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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. *ignites Danny* Whatever are you talking about? It all makes perfect sense. off you go. What is the time travel theory you speak of that the movie phails at so badly? really I just want everyone to shut the fuck up about fucking star wars, aight?

    There are a lot of things and I'm too lazy to fit them chronologically. I'll just mention them as they come.


    You asked for it.


    The whole deal with disappearing in film 1 has some problems associated with it. First of all, it doesn't make sense that the people on Marty's family photo are disappearing, leaving an empty photo. The photo itself is still there, meaning someone took a picture of nothing. My main gripe with the disappearance thing, though, is that as soon as Marty disrupts the timeline, he should vanish immediately. This is turn would mean that he never existed to mess with the timeline at all, meaning he would reappear. It's a loop.


    These things (with the picture being the exception) CAN be excused since the timeline theory deals in somewhat not so strict terms. Affecting the timeline is slow and gradual and paradoxes do happen. Another example is in the second film when Biff steals the time machine and changes the past. As evident by the rest of the timeline alterations in the films, changing the past and then going forward in time will simply speed you ahead in the current timeline, which means Biff wouldn't go "back" to the unchanged future he came from. This is also explained by the gradual changing of the timeline, as he seems to collapse after coming "back" to the future because he doesn't exist in that timeline, nor will that timeline continue to exist much longer.


    Another problem with the theory is that time travellers remember events that didn't even happen because the timeline was changed. The general problem is that when dealing with a timeline theory where it is possible to alter the timeline, the problem of paradoxes occur, and it's very hard to resolve those paradoxes.


    There a few other things that don't add up not related to the timeline theory, for instance that Doc wrote in his letter to Marty that the necessary parts weren't available in the old west to rebuild the time machine, yet at the end of the third film he has constructed a completely new and functional time machine. Also, the hover board is suddenly able to outrun the train after Doc gets on it despite Marty havign trouble keeping up seconds earlier.


    I do really love those films, but they are far from flawless. ;)

  2. I was wondering that again the other day while watching episode 2 and the best explanation I could come up with the explain it is that maybe he is so intune with the force that he can actually use it to manipulate his own body to do all those moves and as Anakin says in that movie, Jedi arent supposed to use the force all the time for normal reasons so Yoda wouldnt to walk.

    Yeah, I wondered that, too, but I figured something along those lines. You can't call upon the Force constantly.

  3. The problem here is that The fish and gang think rationalistic, Haggis does not - mind you, that is not an accusation at anyone. Sometimes one must think with one's feelings instead of one's brain, and sentimental value shouldn't be scolded at.


    In this case I'd say it all comes down to whether or not it'd be wise to switch to the Euro, which people seem to disagree about. I don't enough about economy to judge if it's wise or not or if it matters at all. My understanding is that if it is proved to be the better solution to switch, Haggis would indeed have no problem switching, but if it doesn't have any practical effects, he'd rather keep the Pound. We can't blame someone for not wanting to change if he or she likes how things are - the changing of song lyrics being a good example - as long as it doesn't keep people from changing for the better instead of holding on to something unwise merely because of sentimental value.


    Summed up: Sentimental value is good as long as it doesn't impede positive change.

  4. We always have a great dinner, specifically duck, and it's a big part of the Christmas tradition for us, most likely because Christmas Eve is the climax of the Christmas holiday in Denmark, not Christmas Day as in most of the world.

  5. I stand by my advice: Listen to your heart, but take your time to find out what it's actually saying. It could just be the excitement of something new coupled with a low period in your current relationship that is evoking these feelings. My advice fits with Daft's: Sit down and find out what it actually is you/your heart wants.

  6. The Flux Diagonal Trip?! Of course! It was so obvious all along! And you call yourself a beginner, Dyson - I don't believe it! Only a truly skilled player would have thought of the Flux Diagonal Trip! And here I was awaiting my big chance ... oh well, being hesitant isn't always a good choice of strategy, I guess.


    Personally, I'm not a huge fan of the Atlanta Ruleset, as I find that the randomness of the triagulent redirections ruins the plotting of theradecteral intralines too often. Secondary parameters being thresholds does help, though.


    Anyway, I'll start off with Holborn.

  7. Discipline. Because once you get emotionally involved with another, its not just about you. Feelings are feelings, but just because I 'feel' like screwing that chick, I won't because I'm not selfish. Actually, i am in control of my feelings and I restrict them from running wild.

    Of course not, I'm not stupid. One must always consider the feelings of others as well. But you sounded like him even thinking about it made him guilty. And that I disagree with.

  8. Straying is something I just can't comprehend for the life of me. When I've CHOSEN to be in a committed relationship, then I stay committed! What makes you think the feeling you have with your current girl won't arise with this new one?... Then the never ending cycle begins... Until you're like middle-aged and single wondering what went wrong.


    No matter how bad things get, i'd never be serious about going after another person, only until we have both come to an agreement to end it and even at that stage it must have been something terrible. Stand by your loved one and work things out... I don't think this new girl is the answer. In fact, i'll bet on that.

    Feelings are feelings, you can't control them. And if he doesn't ponder how he feels and what to do, how on Earth is he supposed to find out?

  9. To be honest i don't feel very European at all.

    Well, that's because "Europe" doesn't have any cultural values in itself. We're a bunch of different nationalities, and albeit nationalities with similarities we're still too different to "feel" as one.

  10. Whatever you do, don't rush into anything - but you already know this.


    I can easily imagine the situation, and I'm afraid I can only give you the answer you don't want to hear but probably know is the only right one: There is no easy way out. The only thing there is to do is follow your heart. But don't just react on the first the best impulse. Think things trough, try to find out what you're actually and truly feeling deep inside. Be honest to yourself and others.

  11. Meh, I can somewhat relate to this. We Danes have kept our Krone despite the question of going over to the Euro having been discussed and voted for several times. I've heard from different sources that going over to the Euro would be a good idea in light of the current economy crisis, but I really don't know myself. I don't pretend to know squat about economy. I understand how it works in general, but that's about it. I really despise how it's so controlled by fear and speculation.

  12. I find the Midichlorians to make perfect sense. Completely needless, but sense-making. They are an attempt to make the idea of the Force just a little bit less spiritual and more scientific. By the way, I don't get why some people have ever thought that anybody can become a Jedi. It has always been determined by the natural connection someone has to the Force. You can't "learn" to get a better connection with it.


    I did enjoy the Prequel Trilpogy, but it just can't live up to the Original Trilogy. The story is great in the Prequel, but it seems Lucas has put too much emphasis on the effects and less on some of the acting. Some of the lines are very cheesy (I do like them :) - but they seem perhaps a little too cliché), and one particular scene between Padmé and Anakin has dialogue that leaves you cringing on the floor.

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