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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I hate revision, but love exams themselves. There's no more work you can do, so you just have to take what comes and go for it, adrenaline and all. Fun stuff, and of course after each exam you're a little closer to being free.

    Sums up my feelings pretty well, actually.

  2. Ok, I've got most people's responses. I'm writing up the roles now - done about 4 so far, so patience please :) I'm really trying to make each character interesting.


    I was going to really mix-it-up and make the game more role-playing than before... but it's a little too complicted for my first go, so it'll be fairly regular.

    It shouldn't be too RPG, either, as that might complicate the game a little too much. :)

  3. For good measure, I must say that I did in fact both record and send in my lines for last Christmas' Band Aid. I, too, am disappointed at the lack of attendance.


    And to the topic at hand, I have always had quite a natural flair for music. Not only am I, if I may say so myself, pretty good at rhythm games like StepMania and Guitar Hero, I've also played a number of different instruments - including xylophone, drums, piano and ocarina - and song! - in my past with pretty good results. But alas, I have only ever received proper teaching in the ways of the piano, and that was so many years ago that I cannot remember anything I ever learned bar a tip or two. I do, however, still use my piano (and the wicked piano-emulating program for the computer called KeyBored) regularly, as I often teach myself to play songs from video games etc. by ear. I also sometimes find the sheet music online and play from that.


    My class being made up of both classics students (like me) and music students, not to mention my best friends being music students, I see all their performances, and, quite frankly, am very jealous of them, as I love to play and perform. I want to do more with music when I get the opportunity, possibly try to get proper teaching, and I want to try to learn to play guitar at some point in my life.

  4. Dunno if this is the right place to go, but what the heck. I'm looking around a little for an MP3 player, as my current one, while pretty fine, lacks in a number of spots. Naturally, the better the combination of battery life, storage capacity and price, the better, and while I by no means need top quality, I do want decent hardware for a decent price. Other than that, there are a few features that I really want:

    • Rechargeability, preferably via USB connection to my computer.
    • Ability to drag and drop. No tie-ins with certain programs, simply being able to drop the files onto the MP3 player and play away.
    • Song sorting (and this is really a must). Being able to organise your songs as you wish, not being bound by title or artist sorting or anything else. Multiple folders/playlists also preferred.

    And while not a must, it would still be nice to have:

    • A neckstrap, belt click or something like that. It's nice to be able to carry the MP3 player without the fear of dropping it.

    Of course there are other factors that mean something like menus being easy to navigate and the ability to plug in my own headphones, but you rarely have to worry about these things.


    Anyway, I hope you can help me find something. :)

  5. Same here. Although I think it's more like a certain number of posts more rather than pages. Because it does change by one. For example when there is only one post on the last page of the funnies it says there are no extra pages. And I've seen it happen with others.


    Although strangely there are no extra pages on HWYD. Which is the biggest thread and will most likely have the most posts from banned members.

    Well, that's that theory out the window. But yeah, I also had figured it was phatom posts more than phantom pages for the same reason.

  6. Problem with that theory Dyson is that the amount of Phantom pages you see in a thread varies. I've seen it with 4 in the 360 thread, but I've also seen it with 1.

    The amount of phantom pages doesn't vary for me. For example, the User Image Thread always has two phantom pages, while the Funny Videos one always has one.


    Like mentioned, it is only when pressing the "go to last post" button that the phantom pages appear. When going into a thread normally, the page count matches.


    Scratch that, it happens either way.

  7. I find it interesting that people who agree with the BNP would mention how the Lib Dems are awful. When in actual fact that have similar views. Although the BNP are seen to be ultra-racist-right-wing thugs they actually have many left-wing ideals. The reason why this isn't seen though quite simple. All those who have those left-wing ideals stay away from the BNP because they know they're a bunch of racists. In turn the supporters of the BNP just jump on their hard line policies with issues that often relate to race (such as immigrants) and don't bother to look at their other ideals. These people are easy to spot once they start talking about the Tories and BNP as if they're comparable.

    This sounds like the situation with the Danish Folk Party here in Denmark. They're also very nationalistic (many would say racist), want harsh punishments for crimes and are normally placed all the way to the right - but economically they're quite left wing.

  8. I don't hate the exams themselves as much as I hate the last 24 hours before them. I always get extremly nervous (to the point where not going to the toilet is a wise decision) before an exam, even though I've always been well prepared and normally do very well. But when I'm in the middle of an exam, my nervousness disappears (unless I can see that I'm really fucked), and I do pretty fine.

  9. Things I've never done Mk II - Things I've never done, but want to do:

    • I've never held a real katana or tried to cut with it.
    • I've never attained a great level of skill in any martial art.
    • I've never really learned to play piano or guitar.
    • I've never done stand-up comedy.
    • I've never been to Ireland or USA.
    • I've never had a relationship based on true love.
    • I've never done anything sexual with a girl.

    List subject to additions.

  10. I was of the impression that the problem started when some of the updates were initiated. It had not been a problem before - not for me, anyway. Didn't the updates come in "waves", kind of? I think it happened after one of the first waves of updates.

  11. For the next night phase to commence, all players must post in the thread during the day period, unless otherwise stated. Basically, if someone hasn't posted then I'll PM them, and if after a period of time (24 hours most likely) they haven't responded or posted in teh thread, then I'll simply write them out of the game.


    Jimbob; I strongly recommend you read over a finished mafia game to get a basic grasp. I'm aiming to make this game a bit different to the usual so a general understanding will be helpful :)

    Ah, now I get it. :)

  12. Agreed, although food, conversation, (and linguistics :p) are also good.


    That said, I've never had illegal drugs unless you count a bit of passive weed, and am not really bothered. Alcohol and even stuff like caffeine are great though. :heh:

    Sex AND linguistics ... I think I just came a little. :heh:

  13. Yeah, I know. It's just the way she said that today though, and some stuff from before. Like I told her I like her but she knocked me back, and seems to think she's out of my league or something. She would expect to be able to find someone better than me. So if she is alone, and I'm not, then that will knock her back a bit. And at this point, I would enjoy that.

    I totally understand that line of thought, and I don't blame you. She sounds like a bitch, to be honest. :p I'm just saying that it's probably not the healthiest approach to the whole relationship thingy. :)

  14. Little update on me and that girl I posted about a while ago.


    Today was the last day of this year of school. So the last classes, essentially, of all the stuff I'm not taking next year. Just so happens this is the last time I'll be in the class with her, and therefore probably the last time I'll really speak to her. There was a bit of banter as usual, whatever. But there was one comment she made which stung me as odd: I made some jibe to her, and her response was something along the lines of "yeah well screw you I hope your single and alone forever". I didn't any deal of it, just pretended to not hear / bother about it. But it's stuck with me, because I can't work out why that would be the reaction. Like theres something there, but I'm not sure what it is. I wonder if she even knows. Perhaps it's a dislike to me shes had since I told her my feelings, and my jokes about it being the last class rubbed her the wrong way somehow. I dunno, feel like I'm over analysing again. I don't think I even really like her now; it's more the fact that she turned me down, and I hate that she is kinda condescending to me at times. At the end of the day today she said "finally, they year is over. I need someone to hug" and I was just like, wtf? I thought we were meant to be mates? Also, the other day she told me she had "good news" to tell me, and that she'd "tell me later". Dunno what it was about, and she never brought it back up. Could be nothing. Oh, and her and a group of others (most of whom I am friends with) are going out Friday night, to which I've not been invited. I'm quit disappointed in this, perhaps people don't like me as much as I thought. It frustrates me.


    Got my eye on another girl now anyway, who is gonna be at a party on Saturday. Hopefully we'll hook up, the signs have been good there. If not it should be another boring summer.


    And I hope we hook up in front of "her". Just to let her know that I beat her to finding someone.

    Not that I pretend to know anything about relationships, but this whole "race" thing about who finds another one first kinda removes the feelings from it, doesn't it? I mean, it makes relationships some kind of competition.

  15. As i know, you have been to and learned much more about Ancient Rome than myself.


    I guess somethings arn't meant for Wikipedia to be fair.

    Well, to be fair, I do study classics. :p


    But yeah, Wikipedia can't always be trusted on more in-depth knowledge.

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