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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I started my N-Europe (I think it was Revo-Europe then) in the Wii Board. Nowadays I rarely go there. I think gaming takes up a smaller part of my life now, though I'm still very interested in gaming and looking forward to the big releases. On N-E, though, I just love hanging out in General Chit Chat more than anything else. I love the fact that while this is a Nintendo forum, it's not restricted to Nintendo at all.

  2. This is an excellent point.


    Teenage mums, people who can't provide for their kids or who let them play out on the streets from the age of 4, kids who will grow up to amount to not much etc (I'm NOT saying all kids are like this, just there is a minority that are) - maybe if they had to pay before they wouldn't be so keen to have the kid. I often think that some people have kids just for the benefits. (Note: My opinion, I understand it may sound horrible I think I'm just not putting my point across very well)


    That's a different argument though, for another time. The point is, this is just ridiculous. Sure, get people signed up on a database, that's actually a really good idea - it means that parents could look up childminders, teaching assistants etc and if they were on the database they would feel safe about leaving their children with them. Just the idea that you have to pay such a large amount for this is ridiculous. £5, £10 - that would probably be fine, but £64 is just stupid.


    Typical government - someone has a good idea that will benefit the country, they tell someone and that person goes "Brilliant! And we could charge people to do it, so we'll make loads of money too!"

    I just can't see how being registered proves you're not a paedophile. It proves you haven't been caught as a paedophile. And if you have, I'm pretty sure it will be in your papers for people to look at before they hire you as a teacher anyway. This database just seems so pointless to me, even without the ridiculous fee. :confused:

  3. Thanks, Nintendohnut. :)


    I have to agree, the thing that truly makes this place special is the members. There are so many awesome members in here: ReZ has a wonderful randomness to him, Supergrunch is intelligent as heck, and Coolness is the happiest guy I have ever "met". Raining_again is great to talk to, Jimbob's a terribly friendly guy, bluey's hyperactivity always cheers me up, and MoogleViper's dry wit never fails to make me laugh. Then there's Dyson, Ashley, jayseven, Pooki, Eenuh, Nintendohnut, Rummy, Tellyn, Cube, EEVIL ...


    ... and a whole bunch of other people! :D Too many to mention, to be fair. Even if I didn't mention you, you're probably awesome anyway! :D

  4. Dyson, you have been loved...by somebody good.


    When thinking of new ways to categorise/understand/group people I know in my head, I decide if they'd be playable, NPC or a Boss in the "video game". You'd obviously be playable from the start. Really well-rounded a a character, may as well have on the team as you can dish the damage but won't faint after a few hits, like ReZ or DynastyGirl. They have some great attacks of their own though, like Flail and Flamethrower, respectively.


    I'd love to use you.

    That's just an awesome metaphor/simile. :D

  5. -_-' *sigh*


    Christ, you'd think the government would be smarter than this. This HAS to be a stealth tax, it just has to be. I can't and won't for the love of God believe they'd be stupid enough to mean this seriously. How is this going to help even in the slightest? And a £64 fee?


    It's ridiculous, plain and simple.

  6. Have a great time to those going to the meet this year.


    I am determined that if a meet takes place next year that i will go no matter what (except if i died, then i probably won't come), even if i have to beg the parents for some moola to go.

    I'll want to come even if I die before. Heck, it'll probably be easier coming as a ghost. Well, unless I'm forced to haunt a specific location.

  7. Both I imagine. Magentism makes them stand up and acceleration makes them lean slightly.


    At least that's my guess. Although I don't quite understand why they stand. If it was magnetism, surely the whole of the paper clip would stick or repel from the floor, not half stick (bottom) and the other repel (top)?




    That's actually amazing. I just watched the first episode. I love the reference to Dr Mario: "You didn't even go to medical school!".


    Plus Kirby is freaky. Real freaky.


    Took me a while to realise that's who they were on about when they mentioned cannibals and wearing other peoples skin.

    You're right, this IS totally awesome! :D

  8. As the lone Pokémon travelled on, he came across another town in his journeys. Weary from his travels, he decided to stop there for the night, but as he entered the town he saw that it was in fact still in its youth. Few people lived there yet, but he could see that it would soon grow to be a fairly large town. Acting on the spur of the moment, he decided to settle down. Nothing could possibly go wrong ...


    (In case you didn't get it, I'm in! :D)

  9. You sure about that, you really want to stick with that opinion? They do say never say never, you know. THAT is what I was talking about when I talked about the amount of unintelligence in the thread, you honestly believe there is *never* going to be a situation in which it's the better outcome? I am always amazed how people manage to take such extreme views of situations sometimes.

    I'm a pacifist. Naturally I don't believe in violence. Not that I don't feel like wacking people sometimes, but I don't believe violence to be the solution to problems.


    That being said, as I have actually already mentioned in this thread before, it might in the end be necessary just to get through to them. But I hate it that we may have come that far. It's sad that we need such rough and crude methods to bring up our children.


    Another thing we have to consider in that aspect is that if people are accustomed to violence or if smacking becomes standard in upbringing, it will lose the effect it has.


    Still, I firmly believe that smacking isn't the right way to bring up your children, and that with proper upbringing it will never be necessary. Yes, I said "never" again, because I'm an idealist.


    And at the same time, not forget how possible it is, either.

    Well, I don't know the odds. A lot of variables to take into consideration.

  10. They do have a choice. Even if they come from a shit family they still have schools telling them what is right and wrong. They choose how they want to be. Coming from a poorer background doesn't automatically make you a violent person. Plenty of people from those places are very nice people.

    That is true. But we must not underestimate how difficult it can be changing your mindset.

  11. I can't really be bothered to give details but being reasonably good at football has helped muchly in not becoming a loner so I've always found that there have been plenty of friends throughout life.


    I still think, despite the 'you should just be yourself' argument, that you should conform to a few conventions, otherwise the resulting bullying or mis-treation (probably not a word) is just not worth going through. Though to be fair I haven't had a problem with whatever is called the normal fashion at the time.


    Don't hate me.

    Well, sometimes you gotta try to fit in, at least on the surface, simply to survive. It doesn't change the fact that in the ideal world, we should all be able to be ourselves without fear of harrassment. :)


    Anyway, in Denmark - at least at the schools I went to - there has never been this classic class hierarchy many of you have experienced. Sure, there are groups, people who share interests and lifestyles and thus hang out together and speak better with "their own kind" than the others. But never in the same sense. Still, I have pretty much always been able to speak with everyone.

  12. The level of unintelligence on the first page frankly offends me more than anything else. Excluding a few people, and now some people seem to have wised up and realised(amusingly whilst they talk about face judgements etc) that they/we really don't know anything concrete about this story and so surely it's kind of silly to jump to either side? As I said, a few people had realised, but some people continue arguing like they do know. DOES anyone have more details on the story, cos I want to know more before judging.


    I feel it's entirely possible that there could be situations teacher could have been >95% at fault, and situations where the kid could have been >95% at fault. This story however? The sources seem to give no details of the actual situation. I don't want to judge it on that, or pictures, or what people apparently say about people involved.

    Well, many of us aren't commenting on the facts at hand (which we don't have), but on the potential circumstances.


    Of course, it will never be okay for a teacher to hurt a student in any way. But we are considering what might have pushed the teacher to do it, and the kid fitting the stereotype of chavs seems plausible or at least possible. Chavs are apparently VERY hated in here (moreso than I actually realised), and part of the discussion has actually turned to that right now.


    I'm sorry but that's a load of bollocks. I grew up in an area like that and I'm fine and was never a dickhead. These people are cunts. They have cunts for parents, they'll always be cunt, and their children will be cunts. You can blame their parents but when do you stop making excuses for them and blaming everyone else and start blaming them.

    While people can break the cycle of how they were raised, it can be pretty damned hard. The stereotypical chavs are people who grow up in a low class society where people are poor and violence and crime are part of the norm. If they never see anything else, the risk that they end up with this lifestyle themselves is pretty high. Naturally, some break the cycle and actually manage to get out of it (I don't have any numbers, I'm simply arguing from my own reasoning here), but it isn't as easy as you make it out to be.


    We can only blame them if they had a choice and chose this lifestyle. But how many of them have actually had that choice? And how many of those who have had the choice have been strong enough to choose?

  13. A classic school tale for you, this stupid kid in my class who's probably a bin dipper now said to me "Your not cool", to wich I responded "And why's that then Ashley?". "Because you don't come down the park on friday and get drunk and do drugs". A good friend of mine then sarcasticly slow clapped him, and the class ripped the shit out of the lad.

    I would have paid to watch that! Amazing! :D

  14. lol - that's a strange definition of chav. Chavs are generally at the bottom of the social hierarchy, so unless they're looking down on maggots, I don't see how that's possible. :p

    While that is true, they still act like they're better than others. At least in my experience of what I believe to be the chav stereotype.

  15. My comment about chavs was, if people didn't get it, naturally a joke. I don't believe violence or killing to be the best solution to any problem (though I sometimes feel the urge to punch someone). When I say chavs, I mean people who act like they're better and cooler than everyone else and therefore think they have the right to look down on others, mock others, bully others and generally be mean and nasty to others. And those I don't like, though I don't believe beating them would solve any problems (even though it'd feel nice :heh:). We have to look at the way they've been brought up (or haven't been brought up), as that's what has made them what they are today. That's where the problem lies.

  16. Amen, Dyson. Amen. :)


    When you think of all the stupid people on the Internet, all the snobby people, the prejudiced and hateful people, the downright creepy and scary people ...


    ... I'm glad I've found the forum where they all hail from! :D


    No, seriously, I've never felt so home on the Internet before. :) I feel like I know you people, like you're some sort of family to me. :) While I haven't exactly been to many other forums, I doubt that many of them have as great relationships between their members as this one. :)


    I love you guys. :) Group hug!

  17. The massive N-E meet sounds awesome, Jimbob! : peace: So when are you gonna buy the Isle of Wight? :p


    I'd probably make a small utopia where I hire the brightest minds of the planet and get them together to solve the problems of resources, global warming etc. - at least on the island. After that, I'd continue to make the isle into a wonderful place with the most modern, ecological and "healthy" technology and all sorts of modern luxuries. Of course, one part of the island would be nature's asylum, a place where nature can evolve freely without human intervention.


    Yeah, I'm pretty science-fiction/hippie in my visions. :heh:

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