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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. *triumphant comes to the rescue music*



    Notes! (videos are more fun with notes).


    0) Not suitable for children, you'll see (or you won't see if you are a child as you shalln't watch!) (and this is number 0 because I ninja edited)

    1) I sound like a toff 0_o

    2) That briefly seen tea towel is getting thrown, im aware how filthy it is. (hey look its in the preview)

    3) I was going to redo this with more verbal detail in place but my battery died and I can't find the charger.

    4) Because battery died the end cuts out suddenly, but I had finished so its all good.

    I love the accent your voice gets when saying "which I quite like" about the snail drawing. :D

  2. You can just imagine the family sitting to watch TV and they're all wearing those stylish specs.

    They did this with some series here in Denmark. It worked to an extent - thing looked like they "popped" out from the screen a little.

  3. Since I started attending the gymnasium, I have fallen in love with classical philology. I want to study it at university level and become a teacher in those subjects, either at gymnaisum level or, if I can make it, at university level. I've always loved to teach other people - or more precisely helping my friends with their homework. I've been told that once I've explained things to them, they understand them much better, so I seem to have a knack for it.

  4. This oughta be fun. :)


    My name's Daniel, I'm 17 years old and from Denmark. My online name is a nickname I got in 4th grade after we had been listening to the Irish song of the same name. Going into the cyber world, I added "the Dane" as to stand out from the loads of other Dannyboys out there. So far I'm the only Dannyboy the Dane out there. :yay:


    My life was pretty difficult from the get-go, as I was diagnosed with a serious case of autism. I was scared of everything, couldn't handle pressure or big changes, and constantly needed guidance. Summed up, I didn't quite function in everyday life. Already before school I had psychologists and mentors,and I kept them all the way till 6th grade. In that time I evolved surprisingly much (and continue to do so), almost completety phasing out all my handicaps.


    Today I attend a gymnasium, which is roughly a Danish equivalent of high school. During my now one and half year here, I have evolved perhaps the most in my whole life, almost ridding myself completely of my autism diagnosis. I still regularly attend a psychologist/psychiatrist to evaluate my condition, and at the moment they're reconsidering my diagnosis from autism to schizotypical disorder, which sounds bad but really isn't. As I like to describe it, I have gotten rid of all the negative sides of my autism and retained the positive sides. It means I have a relatively good intelligence and a knack for analytical thinking, but my social skills and ability to function in everyday life have been brought to a "normal person" level. The reason I am now diagnosed as having schizotypical disorder is because I still (and probably always will) have slightly different thought patterns than most people.


    This history of mine has given me (ironically enough) a strong sense of empathy towards other people and especially minority groups, as I have always had the benefit of being around people who understood me, accepted me, and helped me through the tough times, despite my being different. I am likewise a pacifist and can thank my diagnosis for one thing: I don't need to join the army which is otherwise compulsive for 2 years (I think, not entirely sure, never bothered to check). :yay:


    Before the gymnasium I never knew exactly what I wanted to do, but once I joined I fell in love with classical philology, that is, the Latin and Ancient Greek languages and culture. I plan to study those subjects at university after I'm done with the gymnasium. But first I'm gonna need a free year to do what I want, as I am pretty loaded with work at the moment. And by pretty, I mean extremely.


    People call me a geek. Pretty much because I tell them to. My theory is that autists are the natural geeks of nature, so naturally I am one. I love fantasy and sci-fi, and I am in love with The Matrix and The X-Files. I am also a Japanophile and especially interested in Asian martial arts and philosophy not to mention philosophy in general). I did karate for half a year - the largest amount of physical activity in my life - but unfortunately I had to stop due to the earlier mentioned time constraints. I still miss it and plan to resume it when I get the time. Or perhaps try out different martial arts.


    That's the most important things to say about me. If that was tl;dr for you, here's the summed up version:


    I had autism, but now a schizotypical disorder. I got rid of my social handicaps, but still retain my special thought pattern. I have great empathy and do good in school. I study classical philology, am a geek in most aspects, and I love all things Asian.

  5. You think thats bad...most of it I don't have to reference/check. Sometimes in pubs, my friends give me a number and I can give the Pokémon, type etc. off the top of my head instantaneously.


    God bless and curse my encyclopedia memory

    This is so insanely sick and cool at the same time! :D

  6. Are we really going to trust these news reports? Yesterday we did and we lost another one of us. I'm waiting for any one who can step up and say 'Yes LazyBoy is evil' before I believe anything those reports say. Or if anyone has any information about anything, we really need something.

    I agree. We've lost too many good guys already from trusting vague leads and gut feelings. And to be fair, jayseven, someone being "scary" in this Mafia Game doesn't necessarily make them evil. The fish was described as a mad scientist, yet he was good.

  7. Hm, I still think it's a little too early to jump on LazyBoy. The fish was also presented negatively in the news report, and that turned out to be completely misleading. I really don't trust those news reports.

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