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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. :(


    It's a relatively obscure reference I guess

    I didn't even realise it was a reference. It's just that I'm autistic myself. ;)




    This guy would win, hands down.


    But a more important question to be raised is who would win between..................


    Chuck Norris and Darth Vader!!!

    Darth Vader? Come one, the REAL question is: Who would win in a fight between Chuck Norris and Jack Bauer?

  2. PMz - I needz dem! Otherwise I'm gonna have to start the next day with less than half of the PMs received. Let me remind you that the more powers you use, the more info you get in the write-ups.


    AMPP requested.




    "There she is! Teehee!"


    The little figure was guiding her target towards an armoured person. He lifted his arm, ready to execute his karate move.




    But nothing happened, as a young boy in white clothes blocked the attack with a mirror shield. At that exact moment, the armour-clad woman turned around, pointed her arm-cannon at the attacker and fired. The karate-chopper fell to the ground, paralysed.


    As she walked away, a pointy-shoed man who reeked of garlic came running with a magnifying glass and tried to get close to her, but the young boy kept him away his his shield.


    Later that night, another guy tried to come close to her, this time a tall man in dark armour with an evil smile on his lips, but he, too, was held back by the young boy with the shield.


    In the end, she made it home safely that night thanks to the young boy.




    Some other place, a man with sunglasses and a helmet came running through the town. He was stopped in his tracks, though, by a long tongue who grabbed him and pulled him in. Before he knew, he was trapped inside a large egg, unable to do anything. A blue person came by and used telepathy on the egg, learning a thing or two about its inhabitant.




    Meanwhile, a not very tall tech-geek was analysing a fair girl with pointy ears. While doing this, the blaster-wielder came walking by. He was being followed by some guy with a yellow cape who was warding off a girl in a pink dress who tried to kiss him - and she was wielding a frying pan, none the less! The blaster-wielder, having had enough of sitting around doing nothing, aimed his blaster at the fair girl with the pointy ears.


    "Any last words, Princess?"


    "Wait, I was going to protect you tonight!"


    "That won't do. I'm tired of this. We're getting nowhere. Maybe we'll learn something from this."


    "Please, no ..."


    But it was too late. He pulled the trigger, and she fell over, stone-cold.


    Cube is dead. He was Princess Zelda, the royal princess of Hyrule, who could protect people at night with a magical barrier. She was good.




    Day 4 begins now.


    15 players remain. 8 is the majority.














    Paj Meen Ah



  3. Getting my blasted nature geography exam over with so I can finally enjoy the holidays. Though I'm not exactly looking forward to it, I just want it gotten rid off.


    That and receiving the Guitar Hero World Tour complete band package that I ordered. Which will coincide with the aforementioned.

  4. The news threads even the less important stories are way more interesting than the birthday threads. Why can't people just wish each other happy birthday on those profile discussion things rather than creating a new thread for it every day.

    I kinda like that tradition. It gives one a warm fuzzy feeling of being loved. :)

  5. You should love Wall-E, he loves you afterall :heh:


    And I'm wearing a shirt that says "Tokyo" and has a Mickey Mouse picture on it (obscured by my bag strap) while at Disneyland Tokyo. Clever eh?

    How can one NOT love Wall-E? :)

  6. Yes, credit to jay for the write ups. If anybody had bothered, there was so much info to get there. When I'm town I usually make a word doc with all my observations, with a list of characters appearing in the writes and a list of people playing. Connect the dots. Example:


    "Jayseven targeted Cube on night 3. Cube is confirmed as the doctor. The character who targeted the doctor on night 3 was the same character who targeted Nintendohnut on night 2 and Maase on night 1. Nintendohnut didnt post during day 3, and maase didnt post during day 2. So Jayseven must be that character, and could be a silencer"

    This is actually what Maase has been trying to do in many of the games with his "Analysis Time!" posts. :heh: It is by far the best tactic, but so far I haven't been able to get myself to do it. By hosting a mafia game, however, I have seen how important it is to write everything down. Though as I mentioned, in this particular game I found the well-written write-ups to be too cluttered with "filling" for me to find out what actually happened in them.

  7. Oh my god, would you get the hell over yourself? I'm fed up of you taking it upon yourself to decide what is entertaining to discuss and whether it should be allowed to be discussed or not. If someone really is to decide this, it definitely shouldn't be you. Furthermore, it's detracting from the spirit of the forums, where I've always felt the moderators were quite liberal in terms of allowing us to express ourselves (but within set rules). Not any more, it'd seem.


    But seriously, what the hell happened? You used to be someone who I genuinely found interesting to hold a conversation with. You've just become somewhat of a grouchy old man who thinks any topic that isn't devastatingly important to our well-being is a waste of time.

    While the wording is far more harsh than I would put it, the general points of view in this post pretty much sum up my feelings about this, to be honest.

  8. dyson - good - scarlett the hussy - PROTECTS. That's it :P why did people find that so hard to believe?!

    Then why the effing feck didn't he want to reveal his role?! Seriously, I followed the rest of the game, but didn't bother (if I ever did before) trying to figure things out. One thing I was certain of, however, was that Dyson was evil. Either that, or he had some special power that was vital to the town and would stop working if revealed. Seriously, dude, my backstabbing of Maase in the DIY Mafia was less suspicious than your behaviour! :p

  9. You have excellent writing skills, jayseven. So write a friggin' book! Don't mess up mafia games with it! :p


    Seriously, though, the write-ups were way too complicated. It was hard to decipher what actually happened. Too hard, if you ask me. I prefer the more simplistic write-ups that I use myself in the Nintendo Mafia where the details are kept somewhat to a minimum, making it just a tad easier to find out what actually happened. Still, that's of course my personal preference, though it seems many tend to agree with me.


    What I did like, however, was the fact that all roles were mentioned by name in the write-up, and the fact that all investigations appeared in the write-up, too. I think it would have worked really well, but it was somewhat ruined by the write-ups being too long and having too many fancy descriptions which, though bringing the story to life, made it hard to discern the actual important details.


    Anyway, Lillster and I were Pete and Luke. Lillster would switch the roles of two, and I'd choose one to either beat up (silence) or steal from (investigate). We were originally good, but when one of us died, the other became a neutral killer and had to kill whoever killed his partner. We never got to know what we should have done if one of us was lynched. :heh:

  10. My take is this:

    most of the 'news' threads that get posted are, basically, shit. Yesterday we had one about 18 complaints about a coke advert and one about some douche doing too many tatoos to a girl in Belgium. To me, the idea that a topic like that gets it's own thread is as ridiculous as every youtube video from the funny vids thread getting it's own topic.


    so this thread! I want to see it used for trivial or daily news discussion. Think of it as a current affairs version of HWYD or the videos thread.


    any genuine big news threads I'll definitely support. The Euro elections thread has been pretty decent, for example. That has genuine scope for it's own topic on a discussion forum. I think that's the key word because what generally passes for a news thread is just a C+P from the BBC news curio section. Not really any reason that should get it;s own thread.


    Hope that clears things up.


    If it is a disaster, I'll just lock it and go back to evaluating threads individually.

    I think we perfectly understand your reasoning. We just don't all agree with it. But hey, I'm not too fussed by it all. Live and let live and all that. Yeah.

  11. I'm not sure whether I agree with this. I LIKE that this forum normally isn't too strict with the types of threads we can find. I don't just come here to discuss serious business, I come here to have fun and as well. Also, I agree with Shino that I might end up skipping these unified threads because of topics I'm not interested in, making me miss out on the topics I AM interested in.


    I also agree with Nintendohnut on this being perhaps a little too personal a decision by Dan Dare.

  12. I won't bother writing the votes, as we have clearly reached majority. :heh:


    9 is the majority.


    Majority has been reached!




    The constant discussions and accusations had left the townies confused and paranoid, but eventually they reached a consensus: Tellyn being a silencer was too suspicious, and the rest of the town cornered him.


    "You're making a huge mistake here. Silencers are not necessarily evil."


    But they wouldn't listen. They closed in on him and ended his life all too soon.


    Tellyn is dead. He was Fox McCloud, an anthropomorphic fox with a great sense of justice. He could threaten people at night to silence them. He was good.


    Meanwhile, a higher deity chuckled at the townies' proneness to following old formulas of good and evil.




    16 players remain. 9 is the majority.















    Paj Meen Ah




    Night 3 begins now.

  13. Though this isn't strictly related to the forum, I figured I might as well ask anyway: I'm unable to change my profile picture for my comment account on the main N-E page. Why is this?

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