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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. As concrete a source as there ever could be. Some Danish guy on a Nintendo forum says that some doctor (or something) may have confirmed it ... he believes. :heh:

    I was actually thinking that myself when I wrote it. :p

    i think dan's to nice to lie. anything he says is therefor true.

    That's very nice. :) Though the issue at hand isn't if I'm lying, but where the heck I got the info from. I don't even remember myself. :p

  2. Or maybe the description is just so broad and the human psychology so complex that almost everyone can find some things that fit them. We have a tendency to overlook what doesn't match and put too much into what does.


    I'm generally very open to the alternative, I just know there is a lot of convincing humbug out there.

  3. To be honest, being beaten mercilessly in games, 'specially by the computer, is the thing that is most prone to induce my rages. :p Many a controller have been on the verge of total and utter destruction, yet somehow I've managed to avoid throwing it to hell and back so far.

  4. Thats yet another confusing element to it all! This guy he kissed has a twin who has been rumoured to be gay himself. Now this makes things twice as confusing to me. I do wonder if this guy is bisexual at least.

    Evil twin? :p The plot thickens ... This could be written into a detective novel or something. :heh:

  5. I'm no good at relationship advice, but I'd confront him about it and tell him exactly how much this actually means to you. Be calm - very calm - as it will make him understand the seriousness of it. And be sure to highlight profoundly that what he has done is wrong and should not be tolerated.


    One think I'm wondering, though: Why would a straight guy with a girlfriend flirt with another guy, a gay one at that? :confused:

  6. *sigh* All right, fair enough. :rolleyes: If you long so badly for my 1337 r@p $k!llz, I'll take on another challenger. Did you want to battle me, d666? If not, I'll battle the first one to post a challenge. The challenger picks who goes first and topic - perhaps the food one mentioned earlier?

  7. Not pointing fingers, but perhaps people forgot about this/didn't care anymore after the holiday break? I know I found it hard to get back in, even with my relatively low level of participation. This isn't meant to be an attack, merely speculation.

  8. Katanas are sharper and lighter, and so while they do not have much force behind them they can cut more readily - this makes them good for killing lightly armoured people like Japanese peasants. (and to some extent, other samurai - Japanese armour was never that thick) Broadswords, on the other hand, are heavier and blunter, and so are better at cutting through the heavy armour that people like knights would have worn. It's like the difference between a penknife and a razor blade. It makes swords kind of less romantic when you think about what they were actually used for...

    Thanks for clearing it up. :)

  9. Hopefully the comic is back to its former glory for good now. Over the past year we've barely had any comics that even have all 3 characters in them. But recently that seems to be changing.

    I hope so, too. The quality has indeed been lacking lately. Plus he sucks at updating and keeps coming with promises like: "From NOW on, expect regular updates!"


    When the comic is good, though, I love it. :)

  10. Swearing, if mastered, can almost become an art in itself. And you certainly have to have your way with words to master ANY type of linguistical art, swearing included. ;)


    I have no problem with swearing. Most of my swearing is done for comical effect. Like when I'm mildly annoyed by something, I've gotten into the habit of going Will Smith: "Awww, HELL no!" Another one that gets used often is: "For fuck's sake!" I also find that using substitutes actually improves this comedic effect, the prime example being: "Darn you! Darn you all to heck!"


    I do, however, also use swear words when I get pissed. It doesn't happen often, but when I get pissed, I go into a rage and need to get my anger out - preferably in the form of physical violence towards an object. Smashing something really helps me relieve my anger, but afterwards I feel bad, 'specially if I broke something I like. I try to avoid this by swearing heavily against whatever I'm pissed at - problem is that the swearing gets so exaggerated that it's ridiculous. On-lookers would probably find it amusing or laughable.


    I don't agree with words being just words, though. Technically they are, but value is put into every word, even the ones we don't expect. To me, swear words don't have an offensive meaning, but a comical one - which is why my anger swearing seems so exaggerated and ridiculous: Because I try to make up for the lack of meaning by increasing quantity. But I do respect that some people are offended by cursing, and I naturally try to avoid offending people and respect their wishes. Self-righteousness can be annoying, though.

  11. But shouldn't we allow the most people to play? I feel I'm hogging the place. Besides, I think it'll get boring if the same people play over and over. I see your logic, but if we're gonna do it this way I think we should organise a tournament or something. I know, I sound like I'm afraid of losing my "title" :heh: - but I'd just really like to see some other people battle it out.

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