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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. It concerns us because our banks were just as greedy to turn a quick buck and so they got in on the whole thing, taking other institutions' debts on board to turn some easy money(or so I was told by a few people, correct me if I'm wrong as I never had the patience to follow it all in great detail, and I know how mistaken information easily comes about). The reason why the banks need to be bailed out though? Because all our economies are built upon them, it isn't the banks that are the only losers if/when they go bust, it's US, the people who have their money tied up with that bank! Luckily the government have instated that £35k guarantee, but I think that's pre-emptive, should every single bank go bust would they REALLY be able to acquire that money?

    The point isn't that though, the guarantee needs to be there so that people don't panic and take all their money away from the banks, as that would in turn lead banks to bust, from what I understand, and it's what happened with Northern Rock. Had people not panicked and started withdrawing like crazy, it probably never woulda gone down the shitter. The problem with banks is that they create money out of nowhere, it's all built on IOUs and promises, but they don't actually have all the money to give out should every single customer ask for their money all at the same time, but they can't just say no, so they go bust. The world's economies are built upon banks, the majority of the money in the world doesn't even exist!


    Man, I'll never get economics. I find the concepts of money and value to be complicated.




    Pure gold. :bowdown:

  2. Its also £9.99 on play.com, just incase you dont have a Currys near by.




    In regards to the age of gamers, my 2 year old nephew loves to watch me play games. He waddles upstairs and jumps on my bed, I always give him my spare wavebird and he sits and thinks hes playing, adorable!


    Last Christmas I also taught him how to say Mario, Pikachu, Toad and Sonic. If I put a picture of any of them on google he instantly recognises them. I bought him a Mario and Toad plushie for his birthday earlier in the year, he loves them to bits. Now when ever he wants me to play a game he shouts MARIO! Basically he associates gaming with Mario, my work here is done :)


    Awesome, awesome story! :bowdown:


    I also wholeheartedly agree with dazzybee's view on Wii gaming for young children. :)

  3. Is was the Republican party, not the democrats that voted against it in large numbers. I think the majority of the house on both sides wanted it passed, but they didn't want it to pass with them voting for it because a lot of them are up for re-election soon.


    Ah well. US Economy: Beter Dead Than Red :indeed:


    :nono: Stupid, stupid Republicans ...


    The US of A is one of the biggest, richest, and most powerful countries in world, yet they still manage to fuck so many things up so badly. It's like the old school character roles: The sporty, handsome guy = stupid; the intelligent guy = physically weak and not very attractive. (America being the stupid guy, obviously ...)


    ... Sigh.

  4. Thanks for your replies. I spoke to the guy over the phone once I had been home and totaled everything up. I quoted him the price and he was surprised how high it was. I know he doesn't have a massive knowledge that area. So I explained how I was never able to afford that, and he said don't worry about it, they would cover the costs (at least in software atm). And he said he would have no idea what to buy.


    So anyway he said we would talk about it on monday. And I think im going to push for him to buy everything hardware and software. There are around 6/7 of them in the office all with computers and im sure none of them bought their own.


    He sounds like a reasonable guy. He just doesn't know much about the subject.

  5. No. It was a silly, yet funny, pun. Quite enjoyable, indeed.


    And some of us aren't against the milk per se, it's just that such a situation is impractical and brings a lot of ramifications (both ethical and practical)


    Oh, I find the idea ridiculously impractical and ehtically wrong, too, I was merely referring to the fact that many people find the idea of human breast milk digusting. I don't get it. Unless it tastes bad, of course. I don't know. But I wouldn't dismiss it before I've tried it. Which I most likely never will due to obvious reasons.

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