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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Bit late, but I feel flattered with all the attention to my username. :D Now I almost feel compelled to choose one of them. :heh:


    Also, man hug to the DareDanvil in regards to his cat. I'm a cat person myself, so I know how you feel.

  2. I love to fantasise. I imagine worlds, stories, characters ... I want to write them down, become an author or something, but I'm rubbish at getting it down on paper. I dunno if you can call that a hobby, though. Gaming, surfing the Internet, reading ... those are what I'd consider my hobbies.


    Mine was The Matrix too! :)


    I believe I wanted to be a comic book artist. And now I'm not bad at drawing comic-type-stuff, but no way near good enough to be an artist. A comic book writer though? Hell yeah. :)


    If you were in an RPG game, consider your personality and life skills to answer what powers and abilities you would have.


    I request everyone who see's this question, answers it.

    Considering my personality, I'd say I'd probably be a mage or technician. I am not physically strong or athletic, but I'm bookish and know a lot of stuff. I'd probably have a reserved personality, but I'd be very friendly when you got to know me, and I'd be very loyal to my friends. Oh, and I would have a funny, possibly sarcastic, form of humour.

  4. Now that's a solid lead :)

    Vote: Martinist


    Has anyone noticed we haven't lost a single townie other than Moogleviper?

    If I recall correctly, we also lost Molly in the beginning. Too bad, she was not happy about dying in the other PokéMafia, and then she's the first to go in this.


    EDIT: Well, she was neutral, but still.

  5. Having decided to venture a bit into unexplored (by me) threads, I thought I'd visit this as well.


    At the moment my absolute favourite band is Abney Park, a band known for its steampunk visuals and sound. Being a huge steampunk lover myself, I fell very much in love with the band at once, even liking the music they made prior to their journey into steampunk. While the sound has definitely changed, you can still clearly hear their style throughout their albums.


    A great video to show off the steampunk sound and visuals of Abney Park - and also probably my favourite of their songs:


  6. Right, this is the first time I've ventured in here. I know this manga has been mentioned in this thread before, as I searched for posts and came up with a bunch of results. The thing is, when I clicked the link to a post, I got to a page where the post was not present. Dunno if this is some flaw in the forum, as it happened with several of the posts. If an admin reads this, you might want to check it out.


    Anyway, I'm currently reading the manga Negima! Magister Negi Magi and enjoying it very much. It has so many elements I love: Fantasy, action, romance, humour ... not to mention fan service :heh: and spells in Latin and Ancient Greek! Something I like very much about it is the author's (Ken Akamatsu of Love Hina fame) attention to traditions, myths, literature etc. There's a deeper explanation to almost every spell and magical effect, and he really seems to have done his research. I love it when magic actually "makes sense" and is logical, has rules and boundaries like everything else. It makes it much more believable. To be honest I did find the manga to seemingly lack direction in the beginning, but as soon as the first story arc was introduced, that lack of direction disappeared. :)


    Another thing I checked out was the live action series mentioned in the manga ... and it sucks! It's so terrible you can't help but watch it! :p At some points it tries too hard to mimic the manga, in other places it bears no resemblance to the manga what so ever. Still, it's really fun to watch, and I always love to see how something is translated from one media to another. :)


    I haven't seen the anime, as there isn't too much anime over here in Denmark. The manga hasn't even been translated into Danish - I stumbled upon it last year in London and have ordered the latest volumes from Amazon. I might check the anime out at some point, though I'm thoroughly satisfied with the manga. :)


    So yeah, just wanted to mention that. :)


    EDIT: Wow, just noticed that this thread suffers the most from the phantom page problem for me. It has 5 phantom pages, and I view the highest amount of posts on each page possible!

  7. A taxi driver picks up a customer. After a while, the customer wants to know when they will arrive, and so he taps the driver on the shoulder. The driver jumps and screams and drives over to the side of the road. He stops the car, turns around and says to the customer: "Don't you ever do that again! I've been a hearse driver for 30 years!"

  8. Ah sorry, that probably sounded a lot worse than it really was. I mean it was just a tiny hole in my wound with part of the suture sticking out. And I didn't feel too much from her poking around in there either, and the bleeding wasn't bad or anything. So it's not that bad really. =P


    Just had yummy BBQ food, combined with a bit of white wine. =)

    I also did a bit of Wii Fit for the first time in 48 days. Did the step up thing a few times and the boxing thingie once and my leg didn't hurt much, yay! Also no longer on antibiotics, and crutches don't seem to be necessary any more either! :yay:

    Good to hear you're recovering well. :)

  9. Ganepark said Sprout was neutral I believe, and he's also got a bit of back-up from Raining. Good teamwork.


    Vote: Martinist






    Actually Cube was my target last night, so please don't start celebrating based on a hunch...

    Can you confirm that you are the brutish, blue Pokémon? As I read it, its ally could actually be any of the Pokémons.

  10. I'm willing to vote on this, as I was suspicious of him yesterday as well. And what with ganepark's information, I feel no need to hesitate on this.


    Vote: martinist


    Oh, and yes, I targetted you Tellyn, so it appears you're the brutish dark blue Pokémon. And the way I'm reading the write-up, you were going to help out martinist as back up. Feels to me we may have two baddies in one day. =P

    Really? Bonus! :D

  11. Last night Ganepark32 targetted martinist. Do we know if either of them came up in previous nights?

    How do you know this? Can you communicate with Ganepark outside the thread?


    Going from the info from the past few nights or so, I'm 99.9% sure I'm the "lightning, ice and fire" and that my target was the person about to hurt someone!




    Vote: martinist

    That seems like a pretty solid lead, but I'll keep my vote until Dyson has answered my question. I have a small suspicion that I need to check.


    Sorry guys, don't have any info to share. I know this might be an odd thing to suggest but at this late stage is it worth us all stating what 'mon we are? Sure, the mafia are bound to lie but we might be able to spot them from all the info we have from the write ups. Even if they say they are a mon who someone else is, we could lynch one of them and if townie, we'd know the other was mafia. Just an idea.

    Hm, massive roleclaiming. I don't know. It might work.

  12. A fox was chasing a rabbit through the forest. They stumbled upon a lamp with a genie inside, and the genie granted them 3 wishes each.

    The fox said: "I wish all the other foxes in the forest were female!"

    The rabbit said: "I wish I had a helmet."

    The fox said: "I wish all the other foxes in the country were female!"

    The rabbit said: "I wish I had a scooter."

    The fox said: "I wish all the other foxes in the world were female!"

    The rabbit put on the helmet, jumped on the scooter, started the engine, and just before driving off he said: "I wish the fox was gay."

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