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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. hey, i hear you, but its not just your life thats changed, you have too. its part of the struggle of life. every one has a rough patch in there life, a time when they hate everything, but i think its what makes people stronger, and makes us appreciate the good times more.


    if love was easy would it be as sweet? if we just ended up were we wanted to be, would it be as satisfying as getting there by our own steam?


    im sorry that your life is still being rebuilt, but on the plus side, you can change aspects that werent so good, and will be a little wiser from it.


    hell, my life is a fucking mess, some times things seem bleak, i cant be bothered to look for work or go to the gym but then i think what i have to gain, and all the things i still want to do. then i send off that cv, or lift that extra set of weights. im no longer dreading tommorow, im bettering it.


    if all else fails, just think what would rocky do. that seriously gets me through rough times.


    I love your attitude towards life.

  2. It can last untill christmas cant it?


    Technically, yes, but there are two downsides:


    1) I'd be the only one in the mood. I'd just impatiently wait for the rest of the world to go into Christmas mode.


    2) There's a great chance the feeling would wear off when Christmas actually arrives, perhaps even making the real Christmas stale for me because my anticipation is used up.


    The probability is very low, though.

  3. I haven't started thinking about anything like that yet, though in the middle of September I got a sudden rush of Christmas spirit. It has died down again, luckily. I don't want to be in the mood for Christmas now, I wanna save it for when it's actually here.

  4. Now, seriously, to get this over with: excluding cases in which your life is pretty much restricted no matter what you do (serious illness or disabillity), or when you just feel nothing towards being alive and would rather be dead because you don't really care about "being alive" in general (it's rare, but it happens), suicide mostly happens because people refuse to deal with their own problems and are pretty much running away from their own responsability. Suicide, in most cases, is cowardice, no other name for it. Of course, there are many cases in which I condone and understand it, but for the most part, it's just unwillingness to be responsible for your own mess. Slackers!


    Though likely true in some cases, that seems awfully harsh.

  5. You're a rational kind of guy it seems, the problem is when you get feeling like this. It doesn't matter how rational you are, the feeling just isn't a rational one, it runs on twisted reasoning and raw feelings, and no matter how much you try to reason with a person it just doesn't get through, as you can't argue with something that's so irrational. I also understand the idea of just doing something terrible like jumping in front of a train for the sheer fact and curiosity that you shouldn't, but the idea might become more appealing to you if you ever feel suicidal I imagine. It's something you just can't understand until you feel it, I think. When you stop feeling it, you forget it too and can't understand it again.


    Amen to this post.

  6. I'm appalled by a homosexual kiss before the watershed.


    I'm appalled by an interracial kiss before the watershed.


    I'm appalled by how these foreginers are taking over OUR jobs!


    I'm appalled...




    What's the difference? They're all counter-progressive, or whatever the term is.


    I'm appalled by the effing narrowmindedness of some people. Seriously, you'd think they would've accepted homosexuality etc. by now. But unfortunately there are still exceptionally many who don't.

  7. If I was going to commit suicide I'd do it in a spectacular way. Like over the top of High Angel Falls. But before That I'd do all of the things I wanted to do. Like sky diving, bungee jumping, kicking the shit out of chavs who play shitty music on their shitty phone on the shitty bus etc. Chances are I'd probably not want to commit suicide after that.


    But, depending on the chavs, you might be dead either way.

  8. You're right, to a certain extent. But to say they will never misbehave and will always obey the rules then you're living in a dream world.


    For starters children learn what is wrong by doing what is wrong. They learn that it is wrong by the punishment and consequences. So they will misbehave at some point no matter how well their upbringing.


    Also you aren't in control of you children 24/7 they go to school. Maybe you lived in a nice area but I lived in quite a rough area, where primary school children smoked, and stole and vandalised. You can't hide your children from this. So you need to teach them that it is wrong. But peer pressure is a powerful thing. And one day that child is going to do something that oversteps the line, and if all they get is the punishment that they receive when they do things that are a lot less worse, then they will think, "If I get the same punishment for both of these things then I may as well do the worse one." Or something along those lines. A smack tells them that there is a punishment worse than the naughty step. And it tells them that what they have done is very wrong.


    You're assuming things.


    Like I've said a few times, of course children will misbehave sometimes, as they do it to test boundaries and limits. This is where discipline and consequence come into the picture. But if the right amount of punishment is issued at the right time for the right causes, I don't believe one would ever get to the point where smacking is necessary.


    Influence from the outer world, now that's an interesting aspect that complicates the matter even more. Of course children will be influences from the outer world, but the upbringing will have to be adjusted accordingly.


    You seem to think it's inevitable that children will misbehave to the point where smacking is necessary. I won't deny that it can come to that point, but this is where it gets difficult for me. Because even though I see the sense in what you are saying, it's just wrong in my head.

  9. Though my life is really good and thoughts about suicide are completely strange to me, I can perfectly understand how they feel. I don't like people who criticise suicides. Yes, it's selfish, but people don't kill themselves over trivial things. Sure, a seemingly trivial thing may be the final straw, but there's obviously a load of psychological issues behind.

  10. Danny, it almost seems like you're admitting you were wrong but not completely. :s


    I admit to the fact you guys have made me think about my opinion with your good arguments. I must say, though, that I find it complicated and confusing. That being said, I still find laying hand on you children - even if it's only a smack - very wrong. It's just so wrong in my head. Blame my upbringing for that. I had a difficult childhood because I suffered from Autism, something I have since almost completely overcome, but it resulted in me having a very deep relationship with my parents. I was extremely dependent on them, so I really felt bad about doing something I knew I wasn't supposed to do. Not to say I didn't do things I wasn't supposed to do, but my parents' disappointment was often just too much for me.

  11. And these two are just not funny, too vulgar, they should lose.


    ... but they're true. (Sorry. :) )


    I can't come up with anything right now that can beat those already posted.


    Have I mentioned lately that I love this thread? :)

  12. To the comment about my argumentation being intellectual, I can only agree. :) My thinking will always be very intellectual, though I also like to think of myself as socially thinking.


    I have had time since yesterday to think about it, and while I on the whole still don't agree with you, I can see your points. I was told a story by some of friends that for a period of time some years ago, their daughter had been completely hysterical to the point where they couldn't even get through to her. A slap in the face brought her out of it, just like a slap in the face is used to get people out of a state of shock. It turned out she may have had some psychological problems somewhere in her unconscious that she was later treated for through hypnosis, after which she calmed completely down.


    Reading people's well-argued opinions, I have reached the conclusion that it's a very grey area with many nuances. It seems almost impossible to set up anything but guidelines regarding upbrining, as children are vastly different. Even though they get most of their personality through upbringing (especially in the youngest years where the right upbringing is thus of utmost importance), they still have very different reaction patterns from birth.


    My conclusion is that a slap might be the only solution in extreme cases where nothing else can be used to get through. But many of you still seem to think that children behave badly and will cross any rule regardless of prior upbringing. My theory (i.e. the theory of a 17 year old male) is that if brought up properly from the beginning, they won't do anything so bad that they need smacking.


    I like Iun's 3-step-method very much, especially because I like the idea of showing children that actions have consequences. It fits very nicely with my intellectual way of thinking. :heh: I still find smacking to the wrong way to go, though.


    If anyone is wondering, laying hand on your child has been illegal in Denmark since 1997.




    Sorry if the above seems a little rambling. I had a lot that I wanted to say, so it may be a little unorganised.

  13. I think a friend of mine is gonna have one, but my other friend said it has to be in Novemberm since he's in Florida over Hallowe'en, lol.


    But the joke is that you get an invitation, and what you have to come as on it. Feels arguably funnier than normal.


    That's actually a brilliant idea!

  14. I think you live in some sort of dream world or you have never encountered the sorts of people who commit crimes. Many people aren't brought up with any sense or right or wrong. And you think a lecture will change that? They aren't even scared of prison. They know that they are unlikely to be caught and if they are then they will be out in 6 months time.


    Note that I said that they need to be taught it from childhood. If they don't learn it then, it's very hard to change their behaviour. Which is why we need things like prison.

  15. I'm not sure if you're getting my point either, because you keep using the word sarcastic as if it's the entire basis for our banging debate.


    That aside, you're not a fan of pimpsmacking, you're not a fan of locking up. What do you think is your best method of teaching them? You keep mentioning about "teaching them" what is right and wrong, but you don't say how, do you give them a little lecture or something and hope they understand?


    Actually, yes. I know it sounds stupid and that it won't work on some and etc. But my philosophy is this: From infancy, we tell kids what they should and shouldn't do. Don't try to explain to them why, as they're too young to understand. Later on, you begin to explain to them the reasons for some things being right and wrong. My philosophy is to try to make children responsible human beings. I know, it sounds awfully paedagogical, but that's my opinion.

  16. I think as a last resort, if your child is behaving in such a way that it's out of control then yes I don't see anything wrong in doing it. I was smacked as a child, but only on rare occasions when I was being a complete dick. The only thing is, I'm sure it has adverse effects on the relationship between the child and the parent doing the smacking later on in development.


    And that's exactly the point. It's not good for the relationship between the parents and the child. The child should learn to respect its parents, not fear them.


    And if it's a last resort, like I said, it's the ultimate act of surrender.

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