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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Come on, guys, the tree things is obvious.


    King V, who we all know have become a part of a conspiracist group, borrowed alien technology and travelled back in time to carve the greeting on the tree to prove to the rest of N-E that he was actually right.



  2. My friend, please make sure you know NOW what it is you are truly interested in, and know what it entails. I changed course after 2 years of Multimedia technology because I found the other necessary parts boring as hell (software development, java) but the other stuff was brilliant. Then I changed to a course I felt I liked during school; Product design, as Im more of a artsy-creative type but even that had elements of engineering and if you didn't start foundational engineering during college, this shit could f you over the park bench! (lol).


    ...To top it off, I excel at sports which occasionally distracts me, giving me the feeling of to go and work to fund my sporting habits and look towards a career in sport, which is of course smered with risk. (injury etc).


    I just want to urge people to KNOW want they want to do, but also don't get too dillusioned by the words of those over enthustiastic school/college teachers - be realistic.

    Don't worry, I KNOW what I want. :) And it's not because of someone talking me into it - I have discovered this road completely by myself. Heck, two years ago I wouldn't have dreamt of going this way - now I can't imagine NOT going it.

  3. For a guy your age (sorry, I hate to mention age), you pretty much are on point and seem to know what you want, which is great to see. Even with everything though, I still think she is special and so that just motivates me to work on it. I've probably made her sound worst than what she really is. She can be very loving and sensual, but there are elements of a Jekyll and Hyde personality (or does that go for all women? ;))




    You know, first few times I saw her, I thought nothing of her lol. Shes pretty and has a nice figure but... you know, so do a few billion other women. Thats really why i'm happy, because it wasn't really an attraction 100% based on her appearance.




    Damn man... It might feel good to let it all out...:(

    Thank you for the nice comment. :)


    About the Jekyll and Hyde thing ... once a month, dude ... once a month ... :p


    Jekyll & Hyde pretty much goes for every person ever. It's something that goes both ways - getting to know who someone really is means you'll be revealing yourself too. First loves are usually fuelled by "omg I can't believe someone actually likes me this much! Especially someone as cool as them! I must be so lucky... I must therefore act as if I am walking on ice and tip-toe around them until the pressure builds and I have to confront them with an entire list of things I hate about them"...


    Rokhed's comment about infactuation is along these lines, I'd say. My first love was some mega-hot chick, whose personality was pretty damn wrong for me. But once someone lets you in, you treat that as a reason for love, rather than the stuff you find within them, which you may not like at all and convince yourself it's something you can put up with because you don't think you'll ever have as much sex ever again.


    My first love stole a bit of my heart. Some say I gave it to her willingly, but I think it was all part of her master plan. She's probably got a pile of heart chunks, and spends all her nights trying to piece them together to make herself a proper, blood-pumping heart to replace the stone-cold one that does nothing but make her a-- .... yeah. Yeah I'm over her. She's stupidly skinny now, too.


    The next one is always better.

    That's one heck of a metaphor, dude.


    I still don't think infatuation and love is the same thing. I definitely know I can feel the difference - but maybe they're not always easily extinguished?

  4. Right now, I just find writing linguistics essays and reading about linguistics so unbelievably awesome that it's better than most other things I could be doing. Seriously.

    Sounds awesome indeed. :)


    I look forward to when I'm done with the gymnasium and can move on to uni. That means I can forget about all the other subjects and focus on what I really want.

  5. I don't think he is (unless im missing some backstory about him doing this, being questioned, and rigerously saying its fact). I think he was more giving his opinion, but failing to put "I think/believe/feel etc" at the start, making it open to misinterpretation.


    (or at least that's my interpretation)

    Yeah, you're probably right. I could have worded it better. It just didn't sit very well with me the way he formulated it. *shrugs*


    On the domination question, I personally find the idea of being dominated to be arousing. But only as far it being playful and loving. Dunno if that's contradictory, but that's how it works in my mind.

    Bah, I sound like I have experience in the subject ...

  6. So many things about my girl annoys me, but I shouldn't really be expecting to be with a person that fits an ideal I have created in my mind - that isn't fair.

    Nor is it fair to you if she treats you like shit. She may not be your ideal woman (no one really is), but don't just accept everything she trows at you. Remember, it takes two to tango, and likewise the respect and altruism in a relationship should be mutual.


    Keep working on it. :) Tell her about your concerns. If she argues reasonably against them (and by reasonably I don't mean with feelings, but with solid facts!), you may have to rethink your expectations. But if she gets mad and starts shouting at you without actually arguing reasonably against your points, it is likely she is aware of her own behavioural problems. With what you have described, though, I hardly think your expectations are too high. On the contrary, I think you put up with too much from her.


    But as I said, keep working on it! :)

  7. First love is the easiest to get over usually, as it just some childish infatuation.

    Ah, but is that the love in question? Sure, you can fancy many people during your lifetime and be infatuated by them, but real heartbeat-causing, sweattypalm-provoking, nervousness-inducing love doesn't come often. If we're talking about the latter, I don't think you get over it that easily. Flink nailed it IMO.


    To add one element to Aimless' analogy, a factor to include in your weighing of good vs. bad things is your feelings for her. Like you said, the good things can be subjective. If you really do love her, you gotta try to make it work. I like your attitude towards the situation, but of course you need to be realistic.

  8. Heterosexuality from a mans perspective is somewhat predatory.

    I can totally see where you're coming from, but please stop stating your personal experiences as facts. Sure, for a lot of men that is the case, but there's always the odd one out.


    I'm not down with statements that go by the formula "all X are/do Y".


    About Efron, even I must say he looks good.

  9. I sincerely think that a good deal of homophobic people who make comments like that actually have homoerotic tendencies themselves. That guy probably walked away because such a sexual thought of...uh...'fucking you up the bum' may have tingled his sensations to actually make him think twice.


    I actually think most people are instinctly bisexual. Lets look at it from this angle, a lot of guys like the idea of fucking a womans arse...why? Just cos its something to be fucked. A typical 'heterosexual' guy with a boner just wants to primarily give it to a receptive, perhaps submissive, partner. And in the heat of the moment I really don't think most men would really think twice about gender lol.


    If you would have asked that guy the same question at say 3am in his bedroom, I bet something else would have happened. ^^

    Hm, I really don't think that's the case. Not with everyone, at least. Blame society, but some guys (me included) just find the thought of doing anything sexual with another guy repulsive.


    Now, there's a huge difference between that and being homophobic. I have absolutely nothing against homosexuals. I think it's great for breaking those god awful gender roles. But I really don't like the idea of me doing anything sexual with another guy. Again, blame society.

  10. They just came trick or treating in my house. In Portugal. WTF? We didn't have anything for them so we gave them the standard Bolachas Maria (Maria Cookies).

    Mmm, cookies ...


    Anyway, went to a Halloween-themed double 18th birthday party yesterday. 'Twas very nice. Especially when that lapdancing stripper showed up. Best present they got, I bet.



    The first video made me fall in love with a videogame world like never before. (Probably the music and setting when I think back).



    Without doubt....Playing this for the first time set the gaming scale back to 0 and made EVERYTHING new again.



    Too many to name imo.


    Holy shish kebab! Those two videos make the nostalgia come crashing in like a tsunami!

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