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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. That is awesome, you know the pleasure is waiting to return.

    Meh, it's not nice when it hurts to pop them. And I'm getting tired of this lump on my cheek that won't go away (one particularly resistant zit).


    people should not have acne in this day and age. so if you even have a littel see the doc. Acne scarring is not nice. Ages ago, i was given some stuff which glows green under flouresent light (so not one to go clubbing in).


    I use to enjoy acne on my back and squeezing it. Now i squeeze my mosquito bites but it is rarely the same unless they are infected already

    Why shouldn't we have acne in this day and age? It's a pretty normal skin condition to get in one's teenage years.

  2. I get some, but it's not very bad. I da have a few in my face that seem to be in a hibernation state. Once in a while they turn into real zits, but even after I pop them they still remain, lying dormant.


    Possibly my grossest post EVER.

  3. Just to get things straight: Raining and Tellyn were silenced today, Cube targetted Tellyn, and we suspect that the Rock Tomb silencer is mafia and the Ice Beam silencer is town. He says himself he doesn't use Ice Beam, so he could very well be the Rock Tomb silencer. Still, it's not the strongest of leads, and I'd still like to hear from Coolness and Ganepark who the good and neutral characters are.

  4. I'm also backing this up with my previous theory about Cube acting funny by asking who was "Good".

    Sorry, but this just isn't "funny" or suspicious in any way, as the mafia already knows who is good. The only ones benefitting from good people being revealed are townies.


    Still, your theory is interesting. Would you mind explaining it a little more? I'm afraid you may have lost me at some point. :heh:


    And Coolness, reveal who you found out to be good. The more alignments we find out, the better. :)

  5. I think you've misunderstood what entropy means. All the air molecules squeezing into the corners of the room is simply another state that the air molecules could be in. It's just as uncertain that they will all be in the corner as if they are spread out in a particular way. On a small scale, think of it like this: technically, the lottery numbers *might* be 1 2 3 4 5 6. Its ridiculously unlikey. But the chances of it happening are equal to the odds of any other number of numbers appearing - it's just a very unusual combination. The air all being spaced out in the middle is just like the numbers appearing random: 1, 13, 23, 35, 37, 44 appears just as random as 2, 17, 26, 31, 44, 45. But because they are both well spread out, you think of them as more likely to appear. In the same way, the odds of the air molecules being located in the exact places that they are at any given moment is ridiculously low, but the air is evenly distributed enough as to be basically the same. The only reason the air going into the corners is special is because it will cause something to happen - we will notice it. In the same way that nobody pays attention to the combination of lottery numbers - but I bet it would make the news if it was 1 2 3 4 5 6.

    Ah, yes, I've heard about this. So the entropy of the system wouldn't change if the air molecules suddenly ended up in one corner of the room?


    This post ended up longer than intended. I hope at least one person reads it and understands it.

    I did read it, and I think I understand it. :heh:


    I can't comment much on the infinity discussion, but I just know my physics teacher told me something along the lines of the universe (or maybe it was space itself?) being both infinite and expanding, possibly exponentially, at the same time. I remember this in particular because I found it hard to understand that some infinities are bigger than others, and he gave me this analogy: Take every even number from 0 and up - there are an infinite number. Then take every natural number from 0 and up - there are also an infinite number, but there are also twice as many as there are even numbers, thus that infinite number is larger than the other.

  6. The universe isn't expanding into anything as it's space itself expanding. For it to expand into something would imply space outside of space. So basically beyond this universe is....nothing. :o

    Ah, right. I only had physics at C level, and some of these things I only discussed with my teacher on my own. I would like to have physics at a higher level, just like I would like to have math, drama, music, etc. *sigh* You can't have it all, I guess.

  7. My favourite space porno image of the thread! Beautiful.


    Can someone remind me what the Universe is expanding into? Last time I thought about it my head nearly exploded.

    Isn't the universe both infinite and expanding at the same time?

  8. I think for one day people should just respect other peoples feelings.

    I agree. Though we may have the right to do something, it doesn't mean we should necessarily do it if it hurts other people's feelings. Still, if one should really desire to do so, and if one has the right to do so, I see no problem.

  9. It's the whole debate of symbolism. Like, should I be able to wear a swastika if I wanted to? I do not in any way believe in nazism or what it stands for, and the symbol was originally a symbol of fortune (even if it was mirrored). But people will still see it and think nazism.


    So what matters most? The symbolism that I read into it? Or the symbolism that other people read into it?

  10. In what specific way do you mean it goes against the laws of thermodynamics?

    Well, I'm not at all trying to "quiz the Giz on phys". :heh: But I've learned that entropy is the level of "chaos" in a system, and that the entropy will never decrease, only increase. Like, for instance, if you drop an ice cube into a glass of water, the ice cube will eventually melt and become one with the water, thus making the system more chaotic. It will never re-materialise as an ice cube because that would lower the entropy of the system, which is impossible on this scale. But I've also read that on very large scales and very small scales (galactic and quantum scales, that is), drops in entropy are possible. The Big Bang is an example hereof.


    My question is, then, would quantum physics allow for all air to suddenly manifest in the corner of a room? Or does that go against the law of thermodynamics, as it would lower the entropy of the combined system of the air and the room?


    (I'm sorry if this is totally noob talk. I researched it myself on the Internet.)

  11. This. Alot of Quantum Physics boils down essentially to statistics; sure, it's possible that every air molecule in the room could end up in the corners for a minute, resulting in suffocation for every living thing in the area. But it's so improbable as to have never happened, in all the trillions of minutes that have elapsed in the billions of rooms around the world.

    But wouldn't that go against the laws of thermodynamics, specifically the theory of entropy? Or do those not work on quantum level?

  12. You sure do love your arachnophobia Danny :p

    For me, I think what scares me about spiders is that I find them hugely evil and largely unnatural. By evil, I don't mean evil like they worship satan(who knows what tehy ARE doing in those webs all day though) but that they seem so...cold, vicious, mechanical. A rat or a mouse, I do not feel that. Spiders make webs, they can practically fly, they appear from nowhere, they move so fast, and they birth a shit tonne more too. Scariest thing I ever saw?

    . They're stone cold hunters. They're evolving, more smart, more effecient, not more humane. I saw something on the same programme about semi-social/communal spiders.


    Rats, mice, all that jazz, I find more...likeable. Other insects don't bother me like spiders, and I love moths and butterflies, most others just annoy me but I can easily ignore.


    Though on the subject of killings; I try my hardest not to kill stuff now. Used to kill flies, spiders, various bugs etc as a kid. Now I'll try if I can to get it out of the house in a humane way, or if it's a spider, vacuum it up not knowing whether it's survived or not(people say they can just crawl out again) but I'll leave the vacuum well away from where I am after, just in case. I did kill a wasp on saturday, but he was trying to make love to my face(who wouldnt eh) and I didn't want to take the risk of a sting on the beautiful thing.


    I once didn't kill a mouse with a shoe when told to, only to accidentally kill the poor bugger with a bin like 30 seconds later. I've indirectly killed a few things too, more like bug/animalslaughter, than outright murdery.

    Heh, I might be a bit obsessive about it. :heh: Still, bugs in general creep me out to a certain extent, but spiders are the worst. (Yeah, I know, spiders aren't bugs, they're arachnids, but in my mind they're damn close enough to be creepy!)

  13. Well I like to circulate whatever charity I support. But that particular charity just keeps phoning me up 24/7 keeping me on the phone for half an hour plus trying to get me to sign up with them again.

    So you DON'T want them to contact you? Because earlier it sounded like you DID want them to ccontact you.


    This does makes more sense. :heh:

  14. I don't mind giving to charity, what I don't like is when I decide to stop supporting that charity that they stop calling me to ask me to make a contribution again. Like that damn



    Wait, I don't get it: You stop donating to a charity (which is fair), but you want them to keep asking you? :confused:

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