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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I don't really see any point in a Slut, unless Jayseven pulled the famous "You have to search for someone" card.

    I, however, am getting too suspicious of Dyson.


    Vote Lynch: Dyson


    Call it Instinct, but not only does he sound suspicious, as he will possibly turn into a Zombie, which can cause us problems.

    To be honest, I think it's a little too early to point fingers and lynch people. It's the always present dilemma of what to do with no concrete info. Lynch someone with the likely risk of hitting a good guy, or do nothing and watch as another one bites the dust. This early in the game, I don't think lynching someone on weak grounds is a good option.

  2. Aw, I thought this thread was going to be about a school play. I'm pissed that our principal had to cut the funds to the school play this year. I was looking so much forward to it!


    But yeah, Facebook. I love having long, pointless conversations on there. Yup ...


    *walks away*

  3. If you aren't with someone for a while, aren't you meant to feel more sexually driven? I don't, at all. That isn't to say I'm not interested in people, I just don't feel sexually charged at the moment. If that makes sense.

    I can't answer this question, as I've never been with someone sexually, but on a related note:


    I find that I've gotten more and more sexually driven the past months. And it's drving me crazy! I can hardly be in class with my female classmates without my mind wandering off to all the wrong places, and I'm feeling very desperate for a girlfriend.


    I'm so tired of it! Tired of me worrying about it all the time. My rational mind tells me it'll all happen at some point and that I don't even have much time for a relationship at the moment - but try to convince my hormone-ridden body of that ...


    Anyway, just needed to let out some steam.

  4. But if everybody else is also subjected to the same traffic regulations, what makes it unfair exactly? He's no more likely to be caught out than any other motorist failing to obey the laws of road. And if he isn't wearing a seat belt then once again, it's his fault.

    It's not unfair for him exactly, it's more that the speed limits are ridiculous. Him standing up to something ridiculous is a good thing IMO.

  5. I agree, to an extent. But then again, personally (though I'm aware generalisations can't be made) I've not seen a relationship that started say, 16 or younger, develop into something that's still around today. Maybe it's the whole idea that it's to young to be "in love" or whatever, I don't know.


    I know god knows how many people that rushed into something because of feelings they believed to be totally genuine, and then ended up regretting what occured then, now. But then again, that could be said for anyoneat any age I suppose. *is rambling*


    By trying to adults too soon, do you mean turning something into a sexual relationship when said person isn't ready and therefore ends up regretting it...or am I totally off track?

    I see what you mean. But we all gotta learn from mistakes, don't we?


    Anyway, I actually used the slightly undefined phrase "trying to be adults too soon" because I'm not entirely sure what I mean myself. :p But yeah, what you mention is at least part of what I mean.


    I find it a little difficult to get across exactly what I mean on all this, most likely because I don't know 100% how I feel about it myself. :)

  6. I'll follow up on your new topic, Haggis. :)


    Well, neither brain nor body has reached maturity at young ages, but I also know that some people never reach mental maturity - which I find to be the most important of the two. I also think that you're able to feel love for another person even at a young age, so I don't really see the problem. The problems arise when people are going to fast or trying to be adults too soon. As long as the feelings are genuine, I see no problem at all.

  7. Guys, let's try to be tactful, for once. We might end up scaring her away. :p


    Anyway, good luck. You may seem young, but true love doesn't have an age. All the best wishes. :)


    And like the others have said, don't worry about sexuality in here. To be quite frank, I haven't got a full overview of who's gay in here and who's not. :p

  8. Nice breakdown of the write-up, Maase, especially when there's so much to read.


    Anyway, there's something in the write-up that confuses me: I know some of the things that went on last night, but there seems to be contradictions between what I know and what is revealed in the write-up.

  9. I am a massive Harry Potter fan! :D I love the books, and I love the films, too. They're not like the books, but if you expect them to be, you should get a reality check. Of course, some people might not like the changes made, but I personally think the transition from book to film is really great. Each time a new trailer comes out for a Harry Potter film, I get overhyped! :D


    Talking about book-to-film transitions, I just watched Angels & Demons today. Awesome film, though they've made a lot of changes, some good, others not so good. All in all, though, a great film. :)

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