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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Yeah I think thats the problem. We all seem to have different definitions. As I see it;


    Mocking - ReZ has the maturity of a gerbil (a non-serious insult, often used amongst friends. normally a one-off)

    Teasing - Dan Dare's face fightens small children (similar to above but more frequent

    Bullying - Insulting which actually hurts the person involved, intentional or otherwise.

    Abuse - Intentional and frequent bullying.

    Your definition of abuse is the one I had for bullying. In Danish we don't have the exact same terms, so that's partly the source of the confusion.

  2. Oh right yes thats what I was trying to get at. Bullying happens in so many social situations and is so prevalent I find it hard to believe that everyone doesn't at some point suffer from it (although later downgrading it to 'teasing' of some degree...but with the term still somewhere between 'teasing' (ie my frequent insulting of Dan's face) and something which actually can upset).

    Ah, I see your point now. I think we got things a little mixed up.

  3. Whether or not everyone gets bullied is not a matter of opinion, now, is it? I'm stating from experience that I've never been bullied. Perhaps I'm the only one. But I'm the one keeping the statement "everyone gets bullied" from being true. I could of course experience it later in life.


    Anyway, my point is just that while it is likely true that most people will go through tough periods in their lives and should be taught from childhood to cope with it, it's not necessarily good parenting to put them through tough times on purpose. But it's a question of how to raise kids, something I'm terrified of myself when I get to that point in life.

  4. I'm just saying I'd prefer my child had a lovely unique name, and got teased for it, than having a boring plain-jane name.

    I guess it's a fair choice, but you have a responsibility of teaching your kid to cope with bullying.


    There's a difference between teasing and bullying, though. Teasing is quite common and is rarely too serious. Bullying is continuous teasing directed at a single individual and can easily break a person mentally.

  5. That's just a direct lie. I've never been bullied in my life. People being nice to you could possibly make you "weak" in a sense, but I also believe it could make you "strong". It gives you confidence. I think it mainly depends on how aware you are of the realities of real life. If you think the world is a sweet and happy place, you're definitely in for an abrupt shock. But even though you've never been bullied, you can still be very aware of the world's harsh reality.


    Besides, even if bullying is an inevitable part of life, why on earth make it easier for the bullies?

  6. Aimless, you seem like you lack meaning in your life. As far as I can read from your posts, you suffer from some form of depression, yet you don't seem to care about it. To be completely honest, you don't seem to care about much in the sense that you just can't be bothered about it. I dunno if I'm reading it totally wrong. I'm simply a wannabe psychologist.


    Anyway, to backtrack a little, I can't for the love of my life comprehend why people sleep till late afternoon. Hell, I hate it when I sleep much past 10 AM! I feel like I'm wasting time when I'm sleeping. Only when I'm really, REALLY tired do I like to take a nap, but otherwise I don't like sleeping much.

  7. I did shuri-ryu karate for about six months last Summer. I really enjoyed it, though I had to stop because I felt stressed out by both karate and school work. I couldn't put the focus and energy into both as much as I'd like, but I know I want to practise martial arts again. Sometime ...


    I've always been fascinated by martial arts. The balance between the physical and the mental, developing both body and mind, gaining self-awareness and a respect for others, the whole philosophical side of it - I love it. I've never been the physical type, nor do I like violence and fighting when it's serious. But at the same time I love watching martial arts shows and competitions, and it's just about the only sport that has ever really interested me (though I do like a little volleyball and badminton). But lastly (and most importantly!): Martial arts look bloody awesome! :p

  8. Hf! Not appreciating the lack of appreciation.

    According to my Collin's name dictionary btw, Amanda means 'lovable' though it's kind of old and I guess there's interpretations. Hardly having much faith in your kid to give her a name that means she MUST be loved however, Danny!

    Hey, I'm just translating! :p

  9. Due to the ridiculously good picture on my new TV/monitor, I've discovered that the white text available in these here forums isn't the same colour as the background!

    Yes, I'm bored...

    Really? I noticed that ages ago. Perhaps my monitor is better than I thought. :heh:

  10. Referring back to post a few pages back about the Latin "Amanda": Yes, it's quite correctly the Gerundive. I believe it could both be "she who must be loved" and "she who should be loved". I think "loveable" covers it well as far as I have understood the function of the Gerundive.


    Oh, and Molly: Unfortunately, my surname isn't "Hugandkiss". My parents chose a more discreet surname for me, "Grabandfuck".


    I jest, of course.

  11. I always get told i look like John Travolta. I dont see it. I guess i do let my hair get a bit crazy and bushy sometimes which reminds people of him in Saturday Night Fever, but its not just that people say, they think its the jaw and shape of my head. Meh. I'll match him wearing shorts and partying and prove them all wrong!

    Mission failed: I think the pictures prove that you do have a likeness to him. :p

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