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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. thats correct. they go against all psychology and psychotherapy as they belive our negitive thoughts and feelings are the result of the tortured souls of dead aliens attach themselves to people.

    Ah, so it's actually a dead alien soul that has been attached to me my whole life. Mulder would be excited. Then I guess all the help and treatment I got from the psychologists and psychiatrists wasn't what helped me - it must've been the Go Away Alien they secretly sprayed me with.

    I'm not saying that this isn't tragic. But thousands of children die every day. Why should this be any more important?

    Because of two factors, I believe: One, it's a celebrity's child. Everybody wants to know about celebrities, which is also why almost every dead celebrity gets a thread of his or her own in here. Two, which is more interesting, the kid might actually have died because of Scientology.

  2. Had a quick skim on wiki about Shuri Ryu, looks rather interesting actually! Quite a varied sort of martial art from the sounds of it. I'm a little tempted by Tai Chi one day too, though it's so commonplace and sort of diluted now from what I was told, and I don't want to sort of...not learn it properly? I do like the idea of it, though.

    Yeah, the history of shuri-ryu is quite interesting. It was the first type of karate to come to USA and its current form is thus attributed to Robert Trias, though it can be traced all the way back to Okinawa and the birth of karate. The current chief instructor in Europe is Vitus Bilking from Denmark.

  3. When at some point I pick up martial arts again, I was considering trying out another one just to get a broader view of the spectrum. I really want to try out a Chinese martial art - tai chi seems interesting. The general description of it seems to fit my personality and attitude.

  4. I just read an article from a Danish news website about his son going through both regular treatment and a Scientology cleansing ritual. His decease expressed itself as inflammation in the blood veins, and both doctors and parents agreed that the treatment seemed to work. Apparently not, it would seem. Travolta is otherwise described as a really great father with a relaxed attitude towards fans and paparazzis.

  5. Most bullying/abuse of the continuous kind is often brought on by people with low self-esteem. They use bullying to make themselves feel better by making other people feel even worse. I really don't think it is/should be a necessary part of childhood/life. Most people will most likely be hurt sometimes by verbal attacks, and you have to learn to deal with that, but the very aggressive, continuous bullying/abuse directed at one individiual in particular with the sole intention of making his or her life miserable - THAT I don't find a necessary part of life.

  6. Are we un/officially the hottest and sexiest Nintendo forum on the Internet, in the world, anywhere, since the beginning of time and the end of the original Planet of the Apes movie?

    In the famous words of the Architect: "Undoubtedly." :p

  7. Liking the sweeping fringe, but It would be far too much effort for me to maintain. That's why i always end up shaving my head. Getting up every morning and not having to do anything to my hair is awesome. Although I do think I look better with longer hair, if that make sense.

    I can follow you on that one. I don't think I'd look great completely shaved, but I do like the idea of not having to do anything to my hair. It's rarely the way I like it.


    Also, since Moogle is wussing out at the moment, I feel the responsibility to say this: Dang, this forum has some lovely looking girls.

  8. I'd like to be the Grunch. Or maybe just his brain. He's got an amazing amount of knowledge.


    I'd also want to be ReZ's brain. I want to see the entangled web of equal amounts of weirdness, crazyness, funnyness, and awesomeness that make up the inside of ReZ's cranium.


    Also, I'd want to be any one of the females in here. Then I could see myself nekkid in the mirror. Just ignore this.

  9. What is all this mad talk about stones? Weight is measured in kilograms, I tell you - kilograms!


    I weigh about 60 kilograms. I'm very slim and look anorexic. I'd like to build up some muscles. I just find it hard to find the time and motivation for regular exercise. I want to, but *insert lame excuse*. It's not that I can't be arsed, I just can't arse myself to it.


    I'm rambling. *wanders off*

  10. Actually anyone on the Harvard system; if you reference an article online (from an e-journal so its reputable enough) how do you do pages? Obviously they're not given page numbers as its just continous prose so what do you do? I don't want to not reference it and get my lecturers thinking I've plagarised/been lazy. Is there some way of basically saying "page not available/applicable"?

    Hm, perhaps link to the exact page containing the article and note the line number? When we do assignments (granted, it's not on university level, but we still have to have all the technical stuff in order) we have to note the name of the work, the author, the publisher, the year it was published, the page number and the line number of the piece of text in question. My preferred way of using footnotes is like this.[superscript]1[/superscript]


    [superscript]1[/superscript]"How to use footnotes", Paulsen, p. 26, ll. 3-6


    Then in the bibliography you include the rest of the information:


    - Paulsen, Daniel B.: "How to use footnotes", The Publishing Publisher, 2009


    (Yeah, I don't know how to do superscript in this form of text formatting.)

  11. Dannyboy: I thought you sounded a bit more Scottish than Irish, accent seemed very husky compared to the "Norn Iron" twang I'm much more familiar with.


    Oh, and the eyes! Bwah! Freaky Danish eyes! :o

    I always found it hard to point out the differences between Scottish and Irish. I believe I'd be able to hear the difference if compared to each other, but when simply hearing an Irish/Scottish accent I find it hard to determine.

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