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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Some people choose to eat the placenta after birth, animals do it to gain nutrition, humans do it because of the opportunity. How many chances do you get to eat a placenta? May aswell eat it while you can, it's wombalicious!

    Urgh, sorry, but I find it utterly repulsive. Go ahead right ahead, just don't show me the pictures from that dinner. :heh:

  2. Well, our cats can be really lazy, but they can also be VERY playful. They normally get tired of the Christmas tree after the initial excitement, but we still have to pull them away from it once in a while. It's part of the Christmas tradition in our house, I guess. :)

  3. I recently got involved in my first real relationship, and it's much harder than I thought. Wake-up call from reality for Danny here. :heh:


    My point is that it's starting to give me an idea of what I actually want from a partner. I realised that looks aren't the most important thing (though of course a factor), but personality is everything. She doesn't need to like the same things as me or have the same interests as me, though that probably wouldn't hurt, but we need to have the same way of thinking. My girlfriend and I are a funny couple, I'd say, because we're both very much alike and vastly different at the same time. The main difference is that I'm a hopeless optimist, but she can be real pessimistic. I feel I have a positive effect on her in that aspect, though. :heh:

  4. I'd like to think that I don't care, and often I don't, but I think it's hard to completely ignore other people's opinions. As social beings, we have a tendency to define ourselves through others.


    When I'm with close friends, I love it because I can truly be myself - my wacky, weird, hyperactive self that attract the views of bypassers - or my philosophical self who contemplate on anything and everything and ponder the questions of reality, existence, and meaning of life.


    I find it hard to be with people I'm not close with, because I feel I have to try to suppress the more "extreme" sides of my personality. In that aspect, I guess you could say I'm shy. But when I'm comfortable in my surroundings, I'm not the least bit shy or socially hampered in any way.

  5. Nobody else find that a bit weird? o_o

    Yup, I did. Them females be psychich, I'm telling ye!


    There won't be a Christmas tree in my house again this year. We have two cats, enough said. :heh: Plus, I have nowhere to put one in my own room...

    We've got 4 cats AND we're getting a Christmas tree. ;)


    Does any rain or rivers flow?


    In fact, do you know it's Christmas time at all?

    Brilliant. :bowdown:


    We don't get a Christmas tree till the 20th december, but we go to a pine tree plantation were you pick your own tree and cut it down yourself. Very Christmassy. :) Pics when it's decorated.

  6. YES! Theres something magical about playing a Zelda game on those deep winter nights. :heart: Actually might delete my majora's Mask sav and start all over tomorrow. ^^

    I'm thinking about starting a new TP game right now. :)


    However, TP's score is weak, regardless of format. Not a single memorable tune in that game, for me.

    o_O'? This makes no sense to me whatsoever. I found the score to be very memorable and I simply love the tunes. Especially the tunes based around Midna, those are simply beautiful. Heck, the other day I subscribed to a guy on YouTube who uploads video game tunes because of his TP collection.

  7. Not much else to say really, last few pages have ended up with nothing conclusive to use. No information from me.

    Vote: No lynch


    I don't think Jonnas is pinky by the way, PntB have nothing to do with investigating I thought. Also Jonnas should have had an idea that being pinky would have led to him to realise his investigative techniques couldn't have been all that.


    As for the hiding behind things, my speculation is they are a puppet? You know, going off stage hiding etc etc blah.

    But he IS a mouse. What cartoon mice are there with investigate powers?

  8. Vicar being Pinky - a Stupid Cop - makes sense. Killing off randomly isn't a good idea, but if too many days progress like this, the townies will be killed off in no time. I'm not too fond of it, but I guess the best option right now is not to lynch anyone.

  9. We need more than what boil to to random accusations, and some corroboration of information here, people!

    Right, lack of information forces us to act on intuition more than anything. I still don't like the passive approach of voting No Lynch, as the Mob will slowly kill us off, but people need to participate or the game falls apart.


    Anyway, I'm gonna go to bed now.

  10. The interesting question is: Why did Vicar get info that Maase was evil? Does it have anything to do with Maase's confusing target-switch power? Anyway, I say No Lynch and advise that Maase be protected tonight and him and Vicar be investigated by others.

  11. As I understand Maase's power, it's like this:


    Maase targets two people. When someone targets one of those two the same night (whether they're trying to kill him or something else, I presume) the one targetting will actually "hit" the other person - get information from him, kill him, or whatever his or her power is.

  12. I believe Maase's telling the truth - it all makes sense from the write-up.


    Vicar is the mouse checking out a large machine. He seems confused himself, so he is either a great actor or truly in the dark about it.


    I'm leaning more towards the Stupid Cop theory now.

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