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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Often the best way Imo, : peace: I think it should all be simpler and in reality it is, it's just overcomplicated by a 'general concensus of opinion' or several of them, so a guy could chat to a girl and she may well 'know' that she likes him but is turned down when he asks because she's following a set of rules laid out by the aforementioned 'GCOO' whereas really she should have just said 'yes I liek you', guy knows where he stands, they get it together, happy ending or w/e.


    But everyone is different, some girls like to keep stuff a secret, some guys don't like to ask stuff, the world is complicated and invariably shit does or even doesn't happen... *sigh* and so we are back to square one and learning how to create a fake persona to cater for generalisations once again... :indeed:


    So in that respect I again agree with where TD is coming from but I don't like the fakeness of it all lol. :heh:


    Ideally all anyone wants is to be loved for who they are and love the other person in the same way surely? It's just a shame that it doesn't seem to be as simple as that in reality. :(

    I wholeheartedly approve of and agree with everything in this post! : peace:

  2. I get where both Jordan and tapedeck are coming from. And I partially agree with them both. :heh:


    It seems the rules of attraction are hard, if not impossible to bend (that's where it's unlike the Matrix, unfortunately). Yet I feel somewhat the same way as Jordan: Why the heck do we need to abide to these silly laws?


    I also see that from tapedeck's point of view, that's like asking why we have to abide to the laws of physics. But I can't help but think that, while these rules are rooted in our instincts, we are not completely controlled by them. I find it hard to believe that all females go by these rules, which still seem a bit too stereotypical in my head.


    Disclaimer: This post has no research to back it up, nor was it written with a clear structure in mind. Rather, it came to be as a result of a continuous flow of thoughts that developed as it was being written.

  3. 2805_1132038813530_1004068835_30384794_2401761_n.jpg

    Me and my best friend Anders with the Colosseum in the background.



    Me and Anders again, this time on top of Vesuvius.



    Me and another of my great friends, Maiken, in front of the Pantheon.



    Me, Anders, and Maiken just before eating that fateful ice cream which gave me a stomach ache.



    Me and some classmates posing in Pompey.


  4. 3 weeks and its over. I have a lot planned for the boards over the summer and surely this isn't the worst thing in the world right now?


    Have you tried changing posts per page and then back again? It may be a stupid suggestion but its an active suggestion at least. I will rebuild thread count and see if that works.


    Besides, as there is no technical reason why it should be doing this its a bug. Ergo its something someone else will have encountered and requested help for before (most likely on vbulletin.com or .org) and if someone wanted to go find that for me then fine, I can sort it out now. But figuring out search terms that won't bring up a lot ("page", "thread" etc obviously bring up a lot) is something that isn't really a high priority at the moment.

    No no, it's fine, really. I just wanted to know how things were coming along - see that you hadn't forgotten it. :)

  5. Are you sure talking like this isn't the reason behind rejection? :p





    Shit ...




    I don't really talk like that, though I can be very geeky at times. But only when with fellow geeks. I believe myself capable of being very mature and serious when needed. :)

    Interesting point though, imagine if everything in life was based on 'skill points' or something similar... I'm actually undecided on whether this would be a good or bad thing though :p still...

    I actually often compare real life to video games and make these kinds of parallels. :heh:

  6. To appeal to the RPG nerds in us all, you could compare this to a score check: When the girls are searching for a one night stand or something similar superficial, it's one's skill points in superficiality that counts, i.e. looks and "cool" factor, the latter of which apparently the bad boy type has a lot of. When they're searching for something deep and lasting on the other hand, it's wise having spent skill points on your personality.

  7. I had a weird dream in which my two dead cats suddenly showed up again, perplexing me (but strangely enough not the rest of my family... or the neighbours who were in our house for whatever reason). Strange thing was that one of the cats had a gaping gunshot wound in her right side, yet was still walking around like nothing was wrong. =O


    But yeah made me a bit sad to wake up and realise they weren't really back. =(

    Aw, that's sad. I'd probably feel the same way. I love my cats dearly, both the ones I have now and the ones that have passed away.






    Gah, now I'll have to think of something ... Ah, got it!


    Which member seemed to have a thing for nightwolf and was also one of the few to nominate me in the latest Forum Awards?

  9. I find the whole "bad boy" appeal and even the friend zone thing to be massive generalisations - while there may be some truth in them, people complain about them far too often, when they should instead just be treating people as individuals instead of trying to describe their behaviour in terms of flawed (and somewhat misogynistic) archetypes. It's really not like they always hold.

    I know that generalisations like that are not really truthful, but I find myself in the "good friend" role because that's how I feel. I know it's a topic where I lose most of my rational, optimistic thinking and spiral into depressing thoughts. Of course I know that I'll find the girl for me some day, but it's terrifyingly easy to dive down into and wallow in self-pity.

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