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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Anyway, when summertime finally arrives for me, I'll probably keep spending a lot of time with my friends. I simply can't imagine not seeing them for so many weeks; I'll miss them too damn much! Then I'll probably try to get into reading again, as I have a ton of books that I want to read - for instance Harry Potter in Latin and Ancient Greek. Perhaps take advantage of the weather sexually! to try to get some exercise.

  2. Haha, I'll probably never even come close to be actually being able to construct anything like that. But, I'll consider you. Obviously, I'd have to ask the female, though. :heh:

    Nah, don't bother. I'll just be that annoying guy who barges in at all times uninvited and makes himself at home. :p

  3. Yeah, but instead of having some deep meaning, it could just be your brain tidying up all the crazy stuff in your subconsciousness, no?


    A premonition that I'm going to move to an island and realise I'm a lesbian? I'd say that's unlikely.

    Damn ... I'd have liked that, y'know ... ;)


    Islands are so effing awesome!

  4. It's actually quite funny: When I recently switched to my current profile picture, some random girl on Facebook remarked in a talk about relationships and the like that I look like I "enjoy single life too much to be able to commit myself to only one girl". :heh: It's so hilarious that my profile picture makes me appear as the "cool" guy who gets all the girls - the direct opposite of who I actually am. I love social experiments. :heh:

  5. I don't have a "dream" house as such, but I know how I like things to be. I don't need rooms for all my activities - I'd be happy with a kitchen, a bathroom, and then a place where I spend the rest of my time, like my own corner - just, y'know, larger. I'd collect all the things I need around me:

    • A bed
    • A TV
    • A DVD player
    • My gaming consoles
    • A table for my papers and laptop
    • Many power outlets and cables
    • And finally many, MANY shelves for all my books, games, DVDs and CDs

  6. I think I suffer from hayfever or some kind of pollen allergy, 'cause when summer comes, I get irritated eyes, runny nose, and I sneeze constantly. I normally take an antihistamine tablet every day, and it works great.

  7. Yeah - Basically someone (retrogamer) called one of stuwii's threads gay, and Motion started a thread called 're: retrogamer", with the first post being something like "So you called a thread gay. I was just wondering what you meant by that?" The thread was immediately spammed by loads of people (because it was a stupid thread and should have been sorted via PM) and got to the point where people were posting porn and random gifs and lolcats pictures. It got to 13 pages because there were no mods or admins online at that point, and when they arrived there was a mass-ban and the thread was deleted. The first 3 pages consisted of everyone having a go at Motion for making the thread, then it was taken over by random posts about being a black gay jew, or something. You have to read it to properly understand though.

    Knowing the type of people who inhabit this place, it's rather easy to imagine. :p

  8. I really thought you did it on purpose. So I separated you. However, if one of you happened to target the other one during the night, the two would start working together as a group, and one would commit suicide if the other one died.

    Aw, too bad! That would've been awesome! :)

    It never happened, though. And Eenuh was working with Domjcg (who I later killed due to inactivity)

    Who was Domjcg again?

    Still, I think it was a good game. Kudos to Lazyboy (for being a hell of a mafioso), Dannyboy (for covering his identity so well), Nintendohnut (his role stated he should lynch as much as possible, but he still made a good job out of it) and Jayseven (for motivating the others into surviving a few more days)

    Thanks. :) I really tried to deceive people into trusting me, which is why I put in a vote for LazyBoy. It seemed impossible for him to survive, and since I knew we were getting close to victory, I decided on gaining a lot of trust in order to get someone good lynched. When jayseven immediately listed the ones that didn't vote for LazyBoy as possible mafiosos, I could have kissed him for helping my plan along. :D

    In the penultimate day, I was pretty lucky to have not been killed as a consequence of not keeping my vote for Gizmo. The majority was lowered, and Gizmo's change of heart allowed a mafia dude to complete the lynch. If the entire town had arrived in the first few hours of the new day and voted for me, you would have probably won it! We organised it so that we could all pwn Coolness at the same time, giving the town no time to go "hang on a minute, he's innocent!" Coolness was inactive, so we thought it would be better to remove him than an active player such as Jayseven, Eenuh and Gizmo.


    Well played to my fellow mafia, and to the ones who almost survived Barack/Gozer's murderous regime! :heh:

    It was so awesome the way we gathered on MSN late at night and coordinated our votes! Teamwork FTW! :D Kudos to Tellyn for planning it. :)

    Also: I followed the game after I died, was pretty sure about Tellyn, but I was so sure that jayseven was mafia and I couldn't believe nobody had accused him. Looks like I was wroooooong :) Had no idea about Dannyboy whatsoever, well played dude!

    Thanks! :)


    Reading through the thread again, there are so many questions that pop up: :heh: How did your reporter power work, jayseven? And what happened to Gizmo the time he voted in all directions?

  9. What, Eenuh was Scully? Ha! That's awesome! We didn't even plan it! :D


    Anyway, I was surprised you didn't all immediately attack me when Maase turned out to be good. Tellyn's forced vote nearly ruined everything when he had to use Maase as a cover, but luckily I had convinced you all! Mwahahaha! :D


    Great game, Jonnas, but to be fair the town didn't have much to go at. Still, great game. :)

  10. What I think they do is that you get put into a sleep so you're "dreaming" as the memory is being imlpanted. So as that is happening, you are experiencing them.


    I don't see it being much different from you remembering what you did this morning, you remember experiencing it and that is how your trip to the Mountains of Mars will appear in your mind.

    So you actually do experience it. But how real would the dreams be? As realistic as normal dreams? Or as realistic as the Matrix? Because normal dreams are not realistic enough to be mistaken for real experiences most of the time.

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