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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I might not be allowed if i carry on :'(

    All my threds seem like a good idea at the time, but then theyre not actually that good XD

    Before you make a thread, try to stop up and think: "How will this actually work out? Is it something that people will want to discuss? Is it interesting? Is it relevant?" Don't be discouraged, but try to stop and think when your finger starts to itch over the Post New Thread Button. :)

  2. Rioting Ku Klux Klan hooligan captured by determined fan with novelty sized toilet.

    In potential danger of seeming like an ass-kisser to ReZ, I'm gonna have to choose this one. It was a tough choice, but this one was the most original, sharply followed by Odwin's.

  3. Yes a good person. :) I can't explain!


    Even though the majority of the press show her in a very bad light...


    I'm probably wrong and no good at defending my opinion so I'm not going to ramble! (see saying "probably wrong" show I have no confidence) WAIT I need to change this...


    I'm no good at defending my Opinion but I think she is misrepresented in the press like a lot of people. You can say one thing and have it twisted it in another direction. I guess my problem lies in not trusting the media.. :p

    I can't help but love your hopeless optimism and positivity. :)

  4. The strange thing is the description of him by others suggests he didn't have aggressive tendencies. I think what's so problematic around aggressiveness, violent behaviour and (video) games is the complexity of it. You can't just say "this and that is to blame" or "he did that because so and so" etc.

  5. I've had time to cool down, and I can see your point. You just have to realise it's not "funny" for me. It really is a huge problem. So no, I will not film myself being scared. And I can't really pretend it's not there when I get a picture of it shoved in my face.


    Anyway, enough of my bitching. I don't want to be in a bad mood over this, nor did I wish to make a longer discussion out of it. Let's move along.

  6. There are people afraid of everything, my mum used to have an irrational fear of cats. Like your phobia of spiders.

    And should we not respect them, too, if they frequented this forum? I know I'm outnumbered here and probably sounding like a whiner, but all I'm asking (and have asked a few times before this happened) is for people to respect my problem and be kind enough to spoiler tag their images of spiders.


    Look, I know I come off angry and like a whiner, but it is in fact a huge problem for me. An image of a large spider like this popping up is enough to make me jump and let out a little scream of fear. Of course I cannot force anyone to do anything in here. But I can ask nicely, can't I? And yes, I realise my first request was anything but nice, which is why I'm trying to ask nicely now.

  7. I don't think its fair that you demand him to do so. It is a pets topic to be fair...its not like he posted it with malice.

    I think it's fair for me to ask him to show consideration. Of course it's the pets topic, but we should all be able to be here, right? I like to see other people's cats and dogs, but I won't venture in here with the risk of a huge spider picture popping up. It's not like it's the first time I've mentioned my phobia. I can't of course demand anything, only urge people to be considerate and make room for everybody. My previous post did come out harsh, though. I had just been subject to a shock and was mildly annoyed as a result.

  8. Skunky, don't you realise there are arachnophobes in here? That's about the worst thing you could have done, plopping a giant image of a big spider up. Please spoiler tag that image immediately.

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