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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. To list all the things I've never done that you supposedly need to have done to have a life will take an eternity, so I'll just mention a few of them:


    • I've never gone skiing or snowboarding or surfboarding or anything like that.
    • I've never seen The Godfather films (plus a shitload of other films that you "have" to see).
    • I've never been drunk.
    • I've never done drugs.
    • I've never owned a dog.
    • I've never had done anything remotely sexual with a girl.

  2. Correct, good guess







    There ya go Danny

    I know of Caligula's scandals, trust me. :p


    Though they don't mention the worst of them: Believing himself to be Jupiter and, following the myth, carving his unborn child out of the mother's womb and consuming it.

  3. Two yearly written tests in Greek and Latin on the 3rd and 4th of June, then a yearly oral exam on the 8th of June (my birthday T.T) defending an assignment I've just handed in about Barack Obama's visions for America. Then in the following two weeks I have two oral exams in physics and nature geography.



  4. Hi I'm Daisy!


    Nah, I'm not really. :heh: You play Mario Kart Wii? You should play online with us.

    Agreed, you should join in all the forum activity funzies. Or, you know ... maybe just some of them. It really makes your stay more fun, and you get to know the members really well.

  5. Well I'm not saying it'll prevent allergies for 100%, but I think having pets will certainly help. But there might be other factors as well of course. And there might always be other reasons why you're getting the allergic reactions.

    Well, seeing as it's only in the summer time, I'm fairly certain that's it's pollen of some sorts. Either that or some other seasonal factor.

  6. Really happy I don't suffer from hayfever or any sort of allergies. So don't really have any things that might help.


    Though I have heard on more than one occasion already that growing up with pets helps you to not become allergic as easily. Also being exposed to the outdoors (so getting dirty!), or going to things like daycare help build up your immune system. So if you ever have children, you know what to do. =P

    The strange thing is, I grew up with cats in the house, and we still have cats. Yet it's only the past few years that I've really started to get buggered by allergic reactions like sneezing, runny nose, and irritated eyes and throat.

  7. Maybe they don't always have a meaning as such, but there must be some reason why said thoughts fill your head during that time. I'd imagine that the dream is merely a reflection on your current state of mind - whether you recognize it or not. So whilst the dream could have meaning, it won't be telling you anything you shouldn't already know or have thought about.


    Given the infrequency with which I remember my dreams, I believe there has to be some reason why I am able to recall those that I do. Maybe there isn't quite the profound meaning to them I seem to want to attach, but normally I can find some link to my current situation in them and it all seems rather obvious at that point as to why I had the dream in the first place.

    I believe you're right. Dreams have a tendency to take what's on your mind and twist it into the strangest situations. :heh:

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