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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Nobodies talking about day old babies though, it's done prepuberty, niot like it's too late for a child to choose their own sex by then. I knew by then.


    Well, obviously I haven't tried that myself, so I wouldn't know. But is there a possibility that not everyone know that early what they feel they are?


    Also, there is of course the possibility that the primary appearance of the person is the opposite of what the person feels like. Perhaps the person looks more like a female, but feels more like a male? And this is where the pressure from the surroundings kicks in. Will they accept it? Or will the parents try to "convert" thier child to fit with the social norms and be "accepted" by their surroundings?

  2. Indeed. But the psychological research into the whole area is very interesting. Many individuals find that they do not accept who they 'are' (be it determined by their parents, who, despite what I seem to read in-between your words, aren't doing anything maliciously. How can you tell whether a day-old baby is more gendered one way or the other?) and desire to be the opposite sex, regardless of how right/wrong parents are.


    I don't think I can get my point across properly to be honest. I just find it curious that, as you say, the majority of hermaphradites end up changing their gender when they get old enough to take take responsibility of their own life. etc.


    It's a tough thing, really, to decide your own gender. And I can see why the person may later blame the parents for chosing the "wrong" gender. But wouldn't it be even more difficult growing up being told that you are neither? It would be hard to cope with as a child.

  3. Apparently he's "Anti White" and "a terroist" and if he wins "THE BLACK WILL TAKE OVER!"



    Violent video games don't make me want to kill people. These people make me want to kill people. Specifically these people.


    I can't even comment on the sheer stupidity and ignorance of those people. Stupidity of such purity is more radioactive than uranium! Seriously, I'm surprised the Internet hasn't imploded, resulting in the spacetime continuum collapsing onto itself.


    Sorry if I'm rambling, but that is just ... dear God ...



  4. And aside from that, none of the recent comics had the kind of continuous story and character development that made the comic great. That was the reason it was a good comic. The one-off jokes we're getting now, while still somewhat funny, just don't have the same charm.


    Well put. I was trying to figure out myself why it seemed to have lost its charm recently.

  5. Well maybe if you'd stop giving us mixed messages. I don't know whether Im coming or going. I didn't then, and I don't now.


    I can't help it. It's not my fault my sexual attraction is making everyone go wild.


    Seriously, though, I think we should stop this now before we completely derail the thread - whoops, too late!

  6. Well how were we going to get your head to look like a bell end otherwise. The black marker japs eye came off okay then?


    Huh? They must have been rubbed off while we were at it, I guess. I didn't see any.


    By the way, I never got my cucumber back.

  7. No we haven't forgotten you, you're in the video. Man that chloroform was strong stuff.


    Yeah, my head hurt a little the next day. But again, that may have been because of the 27 acupuncture needles in the back of my head. And was it really necessary to shave my head bald?

  8. Jim, don't insult people. Try to respect other people's opinions and to see the case from their point of view. You might get surprised.


    Other than that, I very much agree with your view on life. Why not enjoy life? It's a decision we ultimately make ourselves, so why not choose to love life? I can see why things can be so dark that it can be hard to think that way, but I hope and wish for everyone to try to stay positive.


    What I don't agree with is your attitude towards suicides. You seem to think everyone can just go through terrible things in life without feeling depressed or overwhelmed with hopelessness. I'm going to guess that you have never felt that way yourself, otherwise I don't believe that you would say the things you do. Yes, suicide is selfish, but don't try to tell me people who commit suicide are bad persons. They are people to whom life seems so hopeless and terrible that they would rather choose death. You shouldn't disrespect them, you should pity them. Like I have said before, people don't kill themselves over nothing.


    NB: I know there are attention seekers, but that's another case.

  9. Wait, how can you attempt suicide to get attention? You make it look like you're trying to kill yourself, but in reality you're not? What if things go wrong? :confused:


    Other than that, I applaud LukeLee's post. He managed to say what I've been thinking.

  10. sorry danny, it was perhaps too much of an obvious one and at the same time too obscure...if thats possible.


    *wakes up*




    Nah, it's all right. As you have probably already noticed, we go down that road A LOT on this forum. :heh:

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