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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. lol, i don't see problem in maintaining a love in the chest, as long as it isn't told.


    I just told that because by the way you talk, you make me think that you are easily recognized seeing her and having the Heart at 10000000 KM per hour, know what i mean?


    As Aimless said, the problem in maintaining a love in the chest is that it can freakin' hurt.


    And though I understand what you say (it's not that obvious, I think), I still don't get how that explains what you mean in your previous posts about not talking to her and "wasting a friendship".


    Again, I appreciate the advice, but really, I was just letting out some steam. I'll find out myself what to do about the situation. You could give me all the advice in the world, but when it comes to love, you just gotta do what you feel is right. :)

  2. No, i didn't think of that, but i think she'l talk with you, and you better not talk with her first, you know, you said you were both friends, when you were both friends, girls usually don't tend to waste a friendship (well, at least in my school, mind you :X), it happened with me exactly the same.. Except the BoyFriend thingy...


    Well then, why didn't you tell us first that? X_X


    That's like... the most crucial part of your whole story.


    I don't get what you mean by "wasting a friendship" and why I can't talk to her first ...?


    And I didn't plan on you guys giving me advice on how to gte her back or anything. I was merely relieving my heart. :)


    I don't wanna sound harsh Danny but you're best off forgetting about it. I've wasted my fair share of time being in love with the unobtainable and it just hurts in the end. Find someone new- you'll be better off.


    Don't you think I know? That's why it's so frustrating. I've really tried to get over her, and I thought I had, but you can't control your feelings. I can't help but feel what I do.


    Again, I appreciate you guys' advice, but as I said I merely wanted to get it off my chest. :)

  3. Advise, don't take the initiative, she's the one who moved to your school, i presume she's in a different class? Either way, she'l talk with you sooner or later, make a casual look when seeing her AND DON'T TELL HER!!! Also, try not to get embarassed, but that's an impossible one (at least for me); so that advice doesn't work as much as i give him.


    (Yes, im giving you advices, simply because that happened with me too, curious shit, hun?)


    You make it sound like she moved to this school because of me, which she didn't. I should have mentioned that she does have a boyfriend at the moment.


    But thanks for the advice, anyway. :)

  4. Sounds promising, tk. :)




    On a completely different note, but then again in the same category, I had a crush on a classmate for three years. I told her about my feelings, but she didn't feel the same way. We're still good friends.


    Now, after the three years, we went to different shcools for one year (the past year), and this year she's going to the same school as me. Today was the first day of this school year, and despite believing myself to have moved on, the moment I saw her ... BAM! Instant heartbeat and a lump in my throat. I'm not over her. I'm most certainly not over her.


    I apologise for my whining. I just had to get it out. Move right along.

  5. I'm straight. Sadly enough for the guys in here :)


    did I give off another impression?


    Not really, but it's hard to tell that kind of thing online and I hate assuming something wrong. :)


    There's like some kind of paradox going on there. One Dan asking the other for their sexual preference.


    If he's straight, does that mean you're homosexual? Balance in the universe and all that?


    Wait, so since I'm straight, I've messed up the balance of the universe and destroyed the spacetime continuum - AGAIN?! D'oh! >.<'

  6. I don't know. They look like Harvestmen, but they aren't. A Harvestman has a single, "pear-shaped" body, whilst a Shaking Spider (or any spider) has a segmented body.


    The most regular spiders in Denmark are the cross spiders (the small ones that always sit in window corners) and house spiders (the bigger, black ones). House spiders creep me out, but cross spiders don't. I guess it's all about the size.

  7. I don't normally mind wasps. I've been stung loads of times and hardly noticed it. Plus, they are very good at flying and tend to find the window easily. (Sorry about your girlfriend though - that's obviously a horrible thing to happen.)


    Queen wasps are very scary though. A couple of months ago I was doing my weight training in the conservatory, when a gigantic wasp flew in. It was so big, I honestly thought it was a hornet. It had stripes, but much longer legs than usual, even in proportion to its massive body. I can only assume it was a queen wasp.


    Obviously, hornets are very scary too. Other than those and the "dirty" types of fly, I like insects.


    A tip for those who hate spiders: try and befriend any Shaking Spiders you see! These are the ones with very, very thin legs that make webs in the corner of the ceiling. You can tell it's a shaking spider because when threatened, it shakes in a circular motion. Apparently, these are very tough for their size and can eat the scary types of spider!


    Aren't those called cross spiders?


    Oh. Fuck.


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