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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. This whole argument is the old story of heart versus brain, feelings versus rationality - this time in the shape of a coin. I'm not saying either is better - one must have both heart and mind with oneself - nor do I know what is actually the most rational choice in the case at hand - Euro or Pound.

  2. Well, firstly, you're a nationalist, so, whilst your statements can ignored as the ramblings of a person who has nothing to be proud of, so they steal the achievements of those near to them. However, I may as well rebut them regardless of this fact.
    Tell me, do you attain all your information regarding the EU from the Daily Mail, or do you use the Mirror as well? I can think of little else in way of an explanation for this outright falsity.


    Also, relying on semantics in an argument is well known to be scraping the bottom of the barrel, and is a well known tactic of Creationists, who I'm sure you don't want to be associated with.

    While these may not necessarily be seen as personal (unless of course he actually was one of the mentioned things, which wouldn't make the situation any better), they are aggresive in tone and nature. In my eyes it severely lowers the seriousness of your posts when you have to resort to snide remarks like that - even more so when one of your arguments is the exact same: That resorting to anything other than logical argumentation in a debate lowers the power of argumentation.

  3. This website is funny: http://www.picitup.com/picitup/match_start.jsp?site=picitup&his=0


    Said I look like ashley jones, amber webber and rachel bilson. Of course I don't look in the slightest like any of them, but made me laugh anywho. Also when I clicked 'Male' it said I looked like Santiago Cabrera, who I'm in love with so...yay.


    Edit: lol spenno, love it. You're going to have to prove it (to ReZ :heh:). White wet shirt, open and flowing etc etc.

    Me = Michael Moore




    Though also Shawn Pyfrom and Justin Long (the Mac in the Mac and PC ads).


    As female = Halle Berry and Amanda Bynes


    Not bad. :heh:

  4. And yes, some Transexuals are extremely beautiful in a feminine way, and of course due to hormonal medication, have close to perfectly formed feminine figures. If you are a heterosexual male, atleast 'respect' that lol.

    I certainly do and I hope that was apparent from my earlier posts. I was simply stating my own experiences and how I feel about them. Nothing harmful meant what so ever.

  5. You suck, man. Your post is a joke, your point is a joke. You're a joke!


    I joke. I love you, Mr. Gary Neville Lookalike 2008.


    Anyway, it'll eventually get to the point where people just cover old ground, people make the same points...and then counter-point...and then counter those counter-points with the same stuff. It'll go full circle and people will get bored.

    You think I look like this guy? O_O

  6. I can in no way constructively participate in this discussion, but I can propose that people calm down a little and stop with the personal attacks. Sorry, Fish, but despite your disregard for personal attacks you seem awfully prone to using them yourself. Everyone in here gets hot-headed and that leads no where. I ask people to keep a cool head and count to ten before posting.

  7. I do, I've got the lights off, and the screen brightness on my laptop (I'm in bed) turned right down. If I didn't have the blocked nose, I'd be worrying but tbh I can't see it being anything else. I would go and get a blood test, but my mum doesn't drive, and the doctors surgery is closed. If it's the same (or worse) tomorrow then I'll go down first thing.

    Hm, whenever I had symptoms that could either be flu or meningitis, the doctor always checked how mobile my neck was. Apparently meningitis causes stiffness in the neck.

  8. I haven't really got an interesting story to tell about my Christmas Eve. It went by pretty much like it always does. Food, singing, present-opening, relaxation. I did read Lucas chapter 2 (which is common at Christmas time in Denmark - dunno about elsewhere), though I read it in Ancient Greek which we had done earlier this year in class.

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