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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. On the topic about paedophilic actions, what about watching cartoon porn of children? Should that be considered wrong? It doesn't hurt any children, but it may encourage people to go out and do the real thing. Or it may prevent people from doing exactly that. What about porn in general? Does it prevent or encourage rape?

  2. People are still mixing the words Paedophile and child molester.


    Just because someone is attracted to kids doesn't mean they're going to go molest one.


    Saying they 100% will, is like saying, because I'm attracted to blondes or whatever means I'm going to go rape a blonde?



    There is such thing as self control, and just because 10,000 people in the UK are attracted to kids, are you guys seriously saying every single one of them is going to try and have sex with one?


    This good man has cleared up the confusion.

  3. We get told about what we did when we were little, we then imagine or think about it. Eventually you 'remember' it as if ou were there. So its actually not you remembering the event, but your mind recreating the even so you think you remember it.

    Dunno if that made more sense lol.


    Ah, yes, now I get it. :)


    I don't believe this to be one of those cases. I remember thinking: "I don't want to play with that, stop trying to make me." It's not something I've been told. I'm still quite sure it could just be a dream, though.

  4. I think mens hair always looks better without colour or and crappy product. I like touching hair, don't want grubby gel or wax on my hands. :p


    I only put some gel in my hair so it doesn't just hang flat. It looks terrible. My avatar shows what I do to my hair.

  5. Having paedophilia = being attracted to children. Not wrong.


    Committing acts of paedophilia = having sex with a child or watching child porn. Definitely wrong.


    What do we classify as a mental instability? Both peadophilia and homophilia are sexual preferences, not instabilities. Instability is when the paedophile can't control his or her urges, which leads to committing acts of paedophilia.

  6. Uh...did you read the first part? I was referring to it as a symptom of Paedophilia supposedly being a syndrome/diease or something.


    I wasn't saying it in general...I'm not that stupid.


    And you're absolutely sure about that ...? ;)


    Just kidding. Well, we didn't say it was aimed at you, merely at the statement itself.

  7. Hmm, see I disagree here. I think that in most cases this is probably true, but I don't think it's true in 100% of cases. It sounds like you're saying anyone who researches or is interested in the Titanic disaster will go out and engineer a boat to sink because they were fascinated with it.


    ..extreme/crap example. thunderer stole the violent crime/video game analogy I was going to use :heh:


    Agreed ... again. I don't believe having those attraction means you're inevitably going to go out and rape a child.


    EDIT: Yeah, thunderer said it way better.

  8. I really dislike the fact you're technically comparing someone that finds the same sex attractive to a peadophile. It's simple, there's nothing wrong with a man finding another man attractive and wanting to do something about it even though like you say this was once illegal. But we know there is obviously something incredibly wrong about someone finding a child sexually attractive, there's no question about that.


    Would I throw a brick through their window if I knew where one lived? No. I think thats pointless behaviour.


    But that's the thing: He's asking the question. I do in now way condone paedophilia, nor do I think it should be allowed. Children are in no way ready for that kind of thing, neither mentally nor physically, and so they shouldn't be involved in it. But I agree with Dyson, I believe it's all in the head. Per instinct, sexual attraction is aimed at reproducing, which means a 20 year old is per instinct more attractive than say a 50 year old. But we humans often find people/traits that are NOT optimal at reproducing, for example children, who cannot even reproduce yet. It is in no way more criminal to have that kind of philia than having, say, homophilia. The problems start when peadophiles cannot control their lusts and start acting them out in real life.

  9. Yeah, i know he did. I'm just being a terrible geek and hypothesising =/


    Ah, my bad. I didn't realise. :p


    Technically, the Elder Wand was the only thing that was protecting Harry. But he was also a lot more confident. This is likely partially due to the fact he knew about the Elder Wand, but I like to believe that the fact that he accepted death and sacrificed himself prepared him mentally for the fight. Even with the Elder Wand out of the equation, I believe he stood a fair chance against Voldemort.

  10. I have a memory from daycare, but it's so blurry I'm not even sure if it really happened or if it is something I dreamt once. I was annyoed at this daycare person who tried to make me play with some toy I didn't want to.


    If it's real, then it's probably my earliest memory. It's a little hard to place it chronologically when you're not even sure it happened, though.

  11. I've wanted to be a Jedi for as long as I can remember. I still do.


    For a short period of time, I also wanted to be a fighter pilot (blame Star Fox). Preferrably a Jedi fighter pilot (blame Rogue Squadron).


    On a more serious note, I've never really known until now what I wanted to be. I can't remember having any particular job dreams when I was younger. I guess I took one day at a time then. Now, I'm pretty sure I've found my future way in life: Classical philologist. I wouldn't have dreamt of it a year ago, but the compulsory Latin in the beginning of the first year at the gymnasium completely blew my mind. Now I'm hooked.

  12. EDIT : Don't play games before you go to sleep your brain will be too active. I used to come off Halo 3 and try to go to sleep, it wouldn't happen because my head would be buzzing.


    When trying to really make myself tired, I play some game until I feel I can't focus on the game (or anything) anymore. The problem is that my mind is then spinning and buzzing so much that I think up things that seems to make sense, but when they're carefully analysed they're completely and utterly ridiculous. At that point I'm luckily so tired that I'll quickly fall asleep.

  13. I know how you feel. I've had trouble falling asleep due to my mind wandering off. I'm not having too much trouble anymore, though it's easiest for me to fall asleep when I'm watching something on TV that's not so interesting that it keeps me up, but still interesting enough to keep my mind from wandering off. Either that or I just have to be really tired.


    The funny (or not so funny thing) is that when I get home from school and rest on the couch, I have to fight to keep myself awake. And I hate sleeping in the middle of the day. It seriously messes up my internal clock.

  14. I know that, but i also remeber Dumbledore saying how he wasn't sure why Harry's wand acted against Voldemort during their escape from Privet Drive. He said some of Voldemorts power was blasted into the Phoenix Wand, which is why it reacted and fired back at Voldermot without Harry's help.


    I was just thinking that if the Hallows didn't make Harry immortal, and if Voldemort didn't use the Elder Wand, the only protection Harry had in theory is the blood tie, but Dumbledore said himself that that might not have been enough by suggesting that Harry's sacrifice was what made the difference. In that final battle, he isn't sacrificing, he his fighting, so that protection isn't there.


    I guess i just like to think that Harry wasn't a sure win in that final confrontation, because it ruins it if that's the case.


    Volemort DID use the Elder Wand, so he couldn't have won. I don't remember the deal with the Phoenix Wand exactly, though.

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