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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. dude it's like the 4th time you've said this. We get it a thread of yours got locked ok :).. jeez grow and pair and post :):bouncy:


    i've read the whole thread.. there are no arguments everything is on topic. It's been a good read.

    Who said I ever made a thread that got locked? I'm talking about experiences from another forum. But I refuse to go into the discussion. And I should probably stop mentioning this in every post. Discuss away.

  2. my problem is that i can't help myself being drawn into debates. point in case, the christian society were giving away free sweets one night, and started talking to us about god. i had no quarel with them. really a nice bunch all in all, but yet still i argued my point. why? was i hoping to convince them outherwise from their belifes? no thats not it, it really didnt effect me so why would i mind? (as long as religion dosent affect laws and treatments available, its no harm to me). was i trying to make myself look awsome? i was arguing witht he people who gave me sweets. so no, no one would have found that awsome. was i arguing because i enjoy it? yes, i think i was. i just love to argue, i seem unable to back down as long as my point still stands.


    i dont want to convince people to give up thier religion, i just want a bit of mental fencing.

    Indeed, I love to debate myself, and religion is a very deep and multi-layered subject with many different aspects.


    The way you describe your discussion with those Christians is the way I hope religious debates can be held, but the sad fact is that far too many people get personal about it - and that includes both believers and non-believers, extremists and moderates.

  3. Aye I fully agree. And often the result is bloodshed and someone ending up in another castle.

    Exactly. I only ever discuss religion with people I know to be accepting and respectful of others' opinions, however wildly those may differ from their own. Which is exactly why I have the policy of not discussing religion on an open Internet forum. That said, the people I've met in here are some of the most intelligent, accepting, and generally nice people I've ever met online, so if a professional religious debate is ever to be possible anywhere on the Net, it could very well be here. The debate has indeed been reasonably professional so far, and as mentioned I shall be following it with great interest.

  4. Indeed, Cube, that is highly unnecessary. She functions perfectly well as a female now. If she needs to tell people she was previously a boy, surely that means her transition is a complete success? As they say: What you don't know doesn't hurt you. Hell, as I've mentioned, I cannot, despite having tried, imagine myself with another guy, yet I wouldn't hesitate to be with her.


    One thing I wonder, though: How do her genitals look? (Never thought I'd be uttering that sentence. :heh: )

  5. im honestly not trying to attack, im just discussing what has been said in logical manner.


    ive not noticed any scathing attacks claiming christians are idiots or vise versa, just people stating thier own belifes or reasons they cannot belive in anouther system of worship.

    There hasn't been any direct attacks yet, but I'm not optimistic. I can only hope that people will keep this professional. And yes, I sound very pessimistic (though I'm normally a hopeless optimist), but I've seen my share of religion threads gone to hell (if you'll excuse the originally unintended pun).

  6. Indeed, the HWYD thread can get boring. The most annoying aspect of it is almost its high activity level. If I haven't been online one day, the next day there'll be about 5 new pages in the thread, and even though there are some very interesting, exciting, fascinating, or just pointlessly humourous conversations in there, there are also a lot of boring things. Often I can simply not be arsed to look through it all.


    On the other hand, I do support that people can vent their personal speculations or problems somewhere. It's just that, if you haven't got anything to say about the subject, it gets ... boring. :heh:

  7. See, the thing is, how can this not turn into a religious debate? We saw how the masturbation thread turned out - people can't go around these subjects without falling into the old holes. I've learnt my lesson: As much as I'm tempted to, I won't discuss my views on religion online. It always turns into an aggressive argument.

  8. Sorry about that. I honestly didn't mean to offend you.

    No no, I know you didn't. :) I was surprised myself as to why I felt hit. It's not like you said anything bad or meant anything by what you said.


    I did.


    *Rapes everyone*

    But I know you did. *sticks out tongue at ReZ*

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