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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. The guy who did the Wind Waker melody is back, 32 songs in 8 mins... well done, from popular songs, to some odd ones like "Mario Kart Love Song" and the AVGN theme, ending with Power Ranger haha




    It's also interesting to hear his own interpretations of the songs.

  2. Haha foolish earthling. 'tis merely a rouge created by the cats!


    While we prepare ourselves for the "alien invasion" the cats will secretly be taking over our government.


    I'm the only reason the human race is safe. I die the humans go with me...

    I probably shouldn't say this ... but I side with the cats.

  3. I have a feeling Dannyboy wants to play with dolls and stuff but is annoyed his friends won't like it...

    Why won't people accept me for who I am? ToT


    Seriously, though, that's a lot of prejudice against furries. My impression was that they simply liked to roleplay with these animal personalities, "fursonas". Why do people always think it has to do with sexual and alternative fetishes?

  4. So you're saying it's okay for a gay couple to raise children, if they adopt? (I'm just unsure of what you are saying, that's all. :))


    If I end up in a long-term relationship with a guy, rather than a girl, then I definitely would want to look at adopting at some point. I love kids, and I don't care if it's biologically mine or not, I'd just love to be able to have the oppurtinity ro raise one and I don't think being in a same-sex relationship should stop that.

    Indeed I am. I think gay couples can be as great parents as any heterosexual couple. :)

  5. I'm all for adoption. I'm more against artificial insemination. I think that if you are unable to have your own children, then why not adopt one of the thousands of babies/children that are unfortunate enough to not have loving parents.

    Indeed, I agree. My question was more aimed Raining.


    I must say, though, that I believe same sex couples should have the same right to adopt etc. as other couples. I don't see why homosexuals can't be mother and father figures. Agreed, gays aren't exactly always masculine, and lesbians aren't necessarily feminine, either - but that goes for a lot of heterosexuals, too. I find that there are other parents out there far less qualified for bringing up children - sexuality is really one of the lesser problems in some children families.


    On a different note: What's with the furry hating? :confused:

  6. I see. I agree with most of you. There are of course natural gender roles, but one shouldn't be persecuted for wanting to act differently.


    The debate about same sex couples having children is quite interesting. Moogle's argumentation seems better than Raining's, logically speaking. May I ask: Are you against it because you're against adoption or artificial insemination?

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