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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I am tempted by this avenue of Physics aswell. I definately want to study Physics in general, but Astronomy is definately an area I'd consider specialising in.


    However, the sad truth of it is that Space Travel of any kind of distance is impossible. Relativity tells us that Space Travel is technically possible if we can travel faster than the speed of light; however, it also tells us it is impossible to get to the speed of light.


    The problem lies in that as velocity of an object increases, the mass of the object trends towards infinity.


    mass = rest mass / sqrt(1-v^2/c^2)


    (c = speed of light, or 3x10^8 m/s)


    So as v trends towards c, the rest mass moves exponentially up; eventually, when v=c, you are dividing rest mass by zero, making mass inifinite. In order to accelerate infinite mass, infinite force is required required to accelerate it also increases; theoretically, it requires an infinite force to achieve (Force = mass * acceleration). Since we don't have infinite force, and never will, we can't achieve the speed of light with anything that has a mass. (The only thing that can is the photon, since it is massless). This equation also explains why Newtonian Physics is technically wrong, but with an inaccuracy so little as to be negligable until speeds approach around 1 tenth of the speed of light - still a mighty 3x10^7 m/s - and relativity is noticeable. This is why for example F=ma, without having to worry about the effects of relativity.


    Man, I love Physics.


    Edit: Oh, and on the subject of Earth as a coincidence; I firmly believe that to be true. It just so happened that conditions were right, in terms of air pressure, temperature, elements present in the air and ground, etc. It seems naiive to me to believe that in the trillions and trillions of galaxies with trillions and trillions of stars with trillions and trillions of planets, not once did conditions again come together to support another kind of life. Therefore, I firmly believe we are not alone in the universe, but are merely limited by the laws of the universe to the degree that we will never find anyone else.

    I also love physics! That post nearly gave me a boner! :D


    It's naïve, almost ridiculous, to think we're alone. The probability that the right conditions formed somewhere else is ridiculously large.

  2. Why do you guys kill moths?? Are you scared that they will hurt you? It's easy to just grab them with your hands or a glass and release them outside. I leave the smaller ones alone because they never cause me any harm.


    Spiders are very good to have around the house because they hunt and kill all the other bugs that get indoors. If I see a spider in my room, I will catch it and then release it into another room.


    House spiders are wonderful animals and we should feel lucky that we are helping to support nature by providing them with a home. They are smart and will do their best to keep out of our way, but it's best to keep them out of the bedroom when we are sleeping.

    I know, spiders are actually awesome creatures. But I am cursed with severe phobia of them. I don't dare click Raining's link, even though I'm curious as heck. The worst part is, I don't even know why the hell they scare me! It's completely irrational!

  3. I have killed many spiders in my lifetime. Also my moth kill count has doubled in the past month.


    I kill large spiders whenever I see them crawling around in my bedroom. I don't want to go to bed knowing that little fucker is scuttling around MY bedroom. So it's a shoe crushing for you, you little arachnid tart!

    Are you for hire? (No, not sexually, unless that's the only payment option.) Being arachnophobic, it's hard enough for me to even get close to a spider, let alone kill it, so having a spider-killer for hire would be great.


    My killings consist of insects, some fish I once caught, and one or two already half-dead mice that one of our cats dragged in but didn't bother to kill properly. I don't mind killing that kind of animals, though it's not exactly something I enjoy, either. I don't want any animals to suffer, though - in that case I prefer mercy kills.


    Oh, yeah, and I've often killed time, though the bugger always comes back. My preferred weapons of choice are games, books, and my computer.

  4. Sorry.:D I was agreeing with you guys in my mind, but I just wanted to create a counter-argument for myself.


    If you think about it, we are designed to live on our planet with its unique size, temperature, atmosphere and etc. Just imagine if we tried to live on a planet that was slightly bigger, with more gravity. It would be hard just getting out of bed in the morning.:awesome:

    Harder than it already is? :heh:


    Still, perhaps we could adapt to a new environment if it wasn't too different from our current. Of course, the planet would need to have the resources fro us to live, which none of the planets in our solar system has.

  5. Waaay to ruin the mood. :heh:


    The universe is amazing because of it's sheer size. Just like atoms are amazing because of their size. It's amazing what goes on at scale levels we're not even able to comprehend.


    None of the planets in our solar system are fit for habitation. But exploring them we may learn more about what the world is made up of and maybe even life itself.

  6. Anyone else start writing something in this thread that they thought made sense at that moment in time in their head but then realised they couldn't get it in an understandable text format?


    See watching these sorts of videos makes me full of questions that make me wonder if I'm a genius or if there's just many people out there that have these weird thought processes. Is it even possible to write them down?


    Gah I'm probably making no sense, but just a minor thing that came across my mind is how its stupid that we watch all these boring programmes about other peoples lives when we are just wasting time that could be spent achieving a big ambition. Of course we all may think that we could be doing something but in the end we sleep, forget about these topics and carry on doing meaningless things.


    Some people won't ever have the thinking power to come up with these questions, dumb blondes that don't realise there is more than just the planet Earth (and makeup) although maybe I'm just mad and I'm on my own. After watching videos such as these space documentary snippets I think 'why do I do things like playing tennis?' etc but it's because we have no choice. Most of us are born and we just wind up being moderately content with normal lives and we aren't expected to become an einstein or.... I've just completely forgotten my point, if there was one... Yeah


    Well I guess you could just say if you've had thought spasms like this before but then were too embarassed to show them to anyone, that would make me feel less lonely. Maybe only I'm understanding myself, but I don't know how you could understand the above if I lost my own trail of thought.


    I'm not drunk btw. And apologies for using the word 'think' so much. I've probably made a complete dick of myself and will read this back once I'm awake and realise what a dickwad I've been.


    I blame it on fatigue.

    Don't worry, I know exactly what you mean.


    It may all seem pointless, but we really have no choice. You gotta make the best of what you have and just enjoy life. :)


    And I also agree about the ocean. That Bloop is awesome! :D There are just so many things in the world we do not yet understand or know about - it's exciting, isn't it? :)

  7. I don't buy it personally. We don't need to know who's good unless they're coming under fire for something. I just don't like it.

    I know how you feel. Technically, the best mafia tactic would be to kill those revealed as good, keeping us "in the dark". But really, that's the only drawback of it if you think it over. If there are more than one protector (which I assume based on the number of people in the game), the remaining protectors can simply protect some of the people revealed as good. Alternately, Coolness can save some of his "good" investigations and reveal several at once. Both tactics will assure that the mafia just doesn't kill the one revealed as good every time.

  8. she bunked off!

    actually i started the LIE on friday morning - the company PA who works in the same office with the main bosses happened to ring the store... and we're fairly friendly - so when i mentioned i was feeling "fluey" and had been phoning around for cover but getting no help she was like "i'll speak to MY boss!" who went a bit nuts and phoned around TELLING people they had to come cover me cause he didnt want me anywhere near his restaurant if i felt "fluey"


    and i'm so glad i did ^_^

    i'm having a very nice birthday weekend!

    our friends around the corner had us over for dinner on friday night, where i caught wine flu... :nono:

    and today pat took me for a surprise picnic in kew gardens - the surprise being that my whole family showed up!!! ^____^


    :yay: and it's not even my real birthday till tomorrow!!

    Wait, you actually did catch swine flu?

  9. Not entirely. They don't know who the important players in the town are, or who's neutral.

    But he wouldn't be revealing their role, only alignment. And whether they're good or neutral, the mafia needs them all dead. His own cover is already blown, so no problems there.


    I can't see how revealing the alignment of players will benefit the mafia. I can, however, see how it will benefit the town.

  10. I can swim and I really enjoy doing it, but I can't open my eyes underwater and I can't dive. Its psychological but I just can't make myself go head first into a pool.

    Diving, like opening your eyes and nose underwater, is in many cases purely psychological.

  11. Well, in such cases there's the obvious choice of lynching the accused and see what happens. If Eenuh's evil, we have known investigator on our side that can be protected. That's a very strong hand. If Eenuh's good, there are two options: Either Coolness is a dumb cop, or he's mafia trying to get an innocent lynched. Since he worried for his safety in coming forward, and since it's so early in the game, I doubt he is trying to trick us. Unless he knew we'd come to that conclusion and thus figured he could do it without risk. Still, it seems unlikely - not to mention dangerous - to bet on other people seeing through reverse psychology. I doubt the mafia would risk that this early in the game. Thus, I believe Coolness' investigation. The question is whether he's right or if he's a dumb cop. Having been a dumb cop myself once and having managed to use that to win the game, I say the best course of action is to test out Coolness' investigation. And that is why I'm going to say:


    Vote: Eenuh


    This is, of course, based on the assumption that Coolness received his information through an investigation. If he got it in some other way, my above theory holds no water, and in that case I'll have to think again. So, just to make sure: Coolness, are you an investigator? You've already outed yourself, so revealing the true nature of your role will most likely not put you in any more danger than you already are. Provided you're a cop - or even a stupid cop - you are most likely certain to receive protection for the rest of the game, so revealing your role will only benefit the town.

  12. Well, we were taught swimming in school. But that doesn't mean we necessarily learned to swim. I learned crawl, as I said, but I never managed to get a grip on the breast stroke.


    I don't remember having tried to open my eyes underwater. I'm "scared" of it - my reflexes won't let me. I found it almost impossible simply taking eye drops when I started wearing glasses. I can't "open" my nose, either - I hate the feeling of water up my nostrils.


    I do love to dive, however - the feeling of being underwater. I just have to make sure to wear goggles and a nose clip! :p

  13. Its breast stroke here.

    Its easy :)

    I'm sure it's quite easy once you get the hang of it - I just never managed to. :heh:


    Still, to stay afloat you just have to relax, don't you? It's when you panic and move too much that you sink, right?

  14. I don't get how people cannot swim. They may not be able to do it well but it's a pretty simple motion. No?

    I never managed to learn breast swimming (not entirely sure what it's called in English), as I found the movements to do squat neither to keep me afloat nor push me forward. :heh:


    I can swim crawl, but my horrible conditioning means that I wear out pretty quickly. Still, I think I know enough swimming to survive, though I hate being in deep waters where I can't reach the bottom. It makes me panic a little if I don't manage to keep myself under calm control.

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