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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Shrove Tuesday - I'm surprised you don't have it. It's the first day before lent, and to use up all the things you should give up in making pancakes.


    I'm probably missing out this year -a flatmate is making loads, but my dad is coming down to act as my guarantor, so he's taking me out for supper.

    Had to Wikipedia both Shrove Tuesday and lent. Turns out I have heard about lent - but not Shrove Tuesday.

  2. The only drinking game Ive ever played is where you all sit in a circle with shots, and each person says a statement, like


    'I've never had phone sex'


    And if anyone in the circle HAS had phone sex, they drink a shot.

    People get drunk quickly, and you find out tons of gossip on people :D

    I've tried this! The things you learn about people you thought you knew ... It was shocking, to say the least.

  3. You won't once you look into the meaning of 'buggery'. *More immature snickering* Sorry. I'll stop now.

    I have already looked into it. Trust me, when you know ReZ, "buggery" is no big deal. So yes, I can sleep peacefully tonight.

    That's what she said?

    She couldn't, though. Because I was there.

  4. I'm not one of those stereotypical feminists don't get me wrong.. Kindness is free, and I am always grateful for it. I won't beat someone for holding a door open, or having manners.. :heh: I just feel a little offended when someone feels they have to pay for everything to make me happy. =)

    Ah, but how does one know what the intentions behind the action is? Perhaps he thinks he must. Perhaps he really wants to. ;)

  5. rawr i can't believe my post got deleted.


    The point was, I pay for everything (friends or more I always offer) and I'm a chick. I get annoyed when people pay for me and themselves. Or if the other party insists I suggest taking it turnabout =)


    So to say this nicely... People that think ALL women are like that really should go swivel on their generalisations. ^^;


    (p.s I am fully aware that a lot of women are like that. Also it doesn't just extend to the female of the human species.)

    So hypothetically, one would get slapped for being a gentleman to you? ;)

  6. Thomas the Rappin' Tank Engine ... brilliant! :bowdown:


    Seeing as my posts have disappeared following the server problems, I'm gonna post again: Inspired by different great amateur musical artists on YouTube, I've started a little project for funsies myself - I play songs using KeyBored, an awesome little program I got introduced to on here. Don't expect world class performance, and please don't compare me to other artists on YouTube - I fail miserably in comparison! :p


    Anyway, here are my first three videos:

  7. I'm wondering about the consequences of having memories erased, especially memories that have affected your personality and psychology. How will your brain react when those memories are suddenly gone? Will it change again? Or will the experiences have been so deeply rooted that you actually can't forget about them? Obviously some memories are stored way, way deeper than others, and that's exactly the type of memories that have had a deep psychological impact on a person's personality, e.g. traumas etc.

  8. I know first hand how easy it is to lie to oneself when it comes to love. Congrats on doing the right thing. Remember, even though this was a bad relationship, you've learnt from it and come out of it better prepared for the world of love. Very apropos the pill talk, we've got to learn from our mistakes.

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