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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Gah, no more blasted song lyrics. :indeed:


    I find it hard to be evil in games. I just can't bring myself to do nasty stuff. Though in some games I like to play around sometimes, also doing nasty stuff. It depends what "mode" I'm in: When playing around I'm not in a serious mode.


    Many will have good morals in real life and try to follow those in games, but will also use the games from time to time to act out their "evil" sides. This way they get those nasty acts out without doing harm to anyone.


    I could easily go on a killing spree in a game and get a kick out of it, but I really don't think I could live with myself if I killed someone in real life. I'd feel completely and utterly devastated.

  2. dont be modest. hes also playing a jaunty tune on the harmonic


    hes peeing into a pillowcase while typing while on a unicycle while playing a jaunty tune on the harmonica.



    i was going to surgest a type of memory game like you played at school (each person adds one, and you have to remeber the whole thing) but then common sense kicked in.

    And until I had read the sentence to end, I was thinking "what a great idea". :p

    i've been watching jamba play smash bros all day...

    nothing can stop him O_o i even tried nudity!!





    Unbelievable. Really. Smash Bros. is a great game, but it isn't THAT great a game.

  3. Danny, you should go easy on posting pictures of your high-school 'friends' on the internet for others to gawp at. Not too sure they'd appreciate it if they found out!

    Either you're joking or you haven't read my previous posts properly: She's not one of my high school friends (though I wish she was!). She simply looks extremely much like one from my school in that pic, just like she looks like one of my best friends from class in another of her pics. Besides, she put her pictures on the Internet herself (one of those "take a picture every day" things). Dante posted the original link.

  4. Au contraire, I seem to have a thing for short haired girls. And here I'm thinking short hair like this:




    Yes, I had to bring it out again, 'cause she's so damn gorgeous!


    Anyway, I think the short haircut like the one above suits you best, nightwolf.

  5. Hmmm... well seeing as my last name is awful and hard to match first names up with (seriously, having the surname Coyne sucks) I'm not sure. I was initially had the idea that if I were to have a l'il girl, I'd call her Jessica and for a boy perhaps Daniel. :shrugs: I'll sort it out proper when I get to the hurdle in life.

    Such a beautiful and thoroughly wonderful name! ;)

  6. If you called your kid Hercules its likely to get beaten many times id say, why not go for Dave or something?


    and Molly is the name of my dog, gud name for a kid though.


    Id name mine after me, Skunky Jr.

    Hercules is the Roman name. The Greek name is Heracles.


    LEGENDARY! Absolutely legendary.

    Though I can't take credit for its invention. I'm sure I got the joke from somewhere else, though I can't remember where. It still works, though. :)


    I just said "though" in three consecutive sentences, though I'm not trying to brag.


    ... though.

  8. "Don't drive home, take a taxi or a bus. Just trust me on this."


    "Don't get on flight 180."

    Probably stems from me watching too much X-Files lately, thus being in conspiracy mode, but I really liked those two, so Moogle is the winner this round. :)

  9. I'm getting really fed up with my sex life at the moment. Either Letty only wants foreplay (to her, nothing for me) or I start playing with her and getting her wet, then all of a sudden, she changes her mind and doesn't want it. For no fucking reason.


    Then she doesn't tell me what the reason was and i'm in a bad mood for the rest of the day. Seriously, what the hell am I supposed to do? This is the one part of our relationship thats completely bull shit at the moment ¬_¬.

    You sure you should be sharing this with the forum ...?

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