it to be?! ;)

    We can always count on you to lighten the mood. ;)


    I was more referring to the fact that I sometimes feel people only post the negative stuff that happen to them. People forget about the positive things. Be it in the small everyday things like the sunshine or a nice smell, a happy smile from a friend or birds singing. The mountains, the clear blue sky, big bridges, when great whales fly, the whole world, all its sights and sounds, boom de yada, boom de yada. :)

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