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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. If it suddenly slowed down, then we would carry on going at the same speed and therefore be thrown forward. I have to admit, that would be rather amusing if not a little bit deadly.

    I have nothing in particular to add to the conversation, but the images in my head when reading this made me laugh out loud! :laughing:

  2. its only hard for a couple of weeks, if that. its very easy to get used to, and once you do, its hard to imagine ever having a problem with it. i actualy prefer having lenses in, feels more comfortable, kinda like a jacket for my eyes.

    Probably, but as I said, my glasses are part of my persona now. :)

  3. It's not the size that matters on a girl, it's the proportions. A well-proportioned girl, hell yes! I especially have a thing for well-proportioned breasts.


    But after all, it's not the looks that matter. Sure, they may be the first thing you notice, but I couldn't be with a girl whose personality I didn't like.

  4. An ALLEGED conversation between Americans and Galicians recorded off the coast of Finisterre, Galicia.

    <Transmission begins>


    "This is A-853, please change your course fifteen degrees South to avoid colliding with us. You are coming straight towards us, distance 25 nautical miles."



    "We recommend that you change your course fifteen degrees North to avoid a collision."



    "Negative. We repeat, change your course fifteen degrees south to avoid a collision."



    "You are talking to the captain of a ship of the United States of America. We insist you turn your course fifteen degrees North to avoid a collision."



    "We do not consider that feasible or advisable, we suggest that you change your course fifteen degrees South to avoid colliding with us."


    American (very angry):

    "You are talking to Captain Richard James Howard, at the bridge of the aircraft carrier USS Lincoln of the USA Navy, the second biggest warship of the North American fleet. We are escorted by two battleships, three destroyers, five cruisers, four submarines and numerous amphibious support vessels. We are on our way to the Persian Gulf to prepare military manoeuvres before a possible attack on Iraq.

    I am not suggesting, I am ordering you to change your course fifteen degrees North! Otherwise we will be forced to take any measures necessary to guarantee both the safety of this ship and the force of this coalition. You belong to an allied country and a member of NATO, so obey immediately and get out of our way!"



    "You are speaking to Jose Manuel Otero-Rivas. We are two people. We are escorted by our dog, our food, two beers and a canary that is currently asleep. We have the support of Radio Coruňa FM and Channel 16 for marine emergencies. We are not intending to move anywhere as we are speaking to you from the mainland, from lighthouse A-853 of Finisterre on the coast of Galicia, and we don’t have a f*cking clue what our ranking is of Spanish lighthouses.

    You may take whatever measures you consider opportune and bloody well feel like to guarantee the safety of your goddamn ship, which is about to shred itself on the rocks, but what we continue to insist and suggest as the best, most sane and more recommendable course of action, is to turn fifteen degrees South to avoid colliding with us."



    "OK. Received. Thank you."


    <End of transmission>

    :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

  5. Okay, I need to get some facts straight (but I'm tired, so it might not make sense or ... whatever):


    Do I play the music in the background while singing? Or shall I just hear it in my headphones?


    Do I record a movie file with me singing? Or do I record a music file and then record a movie of me singing playback to my own voice, sending you both files? (Again, music/voice in background or not?)


    In either case, what file types do you need?


    Thanks in advance.

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