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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. To be fair, Ganepark did seem suspicious in his reasoning, but it hit me, now that you mention it, that this is, in fact, his first game. I think he is unaware of the fact that a power not working is not too uncommon. Ganepark, you're power not working can mean that you were roleblocked by someone or that your target was protected by someone. At this early stage of the game, you can't count on a roleblocker being evil, as he is most likely trying out his power on different people to see if he can learn something from the write-up.


    Still, I would also like to know what makes you suspect Ellmeister.

  2. Hmmm... discounting the vote for Ganepark, Ellmeister spoke only 30 words exactly since the new day. That might put truth to his last words "I can't, no words left." Though we can't exactly ask him why he voted Ganepark now... Rez did mention that the roles for this game would certainly by a little more interesting than usual...


    The above wouldn't mean much but Ganepark's 'casual' vote toward Ellmeister is rather suspicious as no reason is given whatsoever. He kinda says "Oh I don't know whether to lynch or not, ah bugger it I'll just vote Ell and I can change it later if needs be" For that reason I'm going to


    Vote: Ganepark32


    We lost the last game by being afraid to vote so we really need to man up a bit in this game.

    While Ellmeister can't speak for himself anymore today apparently, I'm a little hesitant to vote for anyone just yet, as we've only heard postulations without any explanations.


    Still, we could lynch one of them today. We may get lucky, otherwise we know who to go for tomorrow.

  3. Some things I'd like explained:


    Dyson, why did you ask if not_so_tiny's appeared in the write-up?


    Ganepark, why are you voting for Ellmeister?


    And Ellmeister, how do you figure that Ganepark targetted you and is lying about it? And why don't you have any words left? Can you only post a number of words each day, or ...?

  4. The aspect of life that I dislike least is time. I don't have enough of it to do all of the things that I want to do in a day. I get up, go to work, come home, hang with the kids, put them to bed, then the time has pretty much run out. I want to watch films, watch TV eps, play videogames, surf the internet, read books, play guitar, have time with the wife, listen to music. All this to fit in a two hour slot between kids in bed and me going to bed. There's just not enough time. :(

    This is true for me, too. Heck, for us all, I think.

  5. I was silenced yesterday, and tonight I assume I was roleblocked as apparently I was 'entirely negated' from the night phase.


    Possibly one of the mafia roles is to basically remove a pokemon for the night? I think they like targeting me but not to die. That's probably coming soon.


    Anyone got anything at all? Someone must have gotten lucky tonight.

    I dunno, I didn't appear in the write-up, either.


    Nor do I have any info to add to the conversation, I'm afraid.

  6. Well, if there is no one with information, perhaps we should just vote no lynch and end the day, see if we get something useful tomorrow? I don't want to vote off any non-players yet because ... well, it's just too early. We should give them a chance.


    If nothing else turns up, I'm gonna Vote: No Lynch for now.

  7. Gary! Neville!




    Also, being compared to Matt Bellamy is a great thing. Although, I don't think you look a thing like him. You're both male, so that's a start. Maybe.

    Though I am more muscular than good ol' Gary there, I do think we look alike. :p


    Though I agree with the bolded part - I look nothing like Matt Bellamy.

  8. If they are then I wouldn't even know who could be seen as evil-like (I only really know the first 151 Pokémon heh)... But yeah it did seem that way a bit in the last game, but I'm not sure we should expect the same to be the case in this game.


    Also I kinda agree with Jonnas about possibly voting for non-active players instead of going for no lynch. The town got killed last time because they weren't active enough and didn't wanna take a gamble anymore in lynching. =/

    Lynching non-active players is always a tactic up for debate. We decrease the majority, making it easier for the mafia to win, but also making it easier to lynch people.

  9. Sorry to hear about this.


    In China, Mrs Iun and I recently went to this MASSIVE furniture shop in Putuo district. Right in the centre, reaching up about six floors it had an ENORMOUS treehouse filled with sparkly lights and fairies, slides, seats and other cool stuff to play on! And the best thing about it was, there was nobody else playing on it!


    But I still wasn't allowed to play on it :( I would have been careful!


    Anyway, my point is, the ground floor was just filled with aquariums - tropical fish mostly. But what really cught my eye were the Jelyyfish. Yes, in China you can get an aquarium that is square with a round viewing glass, it has neon lights and is full of deadly, deadly jellyfish.


    It is awesome.

    Uh, not to be nitpicky, but in what way exactly did this post relate to the passing of Muscle Top? :confused:

  10. Some friends and I went to the midnight premiere of the latest Harry Potter film - dressed as the characters, of course. Seeing as people already call me Harry Potter based on my appearance (even after I got the beard), I really had no choice but to come dressed as Harry Potter himself. And here is a picture ...




    Yes, I actually sacrificed the beard. Don't worry, it is slowly but steadily growing back to its former glory.

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