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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. This is a bit of a personal question and I hope eet doesn't offend you: If a female offered to have sex with you, just a one night stand, would you go through with it? Or are you waiting for sex with relationship or lovings?


    To me, sex is about the intimacy that you share with someone else. I think it's one way that you can show affection for the other person, that you just can't do with words. There's a rawness to it.

    First of all, I agree with your opinion on sex. Yes, it's hormonal, but I have absolutely no problem mixing love into it - and to me it seems that it benefits from it! :D


    Second of all, the question is not at all too personal. I'm pretty open about such things. :)


    To answer your question: I really don't know. I have thought about it myself. The thing is, my hormones can really get out of control sometimes (read: too often ...), and in those situations I don't think I would have any problems having a one-night-stand with a female friend. But thinking about it afterwards, I do think I'd prefer sex to be with someone I love. Especially the first time. It's a big step, and I'd prefer it to be more than just "casual" sex.


    Still, I'm really not sure myself.

  2. Perhaps Flinky was actually aiming for "pet peeves" of a sort - smaller things that annoy you?


    Still, his example and the general description in the first post suggests that it's something a little deeper.


    I don't think too many people in here are depressed or unhappy with their lives - bar maybe a few. (Cheer up, Paj. We're here for you, and we love you. :)) I think the main problem is that far too many threads pop up at the moment with depressing topics. I mean, sure, I whine about my love problems, but apart from that, I love my life. More often than not, I can forget about my lack of romance and enjoy the great life that I have. :)

  3. I have to say I disagree with Ashley. Sex is not just "rawr", though it can be just "rawr". :heh: I have no problems with one-night-stands and purely physical relationships as long as all implicated parties understand how things are . Still, sex with someone you love ... it's just the ultimate expression of romantic love! :yay:


    But hey, this is coming from a virgin. I'm pretty much just making qualifies guesses based on own emotions and fantasies ...

  4. I can't see Ninjask being described as a ninja, it's more obvious to describe it as a "speedy bug" or something. Whereas Sneasel/Weavile is a good candidate for a "ninja", and it's a Dark type Pokemon. So yeah. If you see a Sneasel...look sharp.

    Uhm, that's actually not at all what I asked. :confused:


    What I wondered was if we can assume that Pokémon who normally have an "evil" personality or vibe are mafia? Judging by the previous game, it doesn't seem to be entirely the case, though a lot of the roles seem rather "typecast" (Cyndaquil being good, for example).

  5. This is a good point. If someone's win condition is 'wins when all threats to the town are eliminated' then they're a townie. If they are a killer/vigilante, their win condition should either be win with the town, and be a townie, or they have to kill a certain person/people to win, and they they are neutral. Having neutral players is pointless unless their win condition is different.


    The point is that Eenuh was in fact a 'threat' to the town in that she could have killed any of them at night. In this sense she is a threat and the win condition of the town is always 'eliminate all threats to the town'. Therefore she cannot have the win condition the same as the town because she is a threat to them... if you see what I mean.


    I don't know, it's a complicated argument.

    But if she is a vigilante, she's a killer on the town's side and thus not a threat to them.


    But it is indeed a complicated argument with way too many ifs. I think people should be careful with neutral roles and really think through how it should work. For example, if the game continues until town/mafia victory, does a neutral become a townie as soon as he has completed his objective?


    This is just one of many problems you have to consider when making neutral roles.

  6. I know I didn't participate in this, but this is relevant both to this and to many other mafia games:


    How come Alakazam and Gengar are neutral? They don't have specific win conditions, ergo they win when the town win, no? Thus they are simply townies, are they not? This is something I've seen in a fair few mafia games: Neutral roles that aren't really neutral. Even if a neutral's power is ambiguous and could potentially hurt the town as much as it could help it, he's still a townie unless he has a separate win condition. This win conditions could even just be additional to stopping all threats to the town.


    Sorry for the small rant, it's just something that has annoyed me a bit.

  7. Having just about no luck in the romantic/sexual love department (not to be confused with friendly love) - that often manages to bring me down. Yet, sometimes I can see beyond that and realise that I'm probably more annoyed at the fact that I care so much about girlfriends (or, rather, the lack thereof). Why can't I just not be bothered at the moment and then be extra happy when* I finally find a girl?


    *This is a hopeful "when"!

  8. No not at all. Yeah the parents are to blame. But even so how i coudnt have that little respect for myself. Even if my parents were minted and could afford to keep me, i would still either get a job or do charity work. Just so that i knew i had done something.

    It's sad that so few people have that mentality nowadays.

  9. Besides, I still stand by my statement I can't see what people want in a relationship that I don't get from other sources.

    Sex with someone you actually care about? Even if I could find someone to have one-night-stand with, I don't believe it would ever be the same as having sex with someone I truly have feelings for.


    But what do I know. ::shrug:


    Say, when one of them has this girl who is completely in love with him, but he will go off into town and get off with other girls, like one of our best friends sisters, then boast about it to that very friend! Some people waiting all their life for something good, then he just goes parading it around like a fucking novelty, pisses me off quite some.

    I hear ya. What a prick.

  10. Don't bother trying to become a counselor at a camp in America, they'll ban you.


    In all seriousness, it does seem fun but even more of delaying the inevitable.

    I don't think I've ever heard that story. Only bits of it.


    After the gymnasium (equivalent of high school, I guess) and thus before uni, I'm taking a gap year, mostly because the work load in the gymnasium has really worn me out in regard to studying.


    I don't know if I'll go travelling or if I'll just "relax". Probably get a small job and maybe take up a hobby, perhaps get back to karate. I'll definitely be getting a driver's license, too.

  11. I can't really claim that it was my idea! Really Goafer and Retro started it! I just provided the hilarious facial/etc expression.

    Exactly. That face is so characteristic of your personality. And I mean that in a good way! :D

  12. OMG! I loveeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!11

    ReZ, you have been the source of many a funny thing on these boards. (Yes, I am actually one of the few who find ReZ hilarious! :D - but I have terrible humour ...) But this is seriously your magnum opus as of yet! It's absolutely brilliant! :D

  13. If I sign up not knowing how to play these mafia things, is it going to be easy enough for me to understand/pick up? or will it result in lots of moaning at me for not knowing what to do? I would like to try one of them out just the fact that I haven't a clue what to do has put me off so far.

    Indeed, playing a game is the best way to learn. I can also recommend reading through one or two previous games to get an idea of the flow. You'll definitely be confused at times, unsure how to act, what to do, and who to trust. But you'll quickly pick up skills. And don't worry if everyone gets a little jumpy - we all become paranoid in mafia games. :heh:

  14. Serves me right for hotlinking.:)






    War of the Worlds anyone? Their leg span can grow to up to 12ft and they have really tiny bodies.


    I kind of have a phobia of swimming in the sea.. Rip tides are not nice to be caught in.

    Those spider crabs make my arachnophobia tingle a bit.

  15. Now, on to the serious stuff: As soon as she can hold a controller in her hand, introduce her to Pong. The move onto Pac-Man and Space Invaders. It's important she gets a firm and educational upbringing into the world of video games. Once she is ready, she shall become a member of this very site, just like all our descendants shall. ;)

  16. Often feeling lonely in the love department, I have thought a lot about why. Why is it that I'm so desperately longing for someone to truly love? Why is it that I feel jealous every time one of my friends speak of their love life? Why am I getting myself down over my lack of the same?


    I think the deepest instinct is the desire to be loved. I'm a hopeless romantic, and I long for a girl to truly love me. I know there are some elements of childish seeking of reassurance mixed in, too - wanting to be reassured that I'm not a loser, not annoying or ugly or boring to be around.


    And it's totally ridiculous. I have many great friends who I know likes me, and I value them oh so dearly. Yet I can still get into spirals of depressing thoughts as I fear I may never find true love.


    But is there even such a thing as "true love"? Can I be sure that if I ever find someone, I will love her and she will love me? I have experienced one short-lived romance in my life, one that ended as quickly as it began - and it was because I didn't feel we were right for each other. How do I know if I'll ever find a girl that feels right to be with? And what are the chances that she'll feel right being with me?


    One time in my life have I felt truly in love with someone - maybe I even still feel it, I'm not sure anymore. But she never felt that way about me. Will I ever find one who will? And will I feel the same about her?


    Looking at the above, I can't believe how whiny I can be. I have a great life, a fine health, amazing friends and solid plans for the future. Why should it bother me that I don't have a girlfriend? There are many things to worry about when you have a girlfriend, life could get complicated - why trouble myself with it?


    Because I have a desperate desire to be loved and to love back.


    Oh, and I can be horny as heck. Friggin' hormones ...


    So yeah, that concludes the most whiny and emotional post you'll hopefully ever have to endure from me. Sadly enough, the thoughts written above are entirely real. I'm afraid they're not even exaggerated.

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