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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. A trilogy of Danish fantasy books that I enjoy immensely:


    Striden om Natkrystallerne (roughly translated: The Fight for the Night Crystals)


    The story revolves around an English village, Compton Bassett, in which the main character, who most of the story is told to, experiences first-hand several strange events relating to the village's past. I've read the two first books, Det blå lys (The Blue Light) and Skyggeringen (The Shadow Ring), but it's so long ago that before I begin reading the third book, Stjernedråberne (The Star Droplets), I want to re-read the first two.

  2. Yeah, I've always said that time is just a measurement we concocted to help us understand things. That's why when people propose the possibility of time travel it always seems ridiculous; you would have to physically restore everything to the confirmation it was at a given moment.

    Yes, but Einstein proved that "time" isn't simply "time", it's relative. I've seen a documentary about time travelling backwards in time being possible if you used a strong gravitational pull (which is actually a "bend" in spacetime because of a large mass), for instance that of a black hole, to accelerate past the speed of light. Experiments are being conducted using laser beams positioned in a spiral tube shape supposed to be able to bend spacetime.

  3. Please let this be right, and also, if so, then that's fucking Pro! I completely forgot about Gizmo Duck *slaps self* but that image has brought it all flooding back to me. :)

    It would be a display of extreme coincidence if more than one member in here shares the name of a cartoon duck. I must say I was blank for a while, but then Dynamo was mentioned, and a bell rang. I don't know this Dynamo, but the name lead my mind towards Gizmo Duck, and once I remembered his name - WHA-BAM!

  4. Don't forget we are booked to die in 2012. Something to do with Mayan terrorist releasing gay Polish chickens, infected with an 'ultimate' super virus, covered in anthrax and that can be downloaded off Pirate Bay...at least that's what I understand.

    One word, gentlemen: Aliens.

  5. Thats true, some peoples paradises may be others hell.

    Like if you have to live in a theme park for eternity, for some it would be paradise, other hell.


    Personally i believe there had to be some thing that has always just been there,i cant understand how there was once nothing.

    Wether it was a god, superior being, or some other powerful entity i believe there had to be something.

    I dont believe in heaven or hell, or not the christian ones anyway.

    Gah ... I promised myself I wouldn't get into this ... but so far this has actually been kept a sober debate, so what the heck ...


    I understand how warandchaos feels. It's about the same way I feel. I don't believe in any one religion according to scripture, and I'm a scientific mind to the core. But I find it hard to believe or accept that there's not some deeper, spiritual meaning to things. Whether it's a god, some universal truth, a spiritual world or omnipresent life force, I do not know - nor does it matter much to me. I've found that I should focus on living my life in the present. When I get old, and death closes in on me, I'll probably begin thinking more about it, but as things are, I feel safe in hoping and believing that there's something more out there. It gives me a sense of purpose and greater meaning behind it all, and I guess that's what all religions try to do. I have a belief in unity of truth - that all religions hold some form of truth, or simply different versions of it - and that some day science will solve the mysteries of life once and for all. At least that's what I like to believe.


    I know some people will call me stupid and ignorant for believing in these kinds of things without proof. But I like to keep an open mind, and it gives me purpose. I've taken the good things from different religions (love, forgiveness, and the greater good) and dropped the bad things (fear, manipulation, and control). It's a win-win situation, so to speak. :heh:


    I'm not really interested in discussing these things. Faith is something personal, I believe, and it is up to every one of us to find out what we want to believe in. I've made up my mind, and I'm happy about it. :)

  6. Eddage lifted his head weakly from the stretcher. He smiled sheepishly.


    "I'm doin' fine, capta..." he said, breaking into a violent coughing fit.


    "I told you to lie down and relax," Hellfire scoffed at him, worry showing on his face as he bent down and gave Eddage another injection. "For the pain," he said.


    As Eddage laid his head down and closed his eyes, Hellfire signaled to Jordan to come with him. The two men walked away a little, and Hellfire spoke in a low voice:


    "As you can see, he isn't exactly in top condition. To be honest," he said, pausing with a furrowed brow, "he's not doing good. His injuries are bad, and there's not much more I can do for him out here. I'll have to agree with The fish; his best chances of survival are if we can reach Brook Point soon. There he can receive proper medical treatment."


    "You don't have to whisper, I can hear you perfectly well," a weak voice said behind them. Eddage had heard everything.


    Jordan turned to his teammate and mustered a weak smile. "You're strong, Edd. I ask you to hold out a little while longer."


    Eddage gave a little fist pump before lying back and closing his eyes yet again. "All right, team," Jordan called out, "we move again!"

  7. I agree with both Nintendohnut and Paj. I think the sci-fi theme works very well (we are geeks, after all :heh:), more so than a horror theme would (even though I was the one who sparked that idea in the first place :heh:).


    Anyway, I also feel that the story has taken an extreme turn. It's not because the story is too hard to follow, but the constant adding of weird elements makes it a bit troublesome (at least for me). I feel as if this is what ReZ tried to prevent by stating that we should respect the others' posts, e.g. not playing the dream card. We should try to stick to things as they are instead of constantly competing on coming up with more and more extreme elements.


    Also, I would very much like to join in on the writing, but the things mentioned above make it hard for me to do so. (But that might just be me. :heh:) That is essentially why I chose to focus on Fori, as I felt I would be better at adding something to that.

  8. A QWERTY-phone How does that work? You just bring a keyboard along in your pocket, or ...? :p


    Anyway, I love T9. Though my phone tends to forget some words when new are added. But it's never a major issue, and it's generally very fast for me.

  9. how apt! the day i get a job doing something that i'm most likely gunna enjoy (did i mention the free sushi???) i hear back from the deli place... :grin:




    i'm considering writing back ... telling her i was more concerned about how the terrible conduct of her staff would be handled as it was already quite obvious that i wasn't actually being observed.


    i should probably just let it go... buuuuuut.... i've never actually BEEN a thorn in someone's side before... i kinda wanna try it.

    what do y'all think...? :grin:

    Let it go? Are you crazy, woman? She didn't even pick up your point, but focused instead on something you said wasn't even the problem! You're almost compelled to write her back! Dooo eeet! ;)

  10. I do have to say that I agree with Eenuh: I, too, have problems following the story all the time. Everything does seem a little "loose". New, random characters get added (characters that I hope will be revealed as forum members at some point), powers and abilities are quite strange and "far out", and extreme things happen all the time. I know it's not supposed to be completely believable, but could we at least try to keep it within the boundaries of plausibility - at least to a certain degree? Let's try to make this more interesting to read, not just let our imaginations run loose.

  11. ... It's difficult to say.


    I mean, love has no definition. You just kinda know. You know you want to be there unconditionally for that person, you know that no matter what they ever did to you you'd forgive them, you know that you could accept them for who they are.


    At least, that's how i feel >_>.

    But then, there are also varying degrees of love. I knew I was pretty deeply in love with my first crush, but I sure as heck know that I wouldn't be able to accept some things. To take an extreme example, if she had killed someone, for instance, I would seriously have to reconsider my feelings.


    Though on the other hand, once the primary shock had settled, would I still have feelings for her? I might, though it's hard to tell. Maybe I would subconsciously repress the facts, as they wouldn't fit in with the glorified picture I have of her.


    I don't know where I'm going with this ...

  12. There are many different variations of the common cold already, so it is near impossible to contract all forms and become immune to them. So in many ways, it has mutated already. Last years virus/cold was one of the worst i've ever caught and it came back twice.

    Technically, it can't come back. Once you have caught a cold, your immune system has defeated it (*Final Fantasy Victory Theme*), you're immune to that particular cold, which means that you can't catch it again.

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