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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I just hope this girl doesn't turn into a gimmicky 'talking sword', or another Midna helper. And if she is going to speak, PLEASE no jibberish! With that said, if there is no voice overs in this game it will feel bland.

    People will argue that voice overs isn't in the spirit of Zelda.


    Regarding helpers like Midna and Navi, I think they're pretty much standard by now. That being said, I think Midna is solid proof that helper characters can win the heart of gamers. I was distressed when Midna was dying (that music ...), and the end of the game ... I don't even want to talk about it.

  2. I have a few thoughts as to why I don't think the difficulty level adjusting itself would be a good idea. Say I want to really challenge myself and try to beat the game on a very hard setting: I don't want it to get easier if I don't succeed within 10 minutes. Heck, trying to beat a game at a high difficulty has always been about working hours upon hours to get good enough to beat it. It's frustrating, but that's also what makes it so rewarding it when you finally complete it.


    So yeah, I would definitely not like the difficulty to adjust itself. At least give the option to have a set diffculty.

  3. What do you think about the use of “[Laughs]†in Q&As and interviews?



    Are you creating the comics the same day that you post them, like with the advent comics?

    No. Work on these comics began Wednesday, and all five were completed by Friday. I did this to make sure the comic was finished and we didn’t have another incident like Cinderella... Nintendo Style! On the plus side, at least you know I will update the comic, hopefully earlier than 11:59pm.


    By the way, this started out as just one comic. Somehow, it later became five. Why do I do this to myself?!


    I have no idea.

    No matter. Do you think it’s odd that I’m suddenly talking to myself?


    It is pretty creepy... hey! I’m the one meant to be asking questions! You’ve switched us around!

    Oh, really?



    Are you sure?




    This is pure comedy gold! :D

  4. I agree with that entire post (didn't quote the text just the post). Thats exactly what I was trying to say with my last post.

    Nice to hear I'm not the only one who thinks that way. :) I was just getting tired of this aversion to the terms casual and hardcore. They may be somewhat misleading, but they're simply labels to mark the difference between games like Galaxy and Corruption and games like Wii Sports and Wii Play. And don't try to tell me there's not a fundamental difference between both the games and the markets they're aiming for.


    The problems all stem from misuse of the terms and the theory behind them.

  5. Heya guys! :)


    I've decided to have a go at a mafia game. Now that it's summer time, I have a lot of time on my hands (except for a week of vacation at some point), so I should be able to put a lot of focus on the game.


    The theme, as the name implies, is Nintendo itself. Since this is my first game, it won't feature as complex roles and characters as some of the other great games, but I don't think it will be boring!


    I'm not entirely sure how you feel about having two mafia games at once. It seemed to work fine for chairdriver's and jayseven's mafia games, so I thought: "What the heck." If you think it's not a good idea, we'll just drop it for now and wait till jayseven's game is finished. Also, I know Maase wanted to host a game, but I really wanted to get this one out this summer, so I kind of hijacked his spot. Sorry, Maase. If you really want to go first, I can wait, but I'm very eager to host my game now, so I hope it's OK. :)


    Anyway, I'll need 20 players for this game. First come, first served, as they say, so start signing!


    1. Tellyn

    2. Cube

    3. Eenuh

    4. chairdriver

    5. Dyson

    6. Nintendohnut

    7. Mundi

    8. Paj Meen Ah

    9. Zell

    10. Gizmo

    11. not_so_tiny

    12. Jonnas

    13. Ellmeister

    14. mr-paul

    15. jayseven

    16. MadDog

    17. Vicar

    18. Beggilax

    19. Maase

    20. ReZourceman

  6. I was surprised, too, that I wasn't killed off. And dang you for giving me such a crap role! :p When Paj claimed he had info on me, I didn't think playing innocent would do me any good. I knew I had to take the discussion at some point.


    I think the reason we didn't lynch Mundi was because we were afraid of what that might do. Him resurrecting seemed ... dangerous somehow. We've seen roles that had to be lynched at a certain point to win the game.


    Anyway, too bad people didn't participate.

  7. That was quite a bugger, this here game, but in retrospect it was quite funny how we were completely owned while discussing whether Mystique was good or bad. :p


    Anyway, I'm working hard on a mafia game that I would like to host soon. Preferably here in June-July while I have lots of time on my hands.

  8. I fell off my horse at a highschool (american) football game. It was right at the start and in front of everyone.


    Oh wait....that's the opposite of this thread.


    I graduated is the best so far I guess, although I can rival Jayseven's accomplishment. In class I threw a tiny piece of paper not bigger than like a penny across the room. As it's flying through the air, a girl who's back was to me, was engaged in conversation. Conversation involves hand gestures if you don't know. Well at that moment she held her hand out perfectly for the piece of paper to be caught.


    It was pretty cool.

    Saw something like that a few years ago. I can't remember exactly what, but we were throwing some stuff through the classroom for fun, and one guy who was just sitting there, reading, suddenly raised his hand without taking his eyes from the book and caught whatever it was we were throwing. He looked up at his hand afterwards with amazement, having seemingly caught it on reflex without really thinking. 'Twas awesome.

  9. ^

    Sounds like an excellent finish to a day, a Steak!!!. Pepper Sauce ftw.


    Good result on the speech as well. Enjoy the rest of the day my friend. I shall celebrate your Birthday with a Carlsberg. Not sure if it will be an Export variety.

    Indeed, steaks are made of win and all sorts of awesome. :)


    Ironically enough, I don't drink much myself, and I really don't like beer! :p

  10. Seems like I have set an example for men of cheese! The original BISH actually stated it should be a sculpture, and I wasn't even sure mine counted. ;)


    By the way, Jay (teehee!), when are the next BISH'es that we sent in Wednesday going to come up?

  11. Thanks for the birthday gratulations and the song. :D And thanks to Iun for his ... heartfelt ... thread. ;)


    I had a yearly test today here at noon where I did an oral presentation of a synopsis I had written about Obama's visions for America. I got a B on the ECTS grading scale! :yay: Great birthday present!


    I'm a little annoyed, though, as we voted for the EU yesterday. I was allowed to vote till today. -_-' But the person I wanted to vote for got in anyway, so all's good. :)


    On the way home we grabbed a pizza, and tonight I'm going out with my family to have a lovely beef steak. :)

  12. What Maase is trying to say is that Chavs and Fadders don't consider the Wii to be worth playing and because of that it has lost. Am I right.


    I would say there's an equal number of hardcore gamers on each console. Many of the people who consider themselves hardcore just aren't as hardcore surely means that you have to have a clue about games and not just play 1 or 2 all the time because its "cool". Basing who has won the console war on the opinions of Chavs and Fadders (the mainstream) is pointless, as these people really have no idea about gaming, they're just doing what is "cool"


    If you understand what I'm saying.

    The thing is, there's a difference between the real hardcore gamers and those that call themselves hardcore gamers. The latter group consists of chavs and fadders who will only play "cool" games like Halo. The former group simply consists of people who also enjoy the bigger and deeper games like Metroid Prime and Galaxy as opposed to the casual gamers who mainly stick to games like Wii Sports.


    The confusing thing that has lead people to shun the terms "casual" and "hardcore" (which I think is a shame, as the terms themselves are actually valid enough) is that Nintendo is breaking down the barriers between those terms. The casual market is being invited into the hardcore, and many hardcore gamers also enjoy the casual games, which are at the same time moving into a grey area between casual and hardcore.


    So yeah, don't just shun the terms casual and hardcore, as there is a difference between the two groups. Shun the people who misuse the terms.

  13. Haha! Thanks, guys! :D Loving all the Danish references. :)


    The Danish is flawless, Jonnas, and at karate they really did call me "Daniel-san"! :p


    Hey dawg! I heard it was yo birthday so I put something inside of something else in order to make you experience the something else while operating the something!

    Wait ... Are you talking about sex?

  14. I think the Wii has already won saleswise.


    What you are talking about, I reckon, is the focus on the casual games, and if it will remove Nintendo's focus on hardcore games entirely. My personal opinion is: No. I don't think Nintendo will ever let their core titles go, though I am scared of it sometimes. Like through the most of this year's E3. But then Super Mario Galaxy 2, Metroid: Other M and an awesome piece of artwork for the next Zelda come along, and I feel safe and sound again.

  15. Other M does however look pretty epic and therefore it may tempt me once I learn more about it. I don't really rate any of the Prime games, I don't know why either, just can't quite get into them.

    Well, I hadn't even heard of Metroid before Smash Bros. After trying the demo of Prime Hunters that came with my DS, I bought Corruption and really love it. The problem is I'm a completionist, and it gets tedious trying to scan every single object along the way. :heh:


    Anyway, I just think you ought to give Metroid another chance. :) I think it's a great universe. I want to sit down and dig into the story of the games one day.

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