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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I often have trouble falling asleep. But it's because I try to sleep. You can't fall asleep if you're focusing on it. When trying not to fall asleep, I can pass out almost instantaneously.


    It's annoying when I get home from school, because if I relax too much, I fall asleep and BOOM ... there goes my afternoon. When I go to bed, on the other hand, I can't fall asleep if my life depends on it. I've found out that watching TV helps, though. But it must neither be too interesting nor too uninteresting.

  2. Flinky and Eenuh have been kinda....flirting? Recently. And people were all like joking how they're like the NE couple (or....the next NE couple) and such.




    And then they skip off to Paris, and cause one of the biggest storylines and twists in the history of NE season 8 (or whatever season this is considered to be)


    So it's about time for a cliffhanger now, right?


    'Grats to your both. :)

  3. When McCain named Palin I thought to myself, "nah no-one is going to buy that. Like there are people who are going to switch from Hilary to McCain just because Palin is a woman, HA!!"


    Unfortunately, yet again the internet provides.


    These people are actually going to vote for someone who is diametrically opposed to their own views just because a) Hilary lost and they're bitter or b) Palin resembles a female.


    Sometimes killing seems so easy.




    Incontrovertible proof that American politics for many people have nothing to do with politics. It's a battle of the candidates as persons, not of what they stand for.

  4. McCain used to be a maverick, going against his party on things like the Iraq war, Roe vs Wade etc. But that's what lost him the nomination last time. He's abandoned all his principles to get the nomination and he's still trying to ride on the coat-tails of that 'maverick' image, even while toeing the party line.


    But he spoke fondly about the Iraq war during the run for the Republican candidature.

  5. PROVE IT!!!!



    Anyway, let's not have anymore meaningless arguements about art, life, etc... We should try to at least stick to the topic of this thread.


    What sword do you plan on getting next Chris_the_great?


    Agreed, we are getting carried away. Even I who normally defend on-topic-ness.


    I'd actually like to see your other swords, Chris. I'm very fascinated by Japanese swords in particular.

  6. Life is meaningless, this is a universal truth.

    That doesn't mean we can't make meaningful for ourselves, though.


    (Please tell me you're not religious :( )


    BINGO! There! I nailed you! You have just admitted that meaningfulness is something we create for ourselves! Which contradicts what you've been arguing so ferociously through this whole thread.


    But what do my religious beliefs have to do with this?

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