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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. There weren't exactly groups in that sense during most of my school time. I didn't hang out with groups in particular, just my closest friends, but we didn't have a common stereotypical personality like that. I have always been the weird one, though, particularly in my early years as I was very autistic then. I was always accepted and had great friends, however, so I've never felt like an outsider.


    In 9th grade of Folkeskolen ("public school", Denmark's compulsory education) I got into a "group" consisting of me and two other geeks - science geeks to be particular. I worked with them in most subjects, and we almost always got harder tasks in physics and chemistry (merged into one subject in Folkeskolen) because we did the standard tasks and experiments in minutes. :p


    In the gymnasium, I got some amazing friends. We are sort of the weird, "uncool" people in the class, though not exactly like seen in most American school movies.


    I guess I've always been the geek/nerd.

  2. Your own country's history is definitely important, but your country's history is part of the world's history, so you should definitely know about that, too. At the moment a war is being waged in Denmark about whether the Ancient Studies subject about Classical Rome and Greece should be merged with the regular History subject. Needless to say, we Classics very much oppose it. As if the History subject hasn't got enough to cover already.

  3. bad start. great ending. could have been so much more dry humping.


    ahh who gives a shit, really? ^___^

    Who doesn't love a pixelated, yet still hot Lara Croft getting an orgasm from Luigi humping her foot?


    ... No, seriously, who?

  4. I agree with this but I do think that some of the kids deserve a slap. The parents do nothing but spoil them rotten. I used to know this little shit who lived round by where I do and he was just a living nightmare. He's 18 now and he practically created the definition of chav he's that bad. He gets everything he could ever want and all he ever does is hang round bus stops scaring people, he threatens them, he threw bricks in this old woman's house for no reason at all....people like this should have had a slap when they were younger. He has moved now but I don't think he'll ever change.

    Well, I personally believe that if brought up properly with discipline from the beginning, slapping won't be necessary. That being said, people like these who have already had a discipline-less upbringing might just react to a slap. I don't like it, but it might be the way to go.


    Chavs are, of course, always in need of a good ass-whooping. With a bat. Yes, I think I'm going to be a great teacher. :D

  5. Late to the party, but I feel the need to give my 5 cents:


    This is no way your fault. The only potential point against you is that, as the one "taking up" the responsibility for getting his jacket back, you should have made sure it got back. That being said, however, you are undoubtedly the one who has acted most responsibly of the people involved, and asking you to pay the £70 is just plain stupid.

  6. I like it, even though I wish it had been more apparent where he was heading with it. The beginning with Pong turning into Pac-Man and Space Invaders was great (albeit the Pong part was drawn out a little too long to my taste), but then stuff just got weirder and weirder.

  7. This is worrying, I agree with you more and more as the days go by... I'm never going to open mouuth kiss Arsene Wenger though, okay?


    I am a "professional" and I see every day kids who would really benefit being smacked around the chops afew times: it would wake them up to the reality that their actions have consequences. Their parents make no contact with teachers unless it is to complain about them, and it's pretty obvious that they get whatever they like at home.


    There's a lot of things to blame: principally the parents in these cases. A lot of parents have their children because of a "me too" attitude or as a function of biological urges. They then decide to carry on their career as normal as if nothing has changed. When they come home at night, it's far easier in the short terms to give in than discipline. Discipline doesn't mean violence, it doesn't always mean punishment, but it does mean showing a link between action and consequence.


    At times, I really want to lose it with the little kid who's just smacked me in the nuts because I used a word he's never heard of before - "no". I know I won't, and yet there's always that little part of me that says "if it teaches the little piece of jizz that he can't act like this and he becomes a better person, it might just be worth losing my job over".

    This. While I still maintain the viewpoint that smacking a kid is wrong, I definitely believe in discipline and teachings of action and consequence. It's a huge problem these days. And while the teacher naturally overreacted, I think it's safe to say the kid wasn't exactly an angel. Though we don't really know anything more than that.

  8. From the creators of The Machine Girl comes...



    Robo Geisha!:






    I loved Machine Girl, own it on DVD and watched it many times already. This looks even more awesomely hilarious!

    Is that a real film? :confused:

  9. The write-ups were the worst part of the game.


    It was just far too easy to work out who everyone was. At the end of night 2, I had a pretty good clue as to who 4 or 5 people were, just by cross-referencing what they said with what the write-up said. I'm glad you made the mafia a "mixed-bag" of characters because otherwise it would have been horrificly easy to pinpoint the mafia.


    The write-up should just add flavour. You shouldn't really be able to extract any great info from it (unless you're a flavour cop - whose power is to pinpoint people through the write-up). It should really be who died, and anything else interesting. Above all the town SHOULD NOT be able to extrapolate info from the write-up. The point of the game is that you should have to look at voting habits and posting habits to work out the mafia, not because you chose lucky at night.


    If you are to do it again in the same way, documenting every action, I heartily suggest you include a Ghost Writer in the mafia. Their power is that they can submit one paragraph to be placed in the write-up - total fabrication, they can say whatever. The only drawback is that they can't write anything in bold, so they can't falsely claim someone has been killed.

    The addition of a Ghost Writer (an EXTREMELY powerful role) will combat the EXTREME advantage the town has over the mafia with the detailed write-ups.


    Apart from the write-ups, the game was good.


    Too many town roleblockers / protectors though.

    I realise the write-ups give a lot away, but I never really liked the write-up-less games that you talk about. Maybe because I'm not good at figuring people out via their behaviour, maybe because some people's behaviour gets read wrong because they're not sure how to act most wisely. I think this variant works much better in real life when you can see people's faces.


    The idea of a ghost writer is interesting, and I'll certainly consider making the town less powerful, possibly making the write-ups less detailed. But I'm still not keen on the idea of a write-up-less game. Like I said, it just isn't my style.

  10. Well, I think most people already know this, but I'm leaving for France tomorrow morning. :)


    Me and my parents plus our friends, another couple with a son my age, are driving down to the southern part of France where we will be staying at a vineyard turned into holiday apartments. Sadly this probably means no Internet connection, so I'll most likely not be online for the next week.


    We'll probably attempt to catch the Tour de France riders as they pass by Avignon, otherwise we haven't got a lot planned. We'll be coming home on the 12th, so keep the forums in order till I get back! :p

  11. Oh well, like I said, I didn't mind it too much as the game had plenty of strong points. And considering it was your first game, things can only improve from here, right?

    Totally. :) But it's also a question of personal preferences, isn't it? Some like mafia games to be completely without write-ups. But that ain't my style. :heh: Still, I appreciate your (and everyone else's) feedback. :)

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