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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. This is a side effect of being drunk. The essential point is that people do drink to become drunk, for various reasons. The most popular reason is to enhance socialising (when I say enhance, I more or less mean their ability to socialise). Otherwise they'd be drinking coca cola together.


    It's madness to suggest that people drink beer or vodka for anything other than the effects of alcohol that ensue, and fun times. I was merely pointing out that some people act as if people aren't drinking for the effects of alcohol to assist them in some way, rather that they're doing it for the hell of it.

    But the essential is still that the drunkenness is a means to an end, not a goal in itself, no?

  2. Honestly? I tried doing the one touch ban and clean on someone too, purely for testing reasons you understand. :heh:


    Still, I'm liking it. The stretchable theme's reply box is now stretched, just like the rest of the forum. That's a nice touch! :D


    Any more new features to come soon to look out for?


    Ooh, hello, THIS is interesting. I can't get to the final page on the Funny videos etc thread, it keeps looping me back to 125 whenever I click 126 or the "Next Page" arrow.

    Experienced the same. Fact is, there IS no spoo... I mean page 126. I dunno why, but the forum believes there is a next page when there actually isn't.

  3. That is all true but the point I´m getting across here is that we pick these paths because to use they are the right one to us and like you said there is no way of knowing what path is right so we decide what is the right one for us to pick.

    It´s only as right as it feels to you but if it dosen´t you can say that it is wrong, either way you will be influencing other people´s choices in the future based on the experience you have told them about that and that will factor what they feel is the right path to take.

    You are indeed correct in your observationings.

  4. Yes but why did we pick that path?

    Personel experience that connects to that path?

    What other who have walked that path told you?

    What you have heard about it?


    We live our lives trough the lives of others, the hard decisions are the ones that few have to do so doing what others have done makes the picking easy to do.

    Or if your curious and go down a less explored path, then your pick influenced by the fact that few people went down there.


    Ultimately you pick the one for you therefor picking the "right" one in your eyes at the moment.

    Saying that a path is wrong/right is hard to define because if we look at pros and cons of everything that is right and wrong it´s our mentality of the situation that decides if we say that the path is right or wrong.


    So yes we can´t really say that we can pick the right path

    But we like to say that when we like the experience of it

    We pick our paths based on what we know of said paths, but only afterwards may we know if we picked the "right" paths in our life. And on the question of hearing a falling tree in the forest, we may think we've chosen the right paths, but how can we know when we haven't tried all the other possible paths in our life? Thus it is redundant to speak about choosing the right path, for we may never know if a path is right.

  5. There's no reason why you couldn't just get to know people while drinking soft drinks.


    Yes, people go out to socialise. But please do not kid yourself on this one - getting drunk is the main reason people drink a lot of types of alcohol. As for wine, that is a different matter.

    Yeah, to be fair, the only reason I drink is because I love getting just a little bit trollied when I'm out with some awesome mates. Take the mates out of the equation, and I wouldn't drink because I don't really see the point (Unless like you say, it's a glass of wine or something).

    The effect of the alcohol in the context is the essential part. Being lightly (or not so lightly) drunk while having fun with friends increases the feeling of fun. Likewise it loosens up the mood and makes one more talkative and makes it easier to socialise. If you're drinking by yourself, you're more likely to get sad and somber and feel lonely.


    Alcohol simply enhances your feelings, so the context is important. You don't just drink to get drunk, you drink to get drunk in the situation - if that makes sense ...

  6. We cannot decide if a path is right for us but when people around us tell us their experience of their path it will influence our choices based on what they think.

    Which is why we need to walk the path ourselves to decide whether is was good for us. In the end we may not realise that it was good or bad. Maybe we realise it later, maybe we never realise it. Different paths can be right, but for different reasons. Choosing something is inevitably linked to not choosing something, and while one choice is right in some aspects, it will most definitely be not-right in other aspects - and that goes for nearly all possible paths in your life. So ultimately, can we really talk about choosing the right path?

  7. I kind of agree, but! No amount of preparation can ready you for the reality of the walk. You can spend £200 on a pair of hiking boots, practice tying knots and making make-shift tents just in case you get lost and take an extra pair of socks with you but you can't guarentee you'll need anything that you carry, or that everything you carry is all that you need.


    So can you blame yourself for having picked the wrong path, if you did not know whether it was a positive path or not in the first place?

    There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.

    Sorry, I had to.

    You can blame blame yourself for taking the wrong path if the experience of others tell you that it´s bad but not walking the walk means that you rob yourself of the experience and if the general consensus that this specific walk is bad less people will follow it and people start to forget why we even went there.

    In my opinion you take the path you think will benefit most from and keep in mind that you will not learn the most from the most positive from.


    To overcome mistakes we must learn from them

    But why should one assume that the path that is right for others is the right path for you? You cannot know if something is right for you before you have tried it as we cannot know the future. We can only make qualified guesses based on observation, but in the end we can never be fully prepared for everything, and thus we need to take chances once in a while. Life is best lived in the present - not in the past, nor in the future.

  8. I'm happy because I know I am good at thing, and that I do these things well. I am also happy at the thought that I can learn, and become good, at other skills.


    I find happiness in skill because it allows me to have more options in life. I am made happy by reading books. If I could not read those books they would not make me happy. If I increase my understanding, my ability to read, then I can read more and increasingly complex books.


    The happiness I acquire through skill is only indirect. In actual fact it is only a means to an end. In this way, I can, and do, achieve happiness through my ability and thus my quality of life improves.

    But then you CAN be happy without being perfect. You made it sound you were never happy with yourself because you knew you could be better.


    "If you stop striving for perfection you may as well be dead."


    I can't really say I have any rivalrys. Had sibling rivalrys but that died out when I disowned by elder sibling (and I get on fine with my younger one now). Well actually I suppose me and my housemate judge our uni progress on how much the other is done. Like this weekend I've been away so not done any dissertation work so I shall wish to catch up with her, but its nothing serious and has beneficial qualities.


    Just wanted to throw in a Nip/Tuck quote really.

    Hm, I don't think I agree with that quote. Reasons as explained above. You should always keep striving to improve, but not at the price of being unhappy and uncontent with yourself. It may seem like a paradox, but you gotta keep a balance, hard as it may be.

  9. I only see progress in terms of improvement, so yes.


    The point is that I do set myself higher goals. In this respect I will never be happy but if I wasn't striving for this I'd be miserable knowing that I was being the best I could be. That I had reached the end all.


    Where do you go from there?

    But why do you seek happiness in skill? When I'm talking about improvement, I'm talking about the life quality. You won't be happy because you know you can be better, yet you would not be happy knowing you couldn't be better, either. Thus, happiness for you can't be acquired through skill.

  10. There is no progress in being content. I accept myself, I accept my need to be better at everything.

    But do progress necessarily equal improvement? Will your life be better if you're better at everything? Won't you then just set even higher goals for yourself that are even harder to reach?

  11. Probably not.


    I seem to be a lot harsher on myself than other people are with themselves.

    I think we do. We can never be as good as our ideal selves (hence "ideal"), and thus most of us will feel at least some form of resentment towards this self. When we can accept ourselves for who we are, we can finally let go of our resentment and rest in ourselves.

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