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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Hm, that's quite an interesting role. It fits with the riddle, too. I'm not quite certain on the effectiveness of your power, but you have convinced me of your role. I have a hard time imagining Thomas the Tank Engine being evil, so I think I'll withdraw my vote. Now, what's up with Vicar's accusations, then?


    Change Vote: No Lynch

  2. That´s all circumstantial, we could say countless possibilities with no basis on them and no way to check them all.

    At least this way we have an end to it.

    I agree. If he's a Stupid Cop, he's worthless to us. It is unfortunate that he takes Maase with him, but as I said: However things are, we get rid of someone who's not doing the town any good.

  3. Do you really want to know my role, dear sirs?

    Seriously, i might as well put a target on my head and call the Mafia while dancing like a Chicken, it would have the same effect

    But if you don't elaborate, you'll most likely get lynched.


    And to comment Tellyn, if we lynch him and he is in fact good, Vicar is next. If it's true there aren't many neutrals, chances are we'll get a Mob memeber either way. It all comes down to how valuable Maase is to us, and his avoiding of telling us who he is is weak: Maase, you're already a primary target. You might as well tell us your role. If you convince us, you'll be protected next round.

  4. You could easily be lying about who you are. So could Vicar. But Vicar actively put out alledged information, easily making him a target. You, on the other hand, was forced to reveal your name, making it more likely that you are lying. (At least in my head.)

  5. Yes I am defending Maase, it's the big twist of this particular mafia game. :heh: But really, I think it's too early on to be spilling blood. I don't trust Vicar... I don't trust Maase. I don't trust anyone at the moment, we're still on day 1.


    I'm not going to be responsible for helping to kill off a potential fellow townsperson this early on.

    Vicar is accusing Maase and for this he must have a reason. That reason is either that he investigated Maase and found him to be evil or that he has a personal goal that involves killing off Maase. He could also be a Stupid Detective (and then he doesn't even know himself, does he?), but as long as Maase doesn't give me convincing proof, it's most likely that Vicar is telling the truth. I only know that being passive won't win this game. Unless we get anything else on the table, I stick with my vote.

  6. Well, I touch upon the possibility of you playing a key role in Vicar's hypothetical neutral scenario, but I fail to see how you can convince me otherwise. It's argument against argument, and as the things are at the moment, I find voting you off the best possible choice. The possibility of Vicar being an investigator and having found out you're evil is more likely than the neutral scenario case.

  7. Hm, I think I'll go for that, too, at the moment. It would be foolish of Vicar to target Maase if Maase wasn't evil - unless Maase's an important character to us or has a key role in a neutral scenario.


    Vote: Maase

  8. At this point it's argument vs. argument. I'm not easily convinced by anyone. One strategy is to just vote them off one by one and find out who they are that way. But we might lose valuable townies - or get rid of pesky Mob members ... the problem is choice ...

  9. MoogleViper is right, whenever someone has died it'd be nice to know their role, alignment, and power.


    Judging from the Marvel Mafia it's important to answer riddles. Though I've got no clue as to this one - it's very puzzling.


    It seems like a good idea to vote Maase off. If Vicar's lying, he'll be lynched, too. It's way better than just waiting for the Mob to kill us off.

  10. I get the feeling all the action is gonna be when I'm at work, hope not!!

    Neither do I. I am at school till mid-afternoon, then I do my homework and spend the evening writing my assignment. The assignment will be handed in this Friday, though, so that'll give me some extra time. I'll check the thread and try to participate at least once every day - most likely in the evening. After Friday I'll have more time to spend.

  11. You can also check the old game threads to get a perspective on how it works.

    That's what I've done. This is my first actual game. They are actually incredibly fascinating to read - like a crime novel. They are quite adept at robbing me of a few hours without me even realising it.

  12. I hate being N00bish, but could someone possibly explain what a mafia game is?

    People always post a link to some page that explains it, but that page is - to me, at least - very confusing.


    The basics are: People are divided into two groups: The Town (townies) and the Mafia (Mob). Nobody knows who is who except for the Mafia, who knows the other Mob members.


    The game runs in a day-night cycle. Each night, the Mafia kills one of the townies. When you're dead, you are not allowed to post in the game anymore. Each day, the townies discuss in the thread who they think the Mafia is. They vote for someone to lynch off, and when a majority has been reached (sometimes there's a time limit), that person gets lynched/killed, and the next night begins. The objective is to kill the other party.


    Now, for the townies to even stand a chance, some characters get special powers that can help them out. Every night, that person can choose to use his or her power. The standard roles are Investigator/Cop/Detective, who can target someone at night and get information about the person, and Protector/Doctor, who can target someone who can then not be killed that night.


    More complex games have more complex roles. Many (like this) are universe-based, meaning everyone is a character from a particular universe and has powers accordingly. The powers can also be very complex, and in some games there are neutral characters who have very specific win conditions.


    It is not allowed to speak about the game outside the thread except for the Mafia, who can speak to each other. The game is very tactical and brainy.


    Hope that helps.

  13. Oh my god! That literally made me laugh out loud! In fact, I still am! :laughing:


    Meh, I guess it's weird no one has actually thought it before. I did hear about someone who made a cake with menstruation blood, though. That sounds more gross if you ask me.

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