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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. was teaching shapes to my little genius class of 5 year olds, they got all the circle, triangle square stuff really easily so i moved on to octagon etc...

    drew the octagon on the board and got them to repeat it... they looked all :wtf: so i drew an octopus next to is....

    them: "oct-opus!!"

    me (pointing to octopus then octagon " oct-opus.......oct-agon!!"



    them "NOOOOOO!!!!"


    :grin: the mild torture over the points system was a pretty fun part of the job too....

    Haha! :D Well, I'm aiming at some older students. Probably about high school or university level. :)

  2. teaching in japan ^_^ my kids lessons in particular.

    that moment when you realise they're getting it - you're teaching them something - it's amazing. and the reason that i'm going to pursue a career in teaching in this country. :grin:

    ... And this describes exactly why I want to become a teacher. The amazing feeling of passing on knowledge and understanding. :)


    I once told a member of a neo-spiritualist cult that I was a deaf mute. My finest hour.

    Genius! :D

  3. I am pretty sure TP is cel-chaded. The misunderstanding stems from the fact that people think WW's art style is "cel-shaded". Cel-shading is, like the names implies, a shading technique, often used to give characters a cartoony look, though not limited to that. The art style itself is not what is cel-shaded, though, it's simply very cartoony. The game did indeed USE cel-shading, but so did TP, I'm pretty sure.


    Anyway, I've kept pretty much quiet about E3 this year for the same reason as last year. People, when are you going to learn to keep your expectations realistic? For crying out loud, we got several new excellent looking Mario games and a new Metroid, not to mention Golden Sun, Crystal Bearers (which I personally think looks awesome), Kingdom Hearts etc. When will you be satisfied?


    Regarding this hardcore/softcore gamer thingy, the terms aren't really valid. We can talk about "hardcore" and "softcore" (and I'm puttin' these in quotation marks, 'cause they've almost become swear words) games, but not gamers. There are the casual, entertainment games like Wii Sports and Wii Play. And there are the deep, story-driven games like Metroid Prime and Twilight Princess. And heck, there are even games that cross the border, establishing a bridge between the two worlds. And when talking Nintendo - yes, they've certainly switched a lot of focus to the casual market - but it's thoughts like Miyamoto's ... and I'm gonna copy and paste it here again ...


    Miyamoto's idea is.. to give the player a more impacting experience and really feel Link's journey through the game, by creating memories of the characters you meet and things you face along the way. These would be things that would differ for each person as they play their own way through, so everyone would have unique memories. How you approach a dungeon, solve a puzzle, or complete a side quest all add to this.


    Right now, for each game they are mainly iterating on variations of controls, level designs, etc.. so he wants to see the series evolve in more meaningful ways.


    He wanted to show a new Zelda for Wii today, but they want to focus on development before announcing or showing anything. Instead he brought an illustration to prove they are far into development of a new game, because it contained characters that are deeply involved even into the later stages of the game. He's hoping to release next year, but may take a "little longer" (laugh). Illustration was Link with one smaller whitish character, looked a bit like a female relative of the Zora.

    ... it's thoughts like these that confirm loud and clearly that Nintendo still cares about deeper - "hardcore", if you will - games.

  4. I don't know if it's the best thing I've ever done (can't really decide if I have one truly special event that qualifies), but climbing Vesuvius was really a rewarding experience. It was tough, it was steep, it was hot like hell, but when I got to the top it was amazing. Really felt like I had conquered the mountain. :p

  5. Ah okay, that's a fairly traditional (or possibly early structuralist) approach to things. There are some very interesting ways of looking at this kind of topic - you may find books like Steven Pinker's The Language Instinct interesting, which gives a (very broad) introduction to the Chomskyan perspective on language.

    Thanks, I might look into it. :) It's nice to know someone who also has a nerdy interest in languages. :p


    Written Latin today. Went like a breeze. I was done with translation and syntax after only one hour, leaving four hours (actually only three and a half, read below) to come up with some really thorough answers to the background questions. :yay:


    Though the most hilarious part was that our teacher had forgotten to include the text itself in the papers we were handed, so he had to set Heaven and Hell in motion to get them to us as fast as possible. :p Naturally we were allowed to use the lost amount of time in the other end, but seeing as we're only talking about half an hour, none of us found it necessary to stay longer than the normal time. Gave us a good laugh and a(nother) fun memory of our teacher, who is actually just substituting this year for our regular teacher, who just had a baby. :)

  6. Which theoretical frameworks do you use for these, if any? Congrats on it going well, anyway - good luck for your next one.

    Thanks. :)


    Well, when analysing syntax we break down the sentence(s) and identify the different parts like the subject, the verb, direct and indirect objects etc. I am not quite familiar with the English vocabulary in this area, so bear with me.


    When doing morphology, we are presented with a number of words from a text. By backtracking we identify the original form of the word and determine the mood, the aspect, the tense etc. of the word. (If it's a verb. If it's a noun or a pronoun, we identify the case, the gender and so on.)

  7. Done with my yearly test in written Greek, and it went really well! :yay: The syntax analysis and morphology parts as well as the translation and translation commenting parts were easy compared to assignments I've done, and that gave me lots of time to write some good and detailed answers to the background questions to the text.


    Next up is written Latin tomorrow. I feel a lot calmer now that the Greek test (the one I consider the hardest of the two) went so well.

  8. One could be worried about repetition, but Galaxy's style has so many possibilities that I'm not too worried about this game getting stale. This and Metroid really saved the show, and there also seems to be some great RPG goodness coming. :yay:

  9. I don´t think that Danny has killing powers, I think it is more likely that he gets powers based on who he is disguised as during the night, so random power is what I think his powers are.


    As for my win condition, I win when the X-men are dead.

    Wait, you mean your re-direction isn't always with killing as a result? Then I should have had killing powers as Iron Man?


    I'm not sure I buy it. First of all, me using a knife kinda conradicts it. If I do indeed get powers according to my shape-shifting, surely I would have used my armour's weaponry to kill the girl? Second of all, why would chairdriver give my character powers I couldn't use? They would only be valid when someone re-directed me. Still, me not having powers other than harmless shape-shifting seems strange, and it also seemed like chair had something else planned for my role that would be triggered by something.


    No matter, I still don't trust you, Mundi. I stand by my vote.

  10. I read the Write-up like 10 times now and there is something bugging me out




    If you are wearing a 2 billion worth of gadgets and you use a knife that dosen´t fit. I think mistuiq is neutral/bad (Just my theory) but i´m going to hold my vote until some has good info to sport it.

    I have to admit I don't get that either. My own theory? Without knowing the exact nature of Mystique's shape-shifting abilities, I don't think I could actually use any powers that my shape-shift form has, as it would only be a camouflage. This explains why I used a simple knife instead of my amour's weaponry, and also why I was "uncharacteristically stealthy".

  11. I think Danny's good (his posts so far wouldn't fit someone evil, I think).

    Thanks. :)


    I think you're right about Mundi. A role who can only be killed through lynching is quite common in mafia games, and him being a neutral with mind-control this exact power seems like a well-thought-up role. I'm willing to bet on it.


    Vote: Mundi

  12. My first yearly test is tomorrow: Written Greek. It's probably the one I'm most worried about, to be honest. The day after tomorrow it's written Latin, the one I'm most worried about after Greek, so I get the worst out of the way first.


    That being said, I'm fairly optimistic. It's not too bad when you're in the middle of it. It's the nervousness up until the test itself that's a bitch.

  13. About the whole deal before the night phase:


    It does indeed seem like I was the one who Maase/Nightcrawler took for a teleport. My theory is that

    Maase/Nightcrawler's ability was to protect someone by teleporting him/her, and both he and mr-paul targetted me

    the second night. Maase/Nightcrawler teleported me and thereby protected me from mr-paul's investigation, resulting

    in mr-paul's power failing and him smelling brimstone. Thinking about it, it actually makes perfect sense.


    Regarding the claws, I have no idea, and looking at the write-up it actually says nothing about who killed

    Maase/Nightcrawler. I'd even say that reading it like the teleportee was the killer is a stretch. If I am indeed

    the teleportee, which I'm very sure of, how do you explain the claws? Mystique doesn't have claws, nor does

    Spider-Man, so I'd say that's evidence supporting my case.


    Regarding this night's events: Paj was evil? Then either he knew I am good and tried to get me lynched (nearly worked), or there are several evil groups with no connection.


    I was surprised when I read something about a man with a million dollar armour suit killing someone, because I did actually shape-shift into Iron Man this night. Seems like Mundi is telling the truth - but I'm not sure it's the whole truth. His role seems very evil, and what was up with him coming back from the dead? Still, chair doesn't seem to be all too bothered about making "evil" roles evil in this game. I dunno, I'm confused.

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