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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. jayseven was right, it does suck to be 19, or at least it has so far. Flatmates bailed on me at the last minute so I ended up being an emotional state for the past few hours. I'm over it now but some serious realisation has come of it.


    Meh..so much for my optimism. :hmm:

    That does indeed suck, dude. I hope something good comes your way soon to weigh it up.

  2. I win again? Wow, thanks, guys. :)


    And yeah, letting the judges choose a subject or theme is fine, but the participants could also come with suggestions, no?


    Anyway, I think I'll let two other people have a go now. I actually wanted to challenge one who we hadn't seen in action, yet for some reason I missed the fact that Jay battled in the first match - silly me. :rolleyes:


    (BTW, I just disproved the fact that the second player wins. ;) )

  3. Well whether they should have done it is a fair debate.


    But saying that they did it for the sake of it, or just for the money is just ignorance.

    Yeah, I don't think the EU would go "Hey, let's sue Microsoft, they have munnies and make crap software!"

  4. Well done, my good sir - I'll have to salute thee:

    I'm normally not tricked, yet you just RickRoll'd me.

    Though I feel I must tell you - it's your only success:

    The rest of your post is simply one big grim mess.

    You talk about donkeys, and gypsies, and shit

    - I'm sorry, my man, I couldn't make sense of it.

    Back out now, save yourself from the shame

    - 'cause right now you are simply throwing shit at your name.

  5. While I won't resort to personal attacks, I will have to agree: Rok, you seem to be doing nothing but making yourself unpopular on these forums. Not because of what you are, but because of how you act.

  6. I'm still waiting for some facts to back up the equality argument, that is accepted without question, why shouldn't mine be?




    But white men are better than black men, at dancing badly, and straight men are better than gay men, at eating pussy, no reason why women shouldn't be regarded superior under certain situations.

    You got your facts. Read my post above.


    "Under certain situations"? You've been stating it as a general fact regarding women in general, not "under certain situations"!

  7. I'm sorry, but it is my opinion, and a hell of a lot of other peoples too. You don't like it, prove me wrong, and not with all this equality bollocks, as that is just platitudes with no facts backing it up.

    You're one to talk about facts. Here are some facts for you: Generally speaking, men are often stronger and faster than women. On the other hand, women are generally more sensitive and better to express their feelings. Now I ask you again: Prove to me that one is better than the other. How do you measure "better"? Regardless of that, these skills are of course generalisations and are in real life shared by both men and women alike, making any attempted debate about this whole inferiority/superiority complex invalid. And please answer my post this time instead of ignoring it and keep spewing out meaningless statements presented incorrectly as facts.

  8. Don't expect one; this guy thinks that medical science argues against DNA as a means to determine gender. He's a walking pile of bullshit.

    I know that. I'm trying to provoke him to realise that his statement is false.

  9. As I said before, but was conveniently ignored, inferior is only an insult if you want it to be. No matter who you are there's always going to be someone better than you at something, which makes everyone inferior in a way, it's all down to how you take it. I have no hatred for men, just have no wish to be one.

    While this may be true, one gender being inferior to another is not, nor does it make any sense. I'd truly like to hear a scientific explanation for women being superior. If you can do that, I'll accept your statement.

  10. The internet is indeed a weird place! Really not too sure what to make of this


    Reminds me of something I heard in a comedy show recently:


    - "The Japanese are crazy!"

    - "That's because you dropped a radioactive bomb on them!"


    I don't get it.

    He promises to be nasty, yet he lets a possibility of perfect humiliation slip away. It's primarily the last two pictures that gets me every time.

  11. You messin' with me? We haven't even begun!

    You think you can take it when I turn the mic on?

    You talk about suicide and changing my sex

    - I wanna bombard your brain with rays of X

    to see what went wrong, why it's so fucked up;

    you probably enjoy watching "2 Girls, 1 Cup"!

    Perhaps it's just gone - perhaps it's been sold?

    Or perhaps it simply stems from being too often RickRoll'd?

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