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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I value personality over anything.

    I hear ya. My first and only ever real relationship, which I ended as mentioned above, didn't work out because the better I got to know her, the less our personalities fit together. So if anything, I learned some things about myself from the experience.

  2. So here's the thing i've found from my female friends.


    When girls want a boyfriend, many of them want someone "edgy" and "cool". Someone that isn't reliable and is just kinda in it for a few months.


    When girls want something more serious, us lame asses get a shot. It is unfortunately the way of the world. If you're an attractive girl its like being in a sweet shop or something...

    Hm, I find this to be waaay too generalising.

  3. I love it when you can identify features in your dream stemming from experiences or thoughts you've had during the day. The next day you can practically break the dream into little pieces and identify almost every single piece. 'Tis fun. :)


    The past week, while I was in Dubrovnik, I dreamt a lot, and almost all my dreams involved my friends from class. I read that as me having missed them terribly. They also involved sexual acts, which I read as me being a terrible pervert. :heh:

  4. [/b] I present to you, your new film of the year! :p


    The synopsis:


    "A specially trained squad of guinea pigs is dispatched to stop a diabolical billionaire from taking over the world."






    It has a Mole called Agent Speckles in it... what's not to like? :heh:


    Looks awesome! : peace:

    New X-Men Origins: Wolverine Trailer:



    As does this! And woot for Gambit being in it! :yay:


    Shit, I just looked back a page and watched the Fanboys trailer: That's got to be one of the most awesome things I've seen!

  5. Rejection ... I was great friends with this girl in kindergarten. When we started school, it was at different schools. Later, in the 7th grade, we end up in the same class again. I soon realise that I've fallen deeply in love with her. At some point during the next three years, I built up enough guts to tell her (over Messenger, because that's how much of a wimp I am), and she was thoroughly surprised, but kindly let me know that she didn't feel the same way. I was sad, but it wasn't like I had expected anything, so I guess I was OK with it. We're still OK today - we don't talk much, but that's just because we've drifted apart - not related to aforementioned episode. Sometimes I do wonder, though, if I've still got feelings for her. I dunno - maybe you never really get over your first crush.


    I once had to reject a girl that I'd been going out with for about a month or so. We both knew that something was wrong, but I didn't want to admit to myself that it wasn't working, so it was actually her who brought it up, even though she probably had more feelings for me than the other way around at the time. She did, however, quickly find a new guy ... opposite me ...


    I guess I'm just too pessimistic when it comes to girls. It makes me depressed how bad I fare with the opposite sex. I don't have problems with girls in general - I have lots of girl friends. I think I'm just one of those guys who stays "friend material" ... :/


    It was all about the Hair Bear Bunch, lmao.



    ...and a show I still watch today and never get bored of.

    As some might have noticed from my room tour video, I actually still watch Disney Channel. :heh:

  7. Grats. :)


    And I say "grats" again, because otherwise I wouldn't be able to post this message due to shortness of aforementioned (read: this) message, which in turn forces everybody to read this pointless blabbering which stems from me having just come back from a week's travel and still being up at friggin' a quarter to five in the morning!

  8. GAH!!! The nostalgia! I'm drowning!


    Holy heck, all these bring memories. All the Cartoon Network shows; the Disney ones like Talespin, Ducktales, and Rescue Rangers; the old Marvel cartoons like Spider-Man and X-Men. In that category, these are worthy mentions:




    Also, I remember ReBoot. I loved that show to bits, but they never broadcasted further than the two or so seasons. Not until the Internet did I realise that the show kept going after Bob lost Glitch and was sen back to the Web.


    Oh, and the Moomins. Shit, that show was scary. Yet I still watched it. I remember the most scaring of the characters were the Groke and the Hattifatteners.




    In retrospect, I think the show dealt with too serious and adult subjects for young kids to understand. Sadness, melancholy, loneliness, and other feelings like that were represented with dark and almost disturbing characters.

  9. Fuck My Life(FML) website. People leave messages as to why their life sucks, beginning with "Today...". I've been reading for close to half an hour, and haven't stopped laughing. This one made me laugh like a total whore, however harsh it is in retrospect.




    The website

    I like that website, but most of them are so cringeworthy that it's a bittersweet experience. I much prefer Not Always Right with stupid customer experiences. I've literally spent an entire Saturday afternoon reading through the complete 170-something page archive. No shit. :heh:

  10. I'm no engineer, but shouldn't it be possible to invent a generator that generates energy...which in turn, harnesses part of the energy it produces to power itself? Basically it would create one "unit" of energy and split half of it to power itself and create more energy while giving the other half to whatever function it was designed to do.

    That's impossible, as the amount of energy is constant. You can't "create" energy, you can only transform energy, which is what a generator does: It transforms one form of energy into another, more usable form. For instance, the energy in the flow of a river pushes a watermill around, a movement which then in turn powers a generator, transforming the energy of the watermill into electricity. If a generator were to power itself, it would be a loop: It could only "create" as much energy as it received, thereby only ever being able to produce enough energy to power itself. Add to this that no energy tranformation is ever 100%, meaning that a certain percentage of energy is lost in tranformation, and you will see that you can never create a generator that can power itself, let alone power both itself and something else. You might accomplish making a self-sustaining generator if you invented a generator that could transform energy 100%, but it would still never be able to produce more energy than it receives from itself. It's simply against the laws of physics.

  11. Oooh, interesting. I dont see why he would lie about the Olympics though. Seems like a fact you'd only include if it were true. Still, he was right (or at least fair to presume) about the other things.

    Well, the problem with Brown is (and don't take this the wrong way - I really like him as an author) that he doesn't always do his research well enough. This thread is proof that you can't trust everything you hear, and Brown has a tendency to include "facts" in his books that fit his storylines - even if they're not always as factual as he thinks they are.

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