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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. For future reference the tag [noparse][noparse][/noparse][/noparse] allows you to type in vB code (incl. smilies) without it being 'converted' :)


    (not to all really)

    Yeah, I knew that existed, but I couldn't remember the code and was too lazy to look it up. :p

  2. DUDE!!! You can't come out and mark yourself like that. Think next time.

    Whoa, calm down. I don't see how this is a problem. Everybody knows I'm an investigator, everybody knows that MadDog is going to get investigated tonight. If someone is that eager to stop MadDog from getting investigated, they will go for me anyway. I don't find it easy to judge what I should come out with and not (which I'm sure you've all noticed), but this I don't see the problem with.

  3. Here now! Thats a bit harsh - you do realise that all women are not the same... I actually scare people (read: men) off because I'm TOO open/obvious. So dont judge all women by what you deem the majority :(

    I'm sure no one here does. I just think we guys need to let out some steam once in a while. :heh:


    I agree with you. You're all making it sound like woman are these massively complicated people, that make things hard on purpose, whilst men are open, obvious and easy to read etc etc. Bollocks.


    Men are just as hard work as women are.

    We are all human beings, hence the complexity. No one is really easy to read, even those who may be very direct and forthcoming.

  4. Buses are less hassle. A bus is simple. It has clear controls, you know it works, and can cause little damage, provided you know how to use it.


    Women are not like buses. A bus requires a driver, and the bus itself. You take the driver away from the bus, and the bus does not move. You take the bus away, and the driver loses all purpose.


    Women are very different. As such, women survive by themselves. Women do not come with instructions, we have no idea how they work, and they will provide clear, certain carnage.


    You are best off not bothering. Do something more worthwhile with your time. When the woman wants something, she will come to you. They always do. It's all take and no give.

    And headaches. Don't forget the headaches.

  5. For one thing shes a hardcore socialist.

    Hm, different political views? That CAN be a problem, though it has also been known to work out fine. It largely depends, I think, on how important it is for you to have the same views as her. I, for one, could probably not do it, but that's not to say you can't.

  6. No, I haven't seen Finding Nemo. :heh:


    Well, a neutral is, well, neutral, so he works for his own agenda. Besides, it does sound suspicious that he's been spotted at crime scenes. I'm willing to go with lynching Ell.


    Vote: Ellmeister

  7. Sorry I didn't see all the posts above cause mine took a while to write...


    Was that all you got about Ell, Danny?

    Yeah, I only seem to be getting vague info the people I investigate - nothing specific like alignment or powers.


    Double post.


    Wait, so Moogle could target people? Why isn't that included in the write-up? All the others' powers are listed when they die.

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