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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Avatar: * * * * * * Nice picture, but the hand makes the cut-out obvious, ruining it a bit.


    Signature: * * * * * * Also nice, but it seems just a tiny bit "grainy", likely because of the resolution.


    Cake: * * * * * * Apple-toffee? Sorry, but that doesn't sound like something for me. :heh:


    Tent: No tent mentioned, thus no score.


    My cake of choice: Good, old-fashioned chocolate cake. Mix that with chocolate cream, butter cream, caramel, or whatever you like, a chocolate cake rarely lets you down.


    My tent of choice: Absolutely no idea. Not much a tent person myself.

  2. Arh, pretty good moves - set me back a bit.


    But no matter - the tripling of my scouting points opens up for the Skiffer Track, allowing an interpolar transcending of the power conflux to substellar levels, giving me the power to make ... the perfect sandwich! :yay:


    Anyways, I'll double-flip to Finchley Road

  3. no. that isnt schizophrenia.


    schizophrenia is a term used to fit a number of psychological conditions, ironicly, not a split personality.


    as far as i can remeber, thats split personality syndrome.


    litterlay every one thinks that schizophrenia is a split personality. its not.

    Chris speaks the truth. It's confusing as the word "schizophrenia" comes from the Greek word "schizein" which means "to split", but schizophrenia is NOT the same as split personality syndrome.

  4. I play it risky right now, mostly using the Higgersack Strategy with a bit of the Thaludore Tactic, named after its inventor - the 1981 world champion Joseph Thaludore.


    As of now, seeing as the ruleset is still the '72 Double Santa Variation, no-one can take any areas in possession.


    Anyways, I'm standing by at my location, thus tripling my scouting points.

  5. Yes, letting you finish your Hammersmith Pentagram was a risky choice. However, having analysed The fish's earlier gameplay (the Billerbobe Strategy if I'm not mistaken?), I assumed he would use your Pentagram to move to Farringdon, opening up for the Flickerswitch Ruleset. This in turn allows me to use the Backsweeper Manoeuvre to get to Stratford via Canning Town and from here, taking advantage of the still active Erlenmeyer Effect, moving on to Tottenham Court Road.

  6. Guys, read the first post - all snapbacks are medium, so without written application in triplicate, taking places is forbidden. Oh, and as this is a new game for many players, we really should stick to London Underground stations.


    Anyway, I'll shift the points and double back to Waterloo.

    Right, in that case I'll double-cringe Sussex and go to Royal Victoria with the following rappo-increase in powerpoints.

  7. That theory would also be awesome.


    "Hello, how are you? Had a good day? What is your account number and sort code?"

    But that's the way it is. There is no problem. Mustafa says himself that he can't stand being asked the same question three times. Austin and Felicity mistakenly believe that since they ask three questions in a row, he has to answer the third one. But as Mustafa explains in the following, it has to be the same line of questioning, i.e. the same question. After that he is killed and never answers the question. See? There is no problem.

  8. Haha. Upon passing through Nottingham you involuntarily activated my undercover trap. Which initiates a series of solicitations to charge you with real estate malpractice undeniably proving that you acquired your recent addition to your property portfolio by commencing your journey from Nottingham. Meaning that the accumulation of your asset was entirely decided by aforementioned move thus meaning that Sussex is now in my possession.

    I'm not very good at this.

    You're right about that last comment, because I back-played using my Suburban Card, rendering your trap useless. Sorry, Moogle. :)

  9. Maybe they cut a scene where he asked a second time after asking about the two extra times, then the scene would make sense.

    I find it very easy: Austin and Felicity both believe that asking three times in a row regardless of the question itself forces him to answer the third question, but he disagrees about the way the policy works.

  10. Nice move :) - just remember to initiate the flexbound rotation from the northern trench to avoid interpolating with the polysynthetic barrier around your base.


    Now, the next logical step for me would be to back-play my Suburban Card from Bank to Nottingham, uplining the coordinates into a logarithmic function. If I can figure out the potential root value of the cross-section between the two ... yes! The power value is then 277.13, logically enabling me to go for Sussex!

  11. A hemispherical trident ... if I recall correctly, it was such a trident that cost Jeremy Hemmingway his victory in the Skippersweep Tournament in Moscow in 1976 - 'tis an effective move if you know what you're doing.


    Luckily, me being in Stockholm circumvents the reversing conflux and integrates the trident into a prism, allowing me to initiate the Erlenmeyer Effect by activating my Suburban Card on the riverbank, thus enabling me to move to Bank.

  12. Ah, bugger, that's a great move - didn't see that coming. :( Though the fact that circumlocutory comediations are permissable only on spatchcock boundaries as stated by Grunch prevents you from using the Hubblemeyer Tactic, it's still a great tactical position when you consider its advantages in increasing the transmigrational value.


    Alas, I see no other solution for me than to shoot for Stockholm and pray for the Erlenmeyer Effect to kick in.

  13. We would be, but being a Monday, that goes against tradition. As such, we're playing the similar Theydon Bois rules, first used famously by Sokolov in '86 to perform the old DLR tactic in the opening 4 turns. Therefore, the North of England bonus only extends as far as Leicester.

    Hang on, I was of the assumption that this only applied when the Subway Bonus had been used - which would be ridiculous right now considering none of us have even reached breakpoint limit yet.


    Anyway, I'll move in a northern direction, thus obtaining the Suburban Card.

  14. Sad to hear about all the break-ups, glad to hear about those for whom it's going well. :)


    You'd think I'd be sad about my relationship not working, but I was actually more sad being in it when it wasn't working. Now I'm happy that I'm being honest with myself and true to my feelings again - and luckily she feels the same way. :)


    Anyway, gender roles have always buggered me. How come our behaviourial patterns should be determined by outdated social norms? Thus I don't think we can say "what is wrong with men/women". I'm for example not your typical "hard", physical guy, but more of a "soft", romantic thinker.

  15. Say what, now? Only 17? I thought I was one of the youngest in here - bar a few. :p


    Anyways, a song I just wrote with only a little inspiration from elsewhere:


    We I wish you a Merry Happy Christmas Birthday, we I wish you a Merry Happy Christmas Birthday ...


    ... What?

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