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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I cheated and just looked at everyone's answers. The artists have the more pleasing array of colours, but, however, and indeed suddenly, for some reason; the artists' choises tend to sit well within themselves, which is intriguing because it means they selected the colours based upon not only that specific description, but also those surrounding it. A curious oddity, because clearly this means they are, as people, deeply aware of all things at once, and the effort they must inject into their existence in order to assure their surroundings continue to produce the same, most excellent, level of quo. lol.


    I think I'm still drun with a K from last night, tbff.

    You're quite philosophical when drunk. It's interesting. :heh:

  2. If you lost what you had to gain, you lost the possibility of gaining it. Yet you gained certainty that you will not get what you had to gain, a certainty that you did not have before when you were not sure of gaining it.


    An action or event is always a product of many variables coming together, thus direct responsibility can never be placed.

  3. I think that's what tapedeck said.


    Personally I think it's better to pay roughly equally, but like Jav said don't go keeping a record and don't be stingy about paying a little more. Just don't let people walk all over you and vice versa.

    I think a general rule is: Don't be too obsessed about the money.

  4. Well, I think it's about time I give my five cents, having followed this for a while.


    Paj, while she does indeed seem annoying from your view, I'm afraid that you are equally annoying. You don't seem to realise that you are as stubborn in your ideas as her. :heh:


    About the going out/drinking/pubbing etc., I've never been much of a party-goer myself. Recently I've begun going out more, even started to drink - though not really to get drunk, just for the socialising aspect of it. And that's simply because I've gotten some amazing friends that I go out with. I wouldn't go partying if it wasn't for them, and I'm bored as fuck when I'm out and not in the company of good friends.

  5. are you sure thats what its ment to be though? a voice actor may not get the voice that the writter had in mind for the creation.


    look at how the voice acting changes over an animated serise. in the simpsons and family guy in particular, there is a noicable difference in the early episodes.

    Still, it's often closer than the dubbings.

  6. To be completely honest with you, I always thought you were too forgiving with her, especially the way you described her. You went so far to please her without getting anything in return, not even a simple "thank you".


    Turns out I was right all along. :heh:


    Anyway, this is definitely her loss. You really did everything to make it work, yet she just cheated on you. She'll have a hard time finding anyone as dedicated to a relationship as you. And she may never realise it.


    But now you can go out and find someone who deserves an awesome guy like you. :)

  7. I prefer original language + subs. We get to hear what it's supposed to sound like, not other people's impressions of it. It doesn't matter to me if I understand the spoken language or not. Besides, I find it easier to look past bad subbing than bad dubbing.

  8. I can be quite competitive, though my main problem is probably living up to my own expectations. I'm my own worst rival.


    Though on the slightly broader topic of jealousy, I feel terrible about being jealous of my best friend. The worst thing is that it's about a girl. It's not the girl herself, it's more how damn lucky he is. One of the pretty, intelligent, skilled, and all-round attractive girls in the year above us just fell for him, and they have a happy relationship. I know I'm pathetic for feeling this way, but I can't help but think: Why can't this happen to me? We both know and agree that we aren't exactly the alpha males in the herd, so this happening to him is like an old film cliché. It's pretty much Peter Parker and Mary Jane all over.


    Rant over. Sorry for pestering you guys with my pathetic whining. Move along.

  9. Not to sound like a prick, but I was hoping for better captions. But maybe I should've gone with another picture. Anway:




    I thought Danny's stood above the rest somewhat.

    Gracias, señor. :)


    I'm not sure if any funny captions can be made for this picture, but I'll give it a go:


  10. Eeeeeeeeeveryone is thinking it, so I'm just gonna come out and ask it.


    Would you?

    Eeeeeeeeeveryone is thinking it, so I'm just gonna come out and admit it.


    I would.

    Is the bloke in the back servicing himself?
    Yes. Filth.

    Brilliant posts! :laughing:


    I should be working ...

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