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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Lol, well no sarcasm was meant at all. Honestly! :):heart:

    It's all right. I love you. :heart::heh:


    Not sure if this is homo-erotic or just plain Ego-Lovin'



    "But wouldn't that make us ... me ... gay?"

    Anyone who can guess that quote gets a virtual jar of cookies. :)

  2. Haha! I didn't take it like that at all! My post was a mere statement on how I came to the realisation that a bunch of pictures of abused looking teenagers was probably in retrospect a bad idea. :)

    Heh, you just sounded so sarcastic in that comment. :heh:

  3. What would your Villainous name be?

    The Chavdude :heh:


    What would your evil intention be?

    To make the world talk street. When I'm done, everyone will be wearing nikey tracksuits and old people will be saying "Full house blud!" at the bingo, hahahahahaha. :wink:


    How would you carry out your masterful plan?

    By being annoying and threatening to everyone. It's funny and ting innit blud.


    What would your appearance be like?

    Well, I'd wear nikey hoodie, nikey tracksuit, nikey trainers, nikey hat, nikey gloves, nikey everything. I'd wear the cap first and then wear a hood over it so I look even MORE chavtastic! :awesome:


    What Special Powers Weapons would you have?

    I'd have my mobile phone blasting supersonic grime/drum 'n' bass music out of it. Whenever it's played, people near will get irritated. My lighter is also a flamethrower...when I get a Lynx can with it. And also I have a can of spray-paint that never runs out...so people around me know I'm going to graffiti anything. Oh I'm such a bad-ass rebel, no-one's going to stop me, I'm too much trouble :heh:. Not even my arch-nemesis, Normal Teen, can stop me now! mwahahaha.


    Is it OK if I add one more question?:

    What would your Villainous catchphrase be?

    OI! BLUD! DON'T GET RUDE! :heh:

    The ultimate villain!

  4. Oh...so my abused picture was for nothing? Maybe this is a good thing. We don't want some random parent wandering onto the site, seeing a page full of abused looking teenagers/20 somethings and shutting us down.

    Now, now, I wasn't trying to be mean or anything. I did in no way say that your picture was for nothing, nor did I intend to trash the idea. In fact, no bad vibes were intended at all with that post, it was merely a statement. But I guess bad vibes were read into it. :blank:

  5. Haha! I love it. But I'll pass. I might be desperate, but I think I have limits. Well.....No....Yes. I have limits.


    I was talking about being casual to some mates the other day. Most were like "Yeah, you can't really just do stuff casually, you would be a bit of a slag."


    I was stunned. You only live once, why wait for that perfect relationship when you can have fun before hand?

    I agree. I see nothing wrong with casual sex if both parties know it's casual. If one part reads more into, though, then it gets troublesome.

  6. They don't have much of a choice do they?

    Maybe that's the thing? They are forced to see through the exterior. It is most likely that more relationships between those viewed as physically inattractive are based on feelings than relationships between those viewed as physically attractive.

  7. "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity - and I'm not sure about the universe."

    - Albert Einstein


    I for one am completely sure about humanity. It will forever baffle me how egocentric, unempathic, and effing stupid humans can be. I sometimes doubt the view of the human as a highly evolved being. We still follow our most basic survival instincts, we've just become very sophisticated in doing so.


    I must echo the echoes of comments of praise in here: You have certainly acted in the most mature and wisest way possible throughout this whole thing. I am truly sorry when good guys have to be treated to this kind of shit, but the best thing to do is probably try to move on. But if you as much as think they're still trying to harass you, go straight to the police.

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