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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I haven't seen the movie, but I think I understand the concept. Just one thing I need cleared up: Do you actually "experience" experiencing the things, or do you just have the memory of experiencing them?


    In case one, I don't see why not. You would think the experiences were real, like in The Matrix.

    In case two, I wouldn't do it, as memories tend to fade and become blurry, even to the point where you're unsure if you actually ever experienced them, or if you dreamt them or simply constructed them in your mind (I have a memory from my early childhood of whose nature I'm very unsure).

  2. These aren't common in Norway. Peter would be Petter, Frederik would be Fredrik and Erik would be Eirik. Common names in Norway would be Arild, Geir, Rolf, Rune, Ove, Andreas


    Not common in Norway . Other common names in Norway would be Silje, Marianne, Kristine, Stine, Sandra, Heidi, Hanne


    As he mentioned -sen is used in Danish for surnames, -son is used in Swedish, but there's nothing in Norwegian. So here's some famous people; Stoltenberg, Bjørndalen, Strømøy, Rybak, Nærum, Marlin

    As mentioned, the spelling may vary. The highlighted names are also quite common in Denmark.

  3. Mattias and Erik are Swedish i believe.

    Generally Scandinavian, I think.

    I need surnames too! go go go!

    You can take almost any male first name (but not all!) and add "-sen", which is identical to "-son" in English ("son of ..."). Here is a bunch of examples:


    Andersen, Petersen, Jensen, Larsen, Hansen, Frederiksen, Poulsen, Kristensen, Jespersen, Rasmussen, Mortensen, Simonsen.

  4. ... a huge, metallic, plate-like object appeared, hovering above them and slowly descending, the deafening noise threatening to pierce their eardrums.


    "A blinding flash, frozen in time, and now a flying saucer? What is this, an episode of a bad science fiction show?" Raining_again shouted through the noise, suddenly remembering her geeky friend who always constantly blabbered about a certain sci-fi series from the '90s. "What's next, a grey alien?"


    As if on cue, a flap on the underside of the UFO opened, a beam of light shooting out and lighting the ground beside them. A blurry silhouette descended through the light beam, hovering slowly towards the ground until it finally landed softly in front of them. As it came close to them, they realised it wasn't an alien - quite on the contrary, it was a face very familiar to them ...

  5. I can mention a bunch of common Danish and generally Scandinavian first names. Some of them obviously have their roots in other languages, but they are none the less very common. Varieties in spelling exist, but I've chosen the most Danish variants.


    Male names: Daniel, Søren, Peter, Lars, Jens, Frederik, Kristian, Anders, Mads, Rasmus, Jesper, Morten, Martin, Erik, Palle, Helge, Poul, Simon.


    Female names: Anne, Katrine, Karen, Julie, Lykke, Sofie, Susanne, Johanne, Line, Josefine, Ingrid, Mette, Maja, Rebekka, Nina, Ditte, Lærke, Sine.

  6. Hm, I dunno if we should put too much into who voted LazyBoy out. I mean, a mafia member could do it simply to gain the town's trust. Or is that too crazy a strategy?


    (Sorry for double post.)


    Anyway, the double vote might seem suspicious, but as things are, I trust my investigations more. They may not always be very informative, but what they say has turned out to be true in the past. And if Maase is a suspicious character and "up to no good", I say we give him the kick.

  7. Whoa, I didn't see this coming, either.


    Jordan, I know you've been down lately, and while I cannot relate to that, I have no trouble imagining how you feel. And trust me, however it may seem, NO ONE in here DIDN'T like you. People only came off harsh because they were trying to help you. You may not be able to see it right now, but staying in your misery won't do anything good, and that's what people tried to tell you. I know I respected you a lot, and I would hate for such an awesome person to do anything stupid. You're much, much better than that.


    Keep your head high, and take some time to find yourself again. I wish you all the best. :)

  8. I think I might have a more solid lead. I investigated Maase last night, and I received information that he seemed suspicious and "up to no good". Seeing as my information has proven to be correct in the past, and since Maase has acted somewhat suspicious before in this game, I'd say this the closest we've been to having actual evidence against someone, so I'm willing to say:


    Vote: Maase


    By the way, my computer's fucked right now and won't be repared until next week, so I wonø't be as active in this for the next few days.

  9. I'm finding it hard to bite my tongue here. It wasn't just a general fuck-about in ancient greece. They still understood the difference between man-love and woman-love -- they understood the concepts of sticking a penis in another man's bum and sticking it in a vagina and they understood the conceptual differences and implications of both acts.


    I mostly have an issue with the word 'concept' here :P general 'labelling' would be better, as Daft suggested.

    Well, po-tay-to or po-tar-to, the point still stands. :)

  10. i thought dannyboy was making a clever joke....O_o

    and appreciated it as such!! :grin:

    Unfortunately not. I simply misread the sentence completely! :p


    But yes, I also like the topics of equality and being an outsider in the X-Men films.

    Go tell asexuality doesn't exist to all the asexual people out there. They do exist, both men and women.

    I think what he meant was that the concept of sexuality doesn't exist until acknowledged. In Ancient Greece you didn't think of hetero- and homosexuality as different concepts.


    Of course there are so-called asexual people out their, but it's unfortunate in many cases regarding sexuality that we so desperately try to categorise and label people. Sexuality is way too complex for any given system of categorising to ever be completely correct, and in many cases it creates narrowmindedness and prejudice.

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