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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I think a lot of people are sort of bisexual, but not all to the same degree (so some people might never realise it).


    And heh, not everyone wants to reproduce or wants to have sex all the time (or at all). Genetic mistakes? Maybe, but I don't think so. The human race has established itself well enough already that I feel reproducing isn't all that necessary anymore (too many people already living on this earth, I don't see the need to create any more). =P

    Bisexual without knowing? Hm, perhaps. I for one don't personally feel even the slightest hint of bisexuality.

    One could hypothesize that the proportion of bi/homosexuals increases as a species becomes more successful.

    Interesting theory.

  2. "Human ecology"? Am I the only one who immediately thought of social darwinism, eugenics, and racism?


    Anyway, far from all Christians are against alternative sexualilties. Christians focusing on Jesus' message of love find homosexual love to be just as good as any other form of love.

  3. Thinking about it, I'm not sure I agree. Biologically, the objective of sex is to reproduce. That's why we love it so much: We've been genetically designed to want to do it as much as possible. With that in mente, it wouldn't make sense that we're all born bisexual. But again, we still really have no explanation for alternative sexual preferences, so nothing is really certain.

  4. ReZ would jump anything in a heartbeat. I learned that from personal experience (ow).


    Disclaimer: Not really.


    In other news, the past few days have been spent doing the following four things: Eating, sleeping, gaming, and netsurfing. I love school breaks! :yay:

  5. Bjork feels the majority of human beings are bisexual but believes that due to different factors (culture, politics etc) people suppress it. Who is in agreement with this and why?


    I think I'm inclined to believe her, mainly because I feel I am close to being psychic and I know human nature all too well. Even the so-called 'straightest' of guys will have an "urge" to peek at you while you're changing in the changing rooms... why?

    Hm, interesting viewpoint ... however, if it's true, we suppress it to extreme degrees.

  6. The prophecy in Star Wars Episode 1.


    If the force is balanced heavily towards the Jedi, then someone who brings balance to it would be really, really bad for them.

    Lucas has mentioned himself that the Light Side represents balance, the Dark Side chaos. Yes, it isn't really the standard view of balance, and yes, it could have easily been understood the way that Anakin would even out the Jedi and Sith - but he didn't. Initially the Sith became stronger, throwing the galaxy into turmoil, but in the end the Jedi triumphed. Later on the Dark Side regained strength if I'm not mistaken, though I'm not that familiar with that part of the EU. Can anyone confirm or deny this?

  7. I recently read something about a (Norwegian?) scientist having made tests regarding G-spots. His results seemed to indicate that only one fourth of all women even have a G-spot, but his results were criticised by other scientists claiming he had far too few participants in the tests to deem them reliable.


    *wanders off again*

  8. Obviously there's no right answer to that question, but I would say that rather than becoming desensitised to love you instead start to understand it more. Some small part of the mystery — or the romanticism, even — is rubbed away.


    Is that a bad thing? Again, debatable. I would say it's akin to understanding a hurricane: you have no more control over when it appears, but you can be prepared for its arrival so you won't be swept off your feet; you're still able to appreciate its power and beauty without being consumed by it. And when you've seen a real storm, maybe that which you experienced seems a mere breeze in comparison.

    Nice metaphor. :)

  9. Just saying something really left field or unexpected, and then walk off like it makes perfect sense and they just suddenly stopped exsisting. I usually keep at least three, to cover most situations:


    1. "I know you're desperate, but you couldn't handle me, honey"

    2. "It's because of people like you the rail network doesn't work, you know."

    3. "One morning you'll wake up with a face full of mud and being poked by a child with a stick, and I can guarantee you - you'll remember this moment."

    Awesome strategy. :D

  10. Awesome purchase. Wish I had two weeks of nothingness to watch through it all (I'm still stuck on season 5).


    Today has been another meh day. Lack the energy to do anything productive it seems. Not fun.

    I can relate to that. Apathy hits me like a hammer when I have a break from school.

  11. Out of sheer boredom I've decided to venture in here. Might as well write something. *shrugs*


    I've had a common cold for about two weeks now and it just won't seem to go away. Furthermore, the thingy at the back of my mouth has begun swolling up from time to time. It's really annoying.


    On the bright side, I've finally reached Christmas Break! :yay: Two weeks of doing nothing but enjoying the holiday. I recently bought The X-Files: The Complete Collector's Edition and I've been spending whole days just watching X-Files. 'Tis awesome.

  12. Maybe he doesn't vanish immediately because there is a "cut off point", a point at which if he didn't set things right they never would be able to (his parents kissing at the dance), but before that point things can still go either way, so the possibility of things going "the right way" keeps his from vanishing right away.

    I see your point. Thing is, I see it as a either/or case. Either his parents end up together or not. But this again follows the logic of slowly changing timeline.

    This i'll give ya cuz it annoys me too... When Doc and Marty go back and end up in the alternate 1985 Doc says they can't go to the future to stop Biff taking the Time Machine cuz they'd end up in an alternate future based on their current timeline...therefor so should Biff and Doc and Marty should be stuck without a timemachine and lost in time.


    This is simple if you go with the "alternate reality/universe" theories. Where if you went back and altered time the timeline your in shifts to an alternate reality but doesn't change the original timeline... you just get stuck in that new timeline, if that makes sense.



    Sure, it does. Except that'd ruin the plot entirely, for if Marty ends up back in an alternate past in film 1 and screws up that timeline, he wouldn't disappear as he was from a "safe" timeline in which his parents were still together.

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