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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I would say that it's probably jealously/resentment/anger that he is with someone and you're not. Even if you don't want to actually be with anyone it's very rarely pleasant to discover an ex has "moved on". Probably more subconcious than anything, which would explain your confusion.

    I agree with everything in this post.

  2. I'm not sure what you're asking. Do you mean was I being protected? If so then no.

    I meant if the smelling was the effect of someone protecting you so no one could get close to you.


    So you just naturally smell? :heh:


    Problem is we don't know how many protectors there are, and now all of them might try to protect you, meaning they can't protect anyone else.

    Or they'll all think "someone else will protect him" and thus you end up with no protection...

    Hm, that is of course a problem. A big problem. Shit.


    I hope I survive the night ...

  3. To be honest I'm not sure that info was worth coming out with and turning yourself into a target. Though of course it's suspicious that you can't find out more about him, hmm. Wonder what his character is.

    I was in doubt myself, though I saw the logic mr-paul's conclusion. The primary way for us to get info is through the investigators, so I thought I might as well go forward. After all, that's why we have protectors.


    I do see the risk, and it was perhaps a rushed decision. But done is done, and I can't really undo it now.


    :weep: There's no need to get personal. It's only a game.

    Although your information is correct.

    Do you know if it was some kind of protection?

  4. Hmm....sounds suspicious.




    And so does the inability to be investigated.

    To the first: It makes sense to me.


    To the second: I don't know if it's a "natural" ability he has, or if someone is able to protect people by making them smell ...

  5. That's why I think if someone has info, they should come forward straight away. No point holding onto the info, they might get killed by the mafia before revealing it. If theyre a trustworthy investigator, protection can be arranged.

    Being tooo careful will mean no progress is made.

    In that case, I might as well come forward. Here's hoping to get protection ...


    I'm an investigator. Yet the only thing I've found out so far is that MoogleViper smells terrible, keeping me from finding out anything else about him.

  6. I believe that the investigator should only say someone is good if that guy is being lynched at the moment.

    Otherwise, its pretty pointless, as it would only give the identity of the investigator.


    However, when the Investigator is found, he might as well give the entire list, it doesn't harm him now.

    The biggest question is: When should the investigator come forward? It's a tough one.

  7. Woah, whats with the no lynching?


    Why don't we wait to see if anyone comes up with anything first?

    Well, most people are probably playing in the evening, so there could be logic in holding off the no lynching till later tonight. Still, we haven't reached majority yet, and this game is going to be long if we spend a lot of time concluding that we don't know anything. Granted, if we don't lynch, more people will die, but we will most likely also gain more valuable information. It's a tough deal, but it's how this game works, so I'm gonna keep my vote.

  8. It´s hard to find out who is who in the write up :/


    But yeah we are facing 3 killers.

    3 killers? i was under the impression that Skunky was first roleblocked by a joke-teller and then killed twice.


    Double post.


    D'OH! Chairdriver was killed, too. Silly, silly me. Sorry about that. :rolleyes:

  9. How many times have i been told the above by everyone i know when i got chucked by girls or refused.


    Its true though, it has to be right. You can't go in all guns blazing and expect results can you.

    Unless you're Neo breaking into the lobby of a military controlled building. Then you can.

  10. It really was overkill. Doesn't it seem weird that more Mafia members would attack the same person? Unless there is some neutral killer out there. Or maybe the Mafia is simply trying to trick us into believing that?


    Perhaps I should go to sleep. My mind is in paranoid conspiracy mode, it seems. :heh:

  11. Your teenage hormones obviously aren't working. Mine are constantly in overdrive at the moment.

    Trust me, my hormones are raging. But I still wouldn't date all the girls I'm attracted to. Have sex with them, hell yes - but I'm not really interested in having a serious relationships with any of them.

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