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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Correct me if I'm wrong, but even if men are at some point no longer needed in the act itself, don't we still not need BOTH sperm and eggs to procreate?


    Besides, it's not in the biological area we should be discussing this. Men and women are generally (and all this is going to be generalisation, which should actually just help inforce my point) different. The way they think is different, the way they act is different. These differences compliment each other, balance each other out. This sounds all philosophical, but there does indeed seem to be some deeper meaning to the fact to create a human being you need to combine a man and a woman, the male and the female, two halves of a whole. Yin and Yang, people.

  2. On a general level you're very aggressive regarding your situation. In this thread, yes, technically Moogle brought up the discussion about your gender, but you yourself started with the highly debatable remark about inferior and superior genders and presented it as fact. That's very aggressive, if you ask me, and is inextricably tied to your situation.


    When speaking of truths, you need scientific evidence. And your attempts at proving your so-called truth are quite weak. But no matter, I wish not to derail this off-topic discussion even further when there's not sensible discussion to be had here.

  3. Before you go on, please answer me this:

    Are you stupid, maybe joking? Simply taking the piss?

    You're shouting and rhyming 'bout "getting facts right",

    yet there's something you yourself should know before we go fight:

    See, my mother met your dad nine months before you were born,

    they had fun at a party, rollin' 'round in the corn.

    So when you meet those girls again, think back to that fest:

    Whose mother and sisters? - Bro, can you spell "incest"?

  4. To be fair - and this should not be seen as a personal attack - Rokhed isn't exactly innocent here - who is it that keeps bringing up the subject on any given occasion, often with provoking undertones?


    Rokhed, we get your situation. We know many people have a hard time understanding and/or accepting how you are, but constantly waving it under our noses in an aggressive manner isn't going to do any good. If you really want to be treated normally, you should start acting normally about it. In my experience, roughly 80% of the posts I read from you serve the purpose in one way or another to highlight that you're different. We get it already! You can start being yourself now.


    Don't see this as a personal attack. I respect you, I really do. It's amazing that you stand up to the prejudice and narrowmindedness of the world, but you shouldn't be in attack mode all the time. Defend yourself when it's necessary, otherwise ignore it. That way people will start treating you more with respect because it shows you can handle it while staying cool about it.


    Sorry for clinging to the topic, but this is something that's been building up inside me for quite a while now and this seemed like the perfect time to get it out. Please move along now.

  5. If I understood this right, that book "the secret" might not have been complete crap.

    I've always liked the idea that all unexplained phenomena are just phenomena that hasn't been explained by science yet. With the introduction of quantum physics, string theory, and now this, suddenly many of those phenomena could be explained.

  6. We've only begun, yet you're already there:

    Resorting to "mum" jokes is so last year.

    You seem to think you're so tough, though I must disagree:

    Throwing shit at my mum - how low can you be?

    If it's battle you want, why not fight face to face?

    Perhaps you're scared because you know you wouldn't win in that case.

    A little piece of advice: Don't go around shouting "whores!":

    Since I have no sister, I guess she must have been yours!

  7. Right, well think I roughly understand this theory, seems somewhat bizarre and I'll ask some physics and maths people about it this evening to see what they think. Anyway, in my understanding:


    Black holes were originally said to have no entropy (basically, degree of disorder) because they resulted from perfect solutions of Einstein's equations from general relativity. However, it was later realised that as they suck in things with entropy yet have no entropy themselves, they must be decreasing the overall entropy of the universe. This contradicts the second law of thermodynamics, a fundamental physical principle which states that the entropy of the universe must always increase. So this instead predicts that black holes have a huge amount of entropy (to cancel out the entropy of everything they suck in), and so it's been proposed that they are maximum entropy objects, having more entropy per volume than anything else in the universe. The proposed entropy of black holes has been calculated to be finite, and as temperature is closely related to entropy, they must also have finite temperature, meaning they have to balance out the temperature of what they absorb by radiating energy, to stop their temperature increasing indefinitely.


    This radiation is problematic for two reasons. Firstly, if we attempt to calculate it, it suggests that the entropy of black holes is related to their surface area, rather than their volume, which is counterintuitive because you'd expect the entropy to be a calculation from the possible arrangements of all the particles in the volume of the black hole, rather than just its surface. Furthermore, the interaction of ingoing and outgoing particles from the black holes contradicts standard quantum physics, as to be consistent the outgoing particles should be in a states of various different possibilities, yet there is nowhere for these states to come from. This paradox can only be resolved by using a modern and unusual interpretation of gravity, with one major catch - it suggests black holes are of lower dimensions than we usually interpret them.


    Both these conclusions are consistent with the idea that space is two, rather than three-dimensional (with spacetime presumably being three, rather than four-dimensional), and so the holographic principle has been developed to resolve this conclusion - that while space appears three-dimensional to us, it is simply a projection from a two-dimensional plane.


    Crazy, eh? But I don't see why people get worried about things like this - it's not like it changes the way we interpret the world in our day to day lives, though that doesn't stop it being interesting.

    This is why I love you, Grunch. :bowdown:

  8. It's not intentional.

    I just like pulling kissy faces at arseholes who take the piss, they tend to run a mile.

    The best way to fight war is with love. :)


    Though I have to agree, while it's very understandable in your situation, one gender being superior is just ridiculous. How do you measure which gender is the best? Do gender traits (and all other traits for that matter) have numerical values that can be added up, multiplied and divided with each other? Are we all simply characters in a large scale RPG?


    No. How one values anything in life is subjective. Some things most people agree about, other things we'll forever be disagreeing about. Hell, even morals in society, e.g. that killing another person is bad, aren't objective truths. There are no objective proofs in real life when it comes to what is "best".

  9. Thanks for all the special messages, you sexy people.


    Today was quite funny. Most of my year 7 class get on the same train as I do, and they all huddled into the same carriage as me, except they were by the doors and I was by the other side. Then, they started singing Happy Birthday to me, really loudly, and everyone in the carriage looked at me strangely. I thought "people, lighten up!"


    I went into my form group, and my year 8 form group had written a message on the board, but had misspelled my name as "Mr. Barbra!" I just laughed a lot, haha. Again, more singing.


    Theeeeen, I was leaving my first lesson, and word had got around that it was my birthday. So, the year 11's came into the room wishing me Happy Birthday, and then the girls in the corridor wished it to me, too. So, I walked to the end and gave them a bow, haha.


    And then, during my afternoon session with the form group, a random year 11 pupil gave a doughnut to me, and said that this was from an anonymous person. Doughnut was covered with chocolate in the centre and tasted of heaven. Fuck yeah!


    As I was leaving school, I was alone in my department office with one of the teachers, who I've never really had time to speak to. We had one of these Earth-shattering conversations about how I should be proud of who I am, and that I'm unique and should celebrate that. My confidence has been a bit low this week, but this puts everything into perspective and it was just such a special conversation.


    Then, I came home, and I had a Curry with my housemates. Lamb Chilli Tikka Masala and Egg Fried Rice, which was fucking deluxe! So, soooo tasty, but sooo hot. I had to have two glasses of water whilst drinking.


    And then, I received presents off my housemates.


    Firstly, I've got a t-shirt with an electronic-type bar thing on the front, which responds to sound and music! How fucking cool is that?! I'll try and post a picture of that tomorrow, as it's awesome.


    Secondly, I've been given a SpaceHopper, of the orange kind, wohooo.


    Theeen, I got a plasticine set, which helps you create Morph, and all this other different stuff. It comes with a DVD of 15 episodes of Morph. :D


    And finally, the last present I was given was some Paul Smith Eau De Toilette, which smells lovely.


    My housemates revealed that I have another gift, which are Oasis Tickets for July with me and my housemate, which isn't here yet but the tickets will arrive before then. We tried to get tickets before, but I think he sold them on as I don't think either of us could afford them at the time. But, YES! Oasis! :D

    A birthday doesn't get much nicer than this. :)

  10. I'm starting to notice a trend, the people that go second tend to win these. Could it be because they get the last round in? Though, it could be because me, ReZ and Letty are just plain bad... :heh:

    Hm, think it's too early to draw any conclusions from that. I want to go second as I'll then have something to go up against - like playing table tennis with the wall, you know. :heh:

  11. Yeah, I was holding out on putting "and a vagina" after breasts. Let's face it; we all would.

    It'd be very interesting to experience, if only for a day. You'd have to make sure to have the entire day free, of course. :heh:

  12. Not_so_tiny vs Dannyboy-the-dane should be our next battle! But now we need a winner for the Dyson vs Moogle battle. Judges (apart from Moogle obviously : peace: ), who do you think is a worthy winner?

    Awesome! : peace: I'll let my opponent get the serve ball.

  13. "Girls can wear jeans and cut their hair short...wear shirts and boots. Cause i'ts alright for a girl to look like a boy. But for a boy to look like a girl is degrading, because you think that being a girl is degrading.


    But secretly, you'd love to know what it feels like, wouldn't you? What it feels like for a girl."


    - Charlotte Gainsburg, "The Cement Garden"

    Weeell ... I dunno about the last part. :heh: But the rest is obviously true. For some strange reason, society has accepted boyish girls, but not girlish boys. And many of those who have automatically think you're homosexual if you're in touch with the opposite gender in yourself.



  14. He's not...at all.


    But tbh, I think everyone knows when someone is hot or not, whether they be the same sex or not. It doesn't mean you actually find them attractive, you can just see that they are either good looking/or not.

    But apparently, there are some disagreements about whether certain individuals are hot or not. :p But that's what they say, innit? "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

  15. I would define a mancrush more as someone you think is really awesome, and like how you would want to be. Rather than someone you are attracted to.

    Hm, that is something different. Still, I can't think of one specific individual. I do love action films, so any awesome action hero could qualify, I guess. :heh:


    Well, yeah, Keanu Reeves is a good-looking guy.


    And EEVIL ... looking awesome! :DThe girl is pretty, too.

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